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The Social Conquest of Earth has 2543 ratings and 320 reviews. Laura said: When I was a teenager, I read Gilgamesh. One of my parents had a battered pap
11 May 2012 In “The Social Conquest of Earth," he explores the strange kinship between humans and some insects. Wilson calculates that one can stack up
Sparking vigorous debate in the sciences, The Social Conquest of Earth upends “the famous theory that evolution naturally encourages creatures to put family
At the core of The Social Conquest of Earth is the unresolved, unresolvable tension in our species between selfishness and altruism. Wilson brilliantly analyzes
13 Apr 2012 In “The Social Conquest of Earth," Edward O. Wilson seeks to answer the big questions of humanity: What are we, where did we come from,
Sparking vigorous debate in the sciences, The Social Conquest of Earth upends "the famous theory that evolution naturally encourages creatures to put family
For the last 65 million years Earth has been dominated by eusocial animals. Ants, termites, and bees in some areas make up half of all biomass. Yet only a few
The Social Conquest of Earth is a 2012 non-fiction book by biologist Edward O. Wilson. Wilson adapted the title of Paul Gaugin's famous mural as a theme
30 Aug 2013 Although Wilson's own original work is to the fore in the chapters on insect societies, the main thrust of The Social Conquest of Earth is to
16 Aug 2012 In his review of The Social Conquest of Earth [NYR, June 21], Steven Mithen begins with a very complimentary review of my life in science,