Wednesday 24 June 2009 photo 1/1
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Eh, jag hade fullständigt glömt bort att posta om detta! *dålig VKA-soldat. DÅLIG!*
Almighty Veronica, please forgive me D:
Men nu är "The Book of Perilous Kisses" framme i vilket fall!
Och kolla vad hon skrev om den på sin blogg:
Wow. As I type this there is tears in my eyes and I am almost speechless as there seems to be no words to do justice to what I'm feeling right now.
After having an amazing week with EA visiting, I was settling back to my routine of world domination when there was a knock at the door and a mysterious package was delivered baring a Norway address.
Inside that package was one of the most precious things I have ever received.
The package contained a book decorated in black lace and pink feathers, glitter and red satin ribbon. I opened the book and turning each page, I discovered tons of handmade individual pages that commanders of the VKA made for me. These pages contained heartfelt letters to me, drawings they did of me, pictures they took of me on tour, pictures of us together on autograph lines and outside venues, kiss prints, poems, envelopes with secret little treasures, glittery hearts, a recipe for "Veronica's Vegan Almond Chocolate Cake" - complete with a picture and Lieutenant Lip Lock wearing an apron that read - "Kiss the Cook....Veronica DID!", more messages behind leopard corsets that I had to unlace, brilliant limericks,(mina grejer, FFS!) hand-typed letters of love and postcards and even more beautiful drawings and lace.
This book traveled the world and back to get to me with pages representing VKA members all over the globe.
Sitting here in my pink Danger Dame office, with this book beside me, I feel an undeniable sense of community, of love and of support.
This gift proves to me, without a shadow of a doubt, the fierce loyalty and love of the VKA. And I am so utterly proud of my soldiers....your letters to me were fearless, honest and bold. Your creativity is limitless. You are not afraid to be the amazing women you were born to be. You are not afraid to express yourselves and go out into the world with that fighting kick ass spirit. I am proud to know you. I am proud that you are out there somewhere, shining your light and making this world an exciting place to be, a creative place to be and a place where all of us can have the courage to be who we truly are. YOU are an inspiration to ME!
Thank you especially to Commander Synthetice, Commander Ariel, Sergeant Cyanide, Seductive Stocking Stealer of the VKA Amechi, Lieutenant Lip Lock, Crimson Muffin - Poison Kiss Cadet, Commander Astarte, Commander Berzerko, Speilbilde - LT. of the Viking VKA, Salla - Lieutenant of Luscious Kisses, Morticia, Moshi-Moshi, Meredith, Victoria Vague - Captain of Coquettish Kisses, Francesca, Commander Stripe Princess, Lu.ScAr, and Commander Kali for putting this book together for me. And thank you to all of you VKA out there reading this.
This handmade book of lace and loveliness will go with me everywhere. Synthetice wrote that a piece of each of your hearts went into each of the pages...and I can see that. Your hearts are always safe with me, my darlings. My lovely reminder of you.
If my home were burning down, this is one of the few things I would grab. That's how much this means to me.
My undying kisses to each one of you.
Your VeVa
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