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Renekton vs irelia s3 guide: >> << (Download)
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Jun 5, 2013
Next is runes and masteries. I always always ALWAYS take fervor of battle. The synergy it has with Renekton's kit is fantastic! for runes I like to
Can someone please tell me how to beat irelia solo top? Renekton's not as easy to gank as it seems and I believe that's the only way before she starts buying armor and attack build 50 rage. then proceed to rape faces.
Renekton is tanky and excels at 1 v 1's, his midlaner and ADC usually do not against you. look for fights against those carries and make the rest of his team
Renekton vs irelia Irelia will lose to renekton early. To this end, you would want to optimize your runes and masteries for playing against
Renekton's highest win rate Core Build against Irelia. Situational Items for this matchup. Physical Damage. Magic Damage. Mixed Damage. Armor. Magic Resist.
How do you counter Irelia as Renekton? The way I wreck Irelias as Renekton is to go flash/ignite, start D Blade, 12/0/18 masteries with Grasp,
June 9, 2013 ·. Just uploaded This guide covers the Renekton Vs Irelia top lane matchup! . Welcome in this guide we cover the Renekton Vs Jayce match up.
Hello, I am "SoloRenektonOnly" a Diamond 1 Renekton main with over 600 high elo ranked Renekton games. I do guide videos and this one is my latest hope you enjoy! You can also Last edited by souzzaa: Jun 5, 2013.
May 29, 2012 Renekton, solo top champion/ Irelia Off-tank. Renekton build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Renekton, solo top. [VS]