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Facebook Pages App On Android ->->->->
–Daniel Persson Sep 2 '16 at 16:38 2 Ok but does not bring me to a clean page where the user can make a like of my page easily. –Mustafa Gven Jul 3 '14 at 8:54 1 its not working for profile when you provide fb ids –DjHacktorReborn Jul 3 '14 at 11:50 3 DjHacktorReborn you should no longer use the ids. If you're testing the beta version of the Pages Manager app for Android, you can help us improve the quality of the app before we release it to everyone by taking a few steps:. Fossils on Mars? . You can find this class through {link * Context#getPackageManager()}. You should use fb://facewebmodal/f?href= for newer versions. Maybe add you do intent.setPackageName("com.facebook.katana") to make sure no other apps are called. –Mark Carter Apr 6 '14 at 13:42 But it opens the browser and there is shown Facebook data, how it is possible to use Facebook App (to call Facebook app) ? –Misho Zhghenti Apr 15 '16 at 16:59 add a comment up vote 24 down vote For Facebook page: try { intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTIONVIEW, Uri.parse("fb://page/" + pageId)); } catch (Exception e) { intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTIONVIEW, Uri.parse(" + pageId)); } For Facebook profile: try { intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTIONVIEW, Uri.parse("fb://profile/" + profileId)); } catch (Exception e) { intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTIONVIEW, Uri.parse(" + profileId)); } .because none of the answers points out the difference Both tested with Facebook v. and Android 5.0.1 on Nexus 4 shareimprove this answer edited May 13 '15 at 11:48 Ziem 3,62973769 answered Feb 19 '15 at 14:01 Murmel 1,6421721 hi, how to know difference between profile and page? –alvarodoune Mar 11 '15 at 17:53 Profile is for a private person, where a page is for companies, places, brands. Then start an intent as follows: Intent facebookIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTIONVIEW); String facebookUrl = getFacebookPageURL(this); facebookIntent.setData(Uri.parse(facebookUrl)); startActivity(facebookIntent); That's all you need. A free Entertainment app for Android More Related topics about Facebook Pages Managermultiple facebookmobile analyticsfacebook androidfacebookanalytics Advertisement . * param url * The full URL to the Facebook page or profile. Advertisement. I discovered this after looking into how emails send by facebook opened the app. –nheimann1 Oct 29 '12 at 9:49 Yes, the solution has stopped to work. Cop gives family lift . You may change your cookie preferences and obtain more information here. For iPhone, there exists the fb:// URL scheme, but trying the same thing on my Android device throws an ActivityNotFoundException. Download Facebook Pages Manager Free DownloadSafe download You may also like Dolphin BrowserBleeding-edge mobile web browser for AndroidFreeEnglish FacebookOfficial Facebook app for AndroidFreeEnglish UC BrowserHit and miss browser for AndroidFreeEnglish FirefoxFeels like Firefox, just mobileFreeEnglish Articles about Facebook Pages Managertips3 tips for getting the most out of Yahoo! Mail on iOSopinion7 tips to get the best Black Friday dealsvariousDo you know of the Mariana Web, the Internet's best kept Secret?trivia10 things you're probably doing that put your computer at riskRead more stories Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. The intent for the Twitter app will be selected but it will not be able to process it as it is disabled. –Irshu Apr 19 '17 at 7:43 add a comment up vote 2 down vote To do this we need the "Facebook page id", you can get it : from the page go to "About". Blocks ending of DACA . –dvpublic Nov 21 '12 at 14:10 i think the fix was to close this "accidental API". BAFTA nominations . You can updates the page's status, add photos, and filter posts not normally seen through the webapp and standard Facebook app Perfect for some Using the same user interface as the Facebook app, Facebook Pages Manager is great for users who have their own page or multiple pages they manage. Hence here is a reusable piece of code to achieve this. Penn St. Facebook Pages Manager Browsers Control your Facebook Page through Android Facebook Pages Manager is standalone app from Facebook. As result ProfileTabHostActivity can't be launched by other applications. Leaving without your download? Get FREE alternatives to Facebook Pages Manager Facebook Official Facebook app for Android Google My Business Help your business peform better on Google Get free alternatives . go to "More Info" section. Inside Forbes Meet The Richest Person In Every State 2016 For the second consecutive year, FORBES scoured the country to track down the richest person in every state. Netanyahu defends son . If you're testing the beta version, you'll see You are a tester at the bottom. Fusion GPS transcript 5a02188284