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Smithing guide with profit: >> << (Download)
Smithing guide with profit: >> << (Read Online)
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1-99 smithing guide
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7 Jul 2014
It does not take user inputs, but it does use changing prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch. If prices appear to be outdated, purge the page by clicking here. Contents. [show]. Bronze Edit. Item. Smithing-icon Level. Smithing-icon XP. Bars. Costs. Price. Profit. Profit/XP. Bronze dagger, 1, 12.5, 1, 135, 20, -115, -9.2.
17 Aug 2016
Calculators/Smithing is a calculator that aims to compute the profit (or loss) of smithing items
15 Aug 2017
12 Jul 2013 I'm doing some smithing (currently 63) on Old School, and I'm wondering what's the best way to make a good amount of profit along the way. PLEASE NO CANNONBALLS! At the moment I'm currently doing Iron Knives, was thinking about doing Mithril bolt (unf) but people aren't selling bars often.
Runescape Smithing Calculator is a special Runescape calculator that shows the number of items you have to smith in order to advance to your target level. This calculator can also be used to estimate the profit/loss of each item so you can make better decisions while leveling smithing. The smithing items table is very large
10 Feb 2013 Very nice guide, helped me work out even more how poor I am, I'm too poor ingame to use any method lol. As of right now, you could superheat mithril ores til 70(not sure what your smithing level is) for a profit of 60 per bar after all materials(Mith ore, 2x coal, nature rune) and do addy bars til 99 at a loss of
Members have the advantage of access to more materials for training Smithing than free players For a table showing profits versus experience made by smithing certain items, see Smithing/Smithing tables. . See Money making guide/Superheating runite ore to get a better idea of optimal strategies and expected profit.
General Edit. Smelting Edit. Players can smelt ores into bars at a furnace for Smithing experience. Smithing Edit. Blast Furnace Edit. Levels 1-29 – Questing Edit. Levels 1-30 – Bronze items Edit. Levels 30-40 – Iron items Edit. Levels 40-99 – Gold bars (Blast Furnace) Edit. Level 18-99 - Bolts (10/bar) Edit.