Sunday 6 January 2008 photo 3/5
Text nr 3, how things proceed: 2. Amplify The Whispers Deep emotion What you feel is like the sea The ocean is deep And I’m afraid of what lies beneath The waves bring back stories of yours Your heartaches, your memories Downsides and glory days Whispers Grows to screams The deepest of emotions You knew it couldn’t be explained Lost for words Amplify the whispers Grows to screams! As thin as the line between love and hate! 37 and 38! Would it be so terrible? To keep me safe tonight I wish you would scream At the top of your voice I will Protect you It doesn’t feel right This taste in my mouth Distance and different The same isn’t always best But I don’t know if I can get used to anything else Is it that hard? Hard to open your eyes The forest grows dark Storms the water I’m gonna change! I promise! I’m gonna change! I promise! I’m gonna change! I promise! I’m gonna change! I promise! Amplify the whispers Grows to screams! As thin as the line between love and hate! 37 and 38! Would it be so terrible? To keep me safe tonight Skriven av: Oscar Brodin (Någon duktig person kan ju skriva "Amplify the Whispers" i hennes hand med ngn fin font så blir det fettigt nice liksom :-P)