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The CHEM C3000 contains the following parts: Component Tray 1. No . Description. Item No . 1 Two dropper pipettes. 232134. 2 Rubber stopper without hole. 071078. 3 Rubber stopper with a hole. 071028. 4 Cork stopper with a hole. 071118. 5 Test tube brush. 000036. 6 Test tube holder. 000026. 7 Protective goggles
Thames kosmos chem c3000 manual pdf. Includes exceptional 192 page manual The Chem Set Offers an Advanced. C3000. Thames Kosmos Chem C3000. Contact Thames Kosmos ator visit our website atThe chemical chameleon is a redox reaction, well known from classroom demonstrations, that exploits the dramatic
CHEM C3000 is the ultimate chemistry set. This kit includes all of the components from CHEM C2000, plus dozens of additional tools and chemicals, and 100 additional experiments, for a total of more than 333 experiments. The 192-page, full-color experiment manual is written at a more advanced level than the other
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30 Apr 2017 I'm an American service member stationed in Germany, and I purchased a C3000 Chemistry Set in Germany. I would like to use the kit, but the manual is in German, and an English manual would make the experiments much more enjoyable. I would like to know if I can purchase an experiment manual for
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