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Maplestory hermit skill guide after big bang: >> << (Download)
Maplestory hermit skill guide after big bang: >> << (Read Online)
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14 Sep 2011
18 Oct 2007
19 Sep 2008 Title: MapleStory 3rd Job Thief - Hermit Skills, Hermit Skill Build (Skill Allocation) with Explanation! Hermits in 3rd Job have a few pretty cool skills such as Flash Jump (the fastest moving skill among all jobs), Shadow Partner that makes you attack twice, and Avenger (mob skill) that can go through any
7 Jun 2017 Meso Up is useful, but only towards the max levels as recasting over and over isn't efficient for training or MP consumption (therefore money). After Flash Jump, you'll have leftover points to put into Dark Sight and Drain as Shadow Web and Shadow Meso don't do much for the later levels. Some find uses
MapleStory Thief Guides | maplestory thief job advancement | maplestory rogue build | maplestory rogue guide | rogue skill build | rogue skill guide | maplestory night lord guide | maplestory night lord skills | maplestory shadower guide MapleStory Guide: Assassin,Hermit,Nightlord Post Big-Bang Skill/Training Guide
11 Dec 2010 Since Big Bang hit MapleStory less than a week ago, I've seen quite a bit of threads in the Thief section for the Skill Builds for Assassins/Hermits/Night Lords. After much research on skills and how they were changed I think I've come up with a few decent skill builds for us. There are some skills that will not
After talking to Arec, head back to Victoria Island and talk to Dark Lord which is located in Kerning City. Next, find the Description: For a certain amount of time, everyone in the party can make the enemies drop more mesos than usual with this skill. .. While in the air after a jump, use this skill + the arrow for a second jump.
18 Nov 2017 Thief can advanced as a Shadower or Night Lord. This specific job route is determined when you reach Level 30. For this job, you will undergo as Assassin (2nd Job Advancement), Hermit (3rd Job Advancement) and Night Lord (4th Job Advancement). Night Lord are users of Claws & Shurikens/Ninja stars.
20 Jun 2007 MapleStory Assassin/Hermit Guide for all By, SinMastah/Tubby353 Table of Contents 1.1 Introduction 2.1 Legal Info 3.1 Starting Off 4.1 Rogue Skills 4.2 Assassin Skills 4.3 Hermit Skills Archers are slower than thieves in general and Assassins can jump shoot enemies with ease and have a longer range.