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Diploma in computer application book pdf: >> << (Download)
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The Programme of Computer Application (DCA/PGDCA) provides an understanding and skills related to the use of computer and its equipped with some useful books, computer facility etc. in very soon. These will be .. Equation, T able Editor , Printing Options, Filters, Layers, PDF Files, Frame Option, Headers. & Footers.
DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. DCA – 101: INFORMATION Howard Rheingold , Virtual Reality: The Revolutionary Technology of Computer-Generated. Artificial Worlds - and How It Promises to Transform, Profit & Loss A/c, Stock Summary,. Trial Balance, Day Book, Ratio Analysis, Multi Account Printing.
The Programme of Computer Application (DCA/PGDCA) provides an understanding and skills related to the use of computer and its equipped with some useful books, computer facility etc. in very soon. These will be accessible to the Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application(PGDCA). Min. 1 Year. Max. 3 Year.
computer. It gives fundamental knowledge of computers, computational techniques, file and data structure and the core of programming. Learners will also be trained in the latest trends of DCA equips the students with skills required for designing, developing applications in Information . Texts & Reference Books :.
Fundamental of Computer Application. Course Code: 3310703 Diploma Programmes in which this course is offered. Semester in which . Title of Books. Publication. 1. R. Taxali. Computer Course. Tata McGraw Hills. New Delhi. 2. Wallace Wang. MS-Office for Dummies. Wiley India, New Delhi. 3. Dr. Shailendra Singh,.
24 Sep 2015 Diploma in Computer Application (DCA). Duration Computer Viruses. Reference Book: 1 Sinha, P.K.( 2007). Computer Fundamentals. New Delhi: BPB Publications. 2. Mukhi, Vijay (2008).Working with UNIX. . (
DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER APPLICATION (DCA) Computer Programming Languages Classification, machine code, assembly language, Books:- Mano, M," Computer System and Architecture" (3rd edition) Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,. 1994. Pal Chauduri, p., “ Computer Organisation and Design", Prentice Hall of
Department of Computer Applications. Makhanlal Chaturvedi. Rashtriya Patrakarita UNIT–I. Brief History of Development of Computers, Computer System Concept,. Computer System Characteristics . Scaling (Percentages), Printer setup. Use of D.T.P. in Advertisements, Books & Magazines, News Paper, Table. Editor.
Post Graduate Diploma Computer Application (Regular). Abbreviation. PGDCA . 3.6 Common Files types (e.g. jpg, doc, txt, pdf etc.) Reference Books. 1. Fundamentals of Computers – E Balagurusamy, McGrawHill. 2. Fundamentals of Computer – V. RajaRaman. 3. How Computers work - Ron White – Techmedia. 4.
Name of Programme/ Course: - DCA (Diploma in Computer Application). (A) Programme Mission & Objective system and to reduce the pressure on it (E) To Trained the People in Computer. Technology for day to day MODULE M 1.1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BY KHANNA BOOK. PUBLICATIONS, NEW DELHI