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Science as practice and culture pdf: >> << (Download)
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about time and agency that addresses central questions in the philoso- phy, social theory, and historiography of science and beyond. This chap- ter lays out some basic features of my position; the rest of the book consists of examples and articulations. 1.1 SCIENCE As PRACTICE AND CULTURE. Science studies has been
The book Science as Practice and Culture, Edited by Andrew Pickering is published by University of Chicago Press.
Science as practice and culture / edited by Andrew Pickering. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Science-Social aspects. 2. Knowledge, Theory of. I. Pickering, Andrew. QI75.5.S3495 1992. 303.48'3-dc20. 91-28829. § The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American.
Collins, H.M. and Yearley, S. (1992) “Epistemological Chicken", in A. Pickering (ed.) Science as Practice and Culture, pp. 301-326. Chicago: Chicago University Press. Google Scholar. Collins, H.M. and Pinch, T. (1993) The Golem: What Everyone Should Understand about Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Science as practice and culture explores one of the newest and most controversial developments within the rapidly changing field of science studies the move toward studying scientific practicethe work of doing scienceand the associated move toward studying scientific culture understood as the field of resources that
6 Sep 2014 The Mangle of Practice: Agency and Emergence in the Sociology of Science. Author(s): Andrew . between my analysis of scientific practice and Foucault's analysis of disciplinary mech- anisms-see esp. .. extending, rather than reproducing, scientific culture-in the sense of building new machines and so
Hacking, Ian, The self-Vindication of the Laboratory Sciences, in Pickering, A., Ed., Science as practice and culture, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992, 29-64. Keywords. Scientific facts, realism/anti-realism, experimental strategies, holism. Domain. Science en general. Abstract. Throughout the twentieth century,
(1992) Science as Practice and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 474 pages. ISBN: 9780226668017. Helen Verran. Why does Science as Practice and Culture warrant review twenty-five years on from its publication when most STS books published that year have already sunk
and Cultural studies of Science) to refer to this body of work, and 'SCSers' to refer to its practitioners.2. As I began delving into the field, I was struck by two observations. First, although the accounts of particular episodes in scientific practice, as well as the more sweeping conclusions drawn from them, contain many
13 Feb 2018 Full-text (PDF) | Science as Practice and Culture explores one of the newest and most controversial developments within the rapidly changing field of science studies: the move toward studying scientific practicea€"the work of doing sciencea€"and the associated move toward studying scientific cultu