9 December 2007
today is AFS lucia, we make pappar kakar and lucebulle, that is japanese boy, i hate japanese like that!! :(
haha, this made by madio, from italy, when he finish it , sunddly it makes me think about a friend of mine, john, we study chemestry together
i want to be lucia"" but, hmm , she is a very good friend of mine"" so"" it`s alright""" she come from turky
why she always want take photo whith us? not really like her, come from japan"" her mother is german
but he is not as nice as he looks""" why there is no perfic man in the world? find some one nice, but not goodlooking, goodlooking, but not nice
cute!! if my cousin and my small catten drop into the river together, i think i will save the cat first"" :)
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