29 October 2007
oh my god-lily allen
så jävla bra!!!
Time on your side that will never end
The most beautiful thing you can ever spend
But you work in a shirt with your name tag on it
Lily Allen - LDN Lyrics
Riding through the city on my bike all day
Cause the filth took away my licence
It doesn't get me down and I feel ok
Cause the sights that I'm seeing are priceless
Går ut på att skriva 6 låtar som man gillar på den bokstaven man får.
Jag fick o av thearkvsmcr @ bdb
on the edge-tokio hotel
on top of your world-sahara hotnights
Går ut på att skriva 6 låtar som man gillar på den bokstaven man får.
Jag fick i (som i SIS:)<3) av thearkvsmcr @ bdb
in the end-linkin park
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