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Jotacote universal application guide: >> << (Download)
Jotacote universal application guide: >> << (Read Online)
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Jotacote Universal Aluminium Lumi is intended as first coat in water ballast tanks and utilises luminous pigments to aid application and inspection. For application in water ballast tanks at newbuilding stage in accordance with PSPC (IMO Res. MSC 82/W), see the. "Application procedure for water ballast tanks - Jotacote
1st application & maintenance: Coal tar epoxy until 15 years. After 15 years: Descaling and steel repair. Further maintenance: Balloxy HB Light. From year 5 to end of life: Anodes installed for protection. System 3. 1st application at newbuild: Jotacote Universal thereafter maintenance with: Balloxy HB Light. Anodes installed
30 jan 2017 Pagina: 1/5. Deze Technical Data Sheet vervangt de vorige uitgegeven. De Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is aanbevolen om te lezen, samen met de Safety Data Sheet (SDS) en de Application Guide. (AG) van dit product. Voor een lokale Jotun kantoor, bij u in de regio gaat u naar onze website www.jotun.
7 Nov 2016 Page: 1/5. This Technical Data Sheet supersedes those previously issued. The Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is recommended to be read in conjunction with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the. Application Guide (AG) for this product. For your nearest local Jotun office, please visit our website at www.jotun.
Jotacote Universal est un pur epoxy-polyamide bicomposant a haut extrait sec, resistant a l'abrasion et pouvant etre applique en La surface doit etre seche et exempte de toute souillure avant application de la couche suivante. La surface doit . Les donnees ci-dessus font partie des instructions generales. Le temps de
Technical Data Sheet Jotacote Universal For DFT below 150 µm thinner should be added.jotun. Moisture content maximum 5 %. The Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is recommended to be read in conjunction with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the Application Guide (AG) for this product. Application Application methods The
Jotun Jotacote Universal is a high build, abrasion resistant two-pack epoxy primer that can be applied at high film thickness. It can be applied to aluminium, long term corrosion protection. Jotacote Universal is one of Jotun's most successful products as it combines optimum protection with maximum efficency. Guides
The Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is recommended to be read in conjunction with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the Application Guide (AG) for this product. For your nearest local Jotun office, please visit our website at Open the catalogue to page 1. Technical Data Sheet Jotacote Universal Typical For DFT
5 Oct 2017 Application Guide. Jotacote Universal N10. Metal finishing. For areas in corrosivity category C1 to C4 (ISO 12944-2) all irregularities, burrs, slivers, slag and spatter on welds, sharp edges and corners shall conform to minimum grade P2 (ISO 8501-3) Table 1, or as specified. All edges shall have a rounded
An abrasion resistant high solids high build pure epoxy primer finish. A universal steel primer designed for new construction projects providing excellent corrosion protection in salt and fresh water.