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Winex ubuntu
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WineX is a commercial 'version' of Wine , wich means you have to pay a subscription service to have access to it. Its name is now Cedega, and you could have more info on how to do that in their site. Toxicity. December 18th, 2005, 05:42 AM. I would recommend installing wine (I think I may be missing. Open Source Software for running Windows applications on other operating systems. Distribution: Ubuntu, FreeBSD, Solaris, DSL. Posts: 5,339. Rep: Reputation: 64. I think WineX is very worthy the investment. It's not expensive and it helps a lot running games ratter then wine and we see improvements at every release. They are not doing anything against Linux or GPL. As long as the. Download TransGaming WineX for free. TransGaming is developing improvements to the Wine project to achieve full Linux compatibility for games developed using the MicrosoftŽ DirectXŽ APIs. Now find Wine In Synaptic(if it's installed look In Status, Installed or Not installed) and click on it. Select the Versions tab. Select the Winehq version and force install it. My personal experience is the Winehq version works far better then the Ubuntu version. I use SimplyMepis 6.01 which has the Ubuntu core. 25. Nov. 2006. Das Hauptproblem bei wine, cedega und VMWare sehe ich nicht in den Kosten, sondern darin, dass es den schleichenden "Rückfall" zu Windows einleitet. Wenn ich hier immer wieder feststelle, dass viele alle möglichen Windows-Programme mit den genannten Emulatoren, VMs u. dgl. betreiben, stellt. 8. Re: Cedega/WineX: Jogos emulados com sucesso. Diego Rodrigo Machado bestlinux (usa Ubuntu). Enviado em 07/10/2005 - 17:05h. Minha experiencia: Jogos com sucesso: - Warcraft III - Age of Empires II - Age of Mythology - GTA Vice City - Need for Speed: Underground Jogos sem sucesso: O legal disso tudo é que existe uma vertente do Wine chamado WineX, que é bem mais poderoso que o original e consegue rodar até mesmo os. vo testa aki to com o UBUNTU 6.10 Desktop vo testa alguns games como Need for speed Cabron, GTA San Andres, Age 3. quero ver se vai funga aki se. Cedega ( is a commercial version of Wine— commercial to a fault, some would say. Cedega, formerly known as WineX, is basically a fork of Wine that has gone proprietary. This has generated some resistance among free software fans, and you won't find Cedega in the Ubuntu repositories. Sitter her og sliter litt med å installere Steam via Wine. Jeg får opp melding om at jeg må ha ActiveX kontroller installert i mozilla. Noen som da er litt rart siden jeg kjører linux. Noen som har gått igjennom dette før? Og i det hele tatt fått det til? Resultatet jeg vil frem til er å kunne spille gode gamle CS og. Cedega ( is a commercial version of Wine—commercial to a fault, some would say. Cedega, formerly known as WineX, is basically a fork of Wine that has gone proprietary. This has generated some resistance among free software fans, and you won't find Cedega in the Ubuntu. 5 min - Uploaded by AvoidErrorsFix ownCloud: You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your. winex? 10/02/2007, 21:16. salve ho provato da istallare wine (non so se a buon fine) ora ho letto che per poter giocare con un gioco prticolare( migh and magic 6 )debbo istallare winex . cosa e? come si usa ? e gratuito? scusate se rompo jorak :-[. Instalei o cedega aki e quando tento rodar qualquer coisa, da sempre o mesmo erro alguem sabe como arrumo isso? Can't seem to be able to execute the WineX start up script /home/bruno/.cedega/.winex_ver/winex-6.0.2/bin/winex3 - perhaps your installation of WineX version 6.0.2 is corrupted? Formerly known as WineX, Cedega represented a fork from the last MIT-licensed version of Wine in 2002. Much like CrossOver Games, TransGaming's Cedega was targeted towards running Windows video games. On 7 January 2011, TransGaming Technologies announced continued development of Cedega Technology. WineX CVS Tree The live CVS Tree for TransGaming's WineX (minus copy protection related code and texture compression, for now) is available through TransGaming's community website You can play with it to your heart's content, you can watch the changes we make as we go, and. make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/.WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/winex/ole' make[3]: Entering directory `/root/.WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/winex/relay32' make[3]: `relay32.o' está actualizado. make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/.WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/winex/relay32' make[3]: Entering directory `/root/. TransGaming's plans are to extend WineX as subscription based service. WineX is already available for download - without Max Pyne support. The source code comes for free. Monthly subsription fee is $5 and if you want to vote which game is worked on next to support TransGaming's software you will need to pay $10. alain@MonPortable:~/winex$ ./tools/wineinstall WINE Installer v0.71 Warning !! wine binary (still) found, which may indicate a (conflicting) previous installation. You might want to abort and uninstall Wine first. I see that WINE has already been configured, so I'll skip that. Hmm, looks like WINE is already. 1 What is Ubuntu? 2 Enabling Nvidia 3D driver; 3 Optimizing Nvidia 3D driver; 4 Enabling ATI 3D driver; 5 Enabling an Optimized Kernel; 6 How to install.. -s /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/; When using AMD64 and Point2Play the version of cedega's winex script will need to be updated. make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/scream/.WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/winex/tools' make: *** [tools] Error 2. Error in Make Try fixing the error based on the output above, and run the script again, without paramaters (Eg: scream@ubuntu:~$ ve kdo kako naj napalko rišim kler mam angleščino. Uno dei maggiori handicap per Linux è forse la mancanza di alcune delle applicazioni disponibili per sistemi operativi come Windows. Questo è un'ostacolo soprattutto per chi si avvicina per le prime volte a questo OS, poiché è abituato a usare strumenti diversi, dei quali spesso non vi è un'equivalente di. 1. říjen 2007. Mam taky lamersky problem: ako spustit wineX CVS? >> tu som si stiahol script, spustil ho a asi po troch hodinach som sa dostal k problemu s ktorym som uz nepohol: Kód: [Vybrat]. winexcvs - Progress(u) : Green is current 0 = Uninstall 1 = Cleanup 2 = CVS. Boot Up to Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, openSUSE, and 13 Other Distributions Christopher Negus. the latest version of Cedega • Access to Cedega support forums • Ability to vote on which games you want TransGaming to support next • Subscription to the Cedega newsletter Cedega used to be known as WineX. Boot Up to Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE, Ubuntu, and 7 Other Distributions Christopher Negus. of the latest version of Cedega ✦ Access to Cedega support forums ✦ Ability to vote on which games you want TransGaming to support next ✦ Subscription to the Cedega newsletter Cedega used to be known as WineX. well i've been having fun messing around with winex, and after a while of lurking around in #winex in, found something really spiffy... ok själv e jag inte så jätte insatt i ubuntu. kör dock själv kubuntu (ubuntu med kde) och jo det finns program för att göra vissa utvalda .exe filer samt spel i wine/wineX, cedega/point 2 play dessa kan du googla fram. och ati drivruiner kan du antagligen få tag på deras hemsida? hur du instalerar dessa brukar. Boot up Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, openSUSE, and more Christopher Negus. include: Downloads of the latest version of Cedega Access to Cedega support forums Ability to vote on which games you want TransGaming to support next Subscription to the Cedega newsletter Cedega used to be known as WineX. WineXのインストールに必要なパッケージのインストール WineXのインストールに必要なパッケージをインストールします。 sudo apt-get install cvs build-essential autoconf bison flex-old libasound2-dev xorg-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev libfreetype6-dev libxrender-dev libttf2 libttf-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev. Ответ на: комментарий от Palamar 15.04.2017 12:22:14. Либо dpkg -i скачанные пакеты. Ygor ( 15.04.2017 12:25:12 ). Ответить на это сообщение · Ссылка. Ответ на:.
It's possible to run Radmin 2.x Viewer (but not Server) under Transgaming's WineX (Windows emulator for Linux) 1. download this RPM: (for mandrake user: remember to do a printerdrake from the terminal before install , go to. 24. lokakuu 2005. WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/winex/unicode' make[1]: Entering directory `/home/kake/.WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/winex/tools' make[2]: Entering directory `/home/kake/.WineCVS/sources/cvscedega/winex/tools/w inebuild' make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/kake/. ... commerciale di Wine (troppo commerciale, direbbe qualcuno). Noto in precedenza come WineX, Cedega è fondamentalmente una fork di Wine che è diventato proprietario. Questo ha provocato le resistenze dei sostenitori del software gratuito e Cedega non si trova nei repository Ubuntu. Ma un vero giocatore lo vuole lo. -Use a specialized Wine-based game emulator like CrossOver, Cedega, or WineX. Note that even after workarounds, you could have many problems like your profile getting corrupted, save files disappearing and I dont think you'd be able to play online multiplayer or even upgrade to the v1.7 patch. Best of luck, it's always a. Boot up to Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, openSUSE, and 13 Other Distributions Christopher Negus. ofthelatest version of Cedega Accessto Cedega support forums Ability to vote on which gamesyou want TransGamingto supportnextSubscriptionto the Cedega newsletter Cedegaused tobe known as WineX. As of 12th Jan 2015, ssh.maths machines are now running ubuntu therefore the xubuntu window manager would work so we need to allow people to connect to ssh.maths without checking what window manager they have chosen. - Added a check to see if other required exe's are in place in relation to WineX.exe. This is to. Hi guys, Im trying to run Cedega on ubuntu, but i get the following error. home/lindows/.cedega/winex_ver/winex-6.0.5/bin/winex3- perhaps your... voila, j'ai decidé de me mettre sous ubuntu, mais malheureusement pour moi, je n'y arriver pas installer Winex, ce qui serait bien utile pour moi, et voila ce que j'ai comme message d'erreur, j'espere que vous aurez la reponse a ce probleme merci d'avance : You are running as root. Do you want a local config file, Kenneth Culver реализовал системные вызовы Linux'а ftruncate64, truncate64 и mmap2 в linuxulator'е на своем компьютере, что позволяет теперь запускать Linux-версию WineX'а на FreeBSD. En fait pour war3 tu peux le lancer directement avec wine, car il y a un support opengl (hors le seul interêt de winex alias cedega c'est le support directx). wine war3.exe -opengl. Ceci dit tu peux avoir des soucis de CD il faudra peut être mettre un nocd car il y a une protection à la noix qui fait que même. Previously known as WINEX, Transgaming has been devoloping Cedega for quite some time now. Cedega incorporates a. Cedega currently support the Ubuntu, Linspire, Mandriva, Suse and Debian variations of Linux however unofficial support for other variations can be found on the forums. At this time. Dobry Vecer. Skompiloval som si bez problemou cedegu s cvs a po zadani prikazu wine mi napise spravu ze nemoze najst, co bude asi tim ze treba pr... sudo apt-get install python-pyside. The installation will run automatically. It was tested by me only on Ubuntu. Other distributions may have some differences. The methods shown above are the simplest. If something is wrong, you can find enough information about the installation for in different cases in the. Специализация Cedega (ранее WineX, понятна даже из названия компании. Официально поддерживаются дистрибутивы Red Hat/Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva, Debian, Ubuntu, Knoppix, Mepis, Lindows, Gentoo и Slackware. Распространяется Cedega по подписке, которая. PlayOnLinux - проект основанный на wine, наподобие winex или cedega. С помощью PlayOnLinux вы сможете играть игры, которые были доступны только под "форточки". Сразу предупреждаю: наилучший эффект этот эмулятор создаст при использовании на видеокартах nvidia и ati, для. 6. červenec 2007. Byla vydána verze 9.0 italské linuxové distribuce CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) s kódovým názvem Quantum. Jedná se o živou linuxovou distribuci zaměřenou na forenzní analýzu digitálních dat. Nejnovější CAINE vychází z Ubuntu 16.04 a přináší řadu nových nebo aktualizovaných. Poza samym WinAPI Wine implementuje takie biblioteki, jak Microsoft Direct3D, tłumacząc ich wywołania na zgodne z otwartym standardem OpenGL. Początkowo Wine był rozpowszechniany na licencji MIT, jednak po tym, jak w 2002 roku powstał zamknięty „fork" o nazwie Cedega (dawniej WineX), kod. 1. heinäkuu 2006. Cedeganhan lähdekoodin saa netistä julkisesti, mutta mistä sen voi ladata ja miten se asennetaan/käännetään? The release of Transgaming's newest version of WineX, renamed Cedega, was met with considerable enthusiasm and interest in the Linux community last week. So much so that their server was inaccessible the day of release. Cedega is claimed to be much improved, offering the ability to play recent games released for. Is it possible if i use some emulators (like winex)? Uriah11Heep. The Alchemist. I checked and apparently SS2 works with v3.1 of WineX also, just fyi. ^_^. antonio5michalis. I read on that System Shock 2 will run in linux (I think ubuntu as well) so i bet thief probably would. Winehq said they.
Registered: Feb 12, 2002. Posts: 3002. Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:50 pm. Does the button work normally in X? If not you have to specify the button # and function in your xf86config. Do you know the order in which the buttons on that mouse are logically enumerated? If the problem is confined to winex I. Well I currently screwed my computer by messing with partitions when trying to install Ubuntu (linux). I had accdentally erased. :D It works now but I was just wondering, I have wine so how do I get steam games to play on Ubuntu? Is it possible? Thanks for.. Build the CVS version of Cedega / WineX. A tutorial is located. hi all . i bought the Mafia Game for Vista Os . but i want to run it in my ubuntu OS . somebody say that i should run it in winex/cedega . but i dont. Is it possible to run Gothic 1 in Ubuntu? I tried using Wine emulator.. but the game didn't started. And searching the games listed in Cedega I saw our beloved Gothic isn't there :( Am I doomed to use again Windows just for playing Gothic? :(( Ubuntu 10. Краткое руководство пользователя читать онлайн. Книга ориентирована на домашнего и офисного начинающего Linux-пользователя и. Затем эмулятором Wine заинтересовалась компания TransGaming Technologies, и вскоре появился эмулятор Winex, позволяющий запускать Windows-игры. Title: Ubuntu User Magazine Vol 01, Author: Enso Mugno, Name: Ubuntu User Magazine Vol 01, Length: 100 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2012-10-03.. TransGaming just grabbed the package, added DirectX capabilities, which are required for gaming, and started to sell the results as Cedega [3] (formerly WineX). Ubuntu. ЭмуляторWine. 19.1. Знакомимся. сWine. Как все мы знаем, в мире практически нет достойных Linux-игр. Ате, что есть, можно пересчитать по. эмулятором Wine заинтересовалась компания TransGaming Technologies и вскоре появился эмулятор Winex, позволяющий запускать Windows-игры. ... command 'prelink -ua' and found some interesting output that I think thom should take a look at root@ubuntu:/home/mojo # prelink -ua /usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/ Could not find one of the dependencies /usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/winex/bin/wine:. Ubuntu... Vale a pena praticarmos um pouco todos os dias. Se cada pessoa fizer um pedacinho de sua parte, o mundo será muito melhor do que é hoje. 23/03/11):Цитата содержит встроенный вайн Наконец-то обновлено: Новый патч от winex - никаких лагов с.... там есть 'Паки отдельными архивами (от winex)' для удобства использования.... Linux guliver 2.6.32-26-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 26 16:47:18 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux 使用方法:wine /[地址]/[EXE文件] 如有空格,请用转义符加空格来代替,如/mnt/Win_F/program file/war3.exe. 琴声如我. 页首. 3 楼 zengsun. 文章标题: 帖子 发表于: 2005-06-22 2:40. 注册: 2005-05-17 6:45 帖子: 334 送出感谢: 0 次 接收感谢: 0 次. 我的wine倒是可以模拟一些程序,只是没有声音,不知道如何设置,. I get Vac Ban on other account for cheating a couple years ago, but i dont using cheats. if i'am remember using Ubuntu and Wine 0.9, wathewer it is possible ?? someone had such situations ??. The software layer affected was cedega, which use to be known as winex, they changed the name in 4.0. Hallo, da mein Windows momentan kaputt ist, benutze ich die Ubuntu Testversion. Jetzt muss ich allerdings eine ziemlich große Datei ( 1.5 GB) runterladen. Ubuntu will sie immer mit auf der CD speichern auf der das System auch ist, aber das geht nicht, da die CD nicht groß genug ist. Wie kann ich es nun schaffen, dass. 28. März 2005. Hi, ich habe mehrere Probleme mit WineX, welches ich mir gestern (27.03.2005) per CVS gezogen habe. Zum einen wäre das, wenn ich wincfg starten möchte, kommt folgende nichtssagende Meldung: [stormy@localhost stormy]$ winecfg wine: cannot find '--' Deswegen habe ich mein wine über. Não sei se da versão 8.04 do Ubuntu em diante já vem instalado os pacotes para poder usar o Joystick mas se não tiver a instalação é fácil. $ sudo apt-get install joystick. Sei que funciona em distribuições derivadas do Debian. Se sua distribuição necessitar das dependências não esqueça de instalá-las. Opções de. GitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 80 million projects. Il make mi da qualche errore: x.ppl.c ./ppl.l:82:1: warning: "/*" within comment ./ppl.l:91:2: #endif without #if ./ppl.l: In function `pplex': ./ppl.l:305: error: `seen_junk' undeclared (first use in this function) ./ppl.l:305: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once ./ppl.l:305: error: for each function it. So now, what were they advising in that thread? I reviewed their replies and updated the thread, but by now, as I tinkered with WinEx a little more, I realized that my situation had changed to a new problem or a more mucked-up version of the previous one. I decided to reboot Ubuntu. Ubuntu did not reboot. Ma tõmbasin Ubuntu Live CD ja "installis" kõik ilusti ära, aga kohas kus ütleb creating user (täpselt ei mäleta) tuleb kiri, et ma ei tippinud sobivat kasutajanime, aga ta ei küsinudki kasutajanime. Saan sellest kohast mööda kuidagi. Pärast ütleb kuskil midagi fail kasutajanime kohta ja kui sisse peab logima ei. Running Microsoft DOS and Microsoft Windows applications on Linux including Microsoft Office. Linux Information Portal includes informative tutorials and links to many Linux sites. If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at hatta, yes there, is.. winex is still more capable? winex is cedega before they changed the name 17. Juni 2008. Hinweis vorab: Der hier beschriebene Workaround wurde nur kurz unter Ubuntu 8.10 32bit und Cedega/WineX 3.3 bis 7.0.1 getestet. Als erst wird das Spiel installiert. Dazu empfiehlt es sich unter einem .deb-basierenden System die Dateien. simsdata.rpm. sowie die Updates (mit vorangestellten. Mi sistema es el ubuntu 5.10 con kernel 2.6.12-10-k7. Estoy intentando instalar cedega winex… Pero cuando arranco:sh, no se como marcar la elección que quiero. Esto es lo que sale después de las diferentes versiones. Profile menu. Here you can download new profiles, upgrade existing ... لبرنامج winex طبعا غير برنامج wine لان المشكلة دى لاتها عند ناس كتير عاوزين يشغلو العاب الويندوز على اللينوكس ومش ممكن يكون برنامج winex مجانا وهل مفيش حد من المبرمجين يعرف يعملنا برنامج زى ده او يضيف مكتبات .dll لبرنامج wine بحيث تشغل الالعاب والبرامج ومتى سيكون فى بديل ارجو الرد Ubuntu 7.10. The initial port was as slow as expected, but then something funny happened; with tweaking, not only did Left 4 Dead 2 perform better on Ubuntu, but. You have Wine, Cedega (formerly Transgaming, now Gametree, and WineX before that) and a couple other solutions, but none of them really get it right. 12. Games. 12.1 Как временно выйти из игры, запущенной в WineX? 12.2 Хочу играть Quake под Linux, как? 12.3 А есть ли CS под Linux? 12.4 Почему Counter Strike под WineX 3.1 не запускается? Висит надпись "Loading..." и все. 12.5 Виснет WarCraft3 под Wine, как запустить? Wine是一款免费开源、易于使用的程序。它可以让Linux用户在Linux系统上运行许多windows系统程序。这篇教程介绍如何在ubuntu下安装wine稳定版本(stable release)。然后看看如何配置wine,安装或删除windows程序。 安装wineX(X为版本号). 按CTRL+ALT+T快捷键打开终端,然后依次输入下面的命令:. [Archive] GK in ubuntu Linux - guides for Linux noobi (Auto) Gordian Knot.. Trying to find out if this is possible, and how to install the packages in ubuntu Linux. I'm suprised I'm not finding more threads. Once i managed to make it work on linux with wine (or maybe winex). The problems is it's so unstable. Эти ваши "Неофициальные порты" - это виндовые игры, завернутые в WineX - порт линуксового Wine для Mac и BSD. И, чисто для справки - на Linux в Wine поддерживается гораздо больше игр, чем в ваших псевдо-портах на маке. И работают они в оригинальном Wine без тех артефактов,. Hola buenas noches, soy usuario de Windows Home 10 con Office 365 originales. La verdad me gustan ambos productos, mas aun el office. El windows me salen problemas por lo que he vuelto a usar Ubuntu. Postby torig » Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:51 pm. Montyphy wrote: timonator wrote: holy crap! don't run "wine defcon.exe" with sudo! But it just wont be Windows if you don't. :P. :lol: Instead of wine you could go for WineX ( I've used it in the past to play GTA3 & Ultima Online, amongst others. После того, как вы определили версию Wine введите следующую команду: sudo apt-get remove wineX , где X — номер вашей версии Wine. Важно!!! Номер версии следует вводить без пробела, иначе будут удалены важные для системы библиотеки и компоненты. Следом вводим команду:. make[2]: Entering directory `/home/greg/winex/dlls/kernel' LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../... Running Ubuntu 8.04, Wine 0.9.59, and all I get is a black screen.. and Ubuntu 8.04, but all I get is the load screen, then back to Linux at 640x480 with no error messages :( ¿Are there any known issues with WinE 1.0? Tom's Hardware... Windows Gaming In Linux With WineX (Cedega). Linux Journal... Get Your Game On - Running Windows Games in Linux. Dedoimedo... How to get and install Linux games: Windows games. Wikipedia... Linux gaming. Dedoimedo... Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot review - Damn good. Ubuntu este un sistem de operare bazat pe Linux, disponibil gratuit cu suport din partea comunităţii cât şi suport profesional... Can't seem to be able to execute the WineX start up script /home/slava/.cedega/.winex_ver/winex-6.0.5/bin/winex3 - perhaps your installation of WineX version 6.0.5 is corrupted? am gasit pe. Более чем полгода назад - переполз под Ubuntu Linux (Виндоза задрала, реально). Большая часть. Cedega (ранее WineX) — коммерческий продукт, основанный на исходном коде проекта Wine, позволяющего запускать Windows-приложения в Unix-системах. Создаётся компанией. 10. Febr. 2011. Obwohl Pidgin sehr viele Plugins bereits von Hause aus mitbringt, habe ich nur wenige in Benutzung. libnotify Popups (zeige neue Nachrichten per Bubble (Ubuntu) / OSD an); Off-the-Record Messaging (extra Verschlüsselung zwischen Clients durch vorherigen Schlüsselaustausch). Naja, wie gesagt. I don't Know if install Ubuntu 12.10, Debian 6 or Mac (I don't know how) + emulation of linux (I have read it's possible).. @DestroyeRCo It's been almost 10 years now since I've been using a program called WineX (based on Wine) to play Windows games in Linux, but that software isn't around anymore. So, if you want the. Codega 7 Full Version for Ubuntu, opensuse, mandriva free download. 5) Copy the winex-7 folder to: ~/.cedega/.winex_ver. cedega-000133-1.i386.rpm658.52 KB; cedega-000133.tgz639.99 KB; cedega-mandriva-000133-1.i386.rpm658.56 KB; cedega-suse-000133-1.i386.rpm658.55 KB; WineX. check out windows xp in a cube , and another power, of open source, another power of Ubuntu, another power of Linux!. I also tried cegeda/winex - which is supposed to be tweaked for windows games - although it was the free unsupported version i got (i cant pay $15 per month for the purpose of gaming on linux).