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HSPEXP, an expert system for calibrating the hydrologic component of HSPF. » GenScn, a software product that provides the ability to change an HSPF input sequence interactively, run the model, and analyze results graphically. » WinHSPF, an independent interactive interface to HSPF that is also fully integrated with the. In this exercise, you will learn how to build and run a WinHSPF project. We will add three shape files (outlets, streams, and subbasins) to our BASINS project. These files are associated with the watershed delineation for the West Branch Patuxent River and are necessary to launch WinHSPF from BASINS. They can be. ... 10Lecture 7 Operational Aspects (PDF)(39 pp, 1 MB); 11Lecture 8 Watershed Segmentation (PDF)(28 pp, 2 MB); 12Exercise 4 Introduction to WinHSPF and GenScn (PDF)(32 pp, 900 K); 13Exercise 5 Segmentation (PDF)(21 pp, 392 K); 14Exercise 6 WinHSPF Hydrology Calibration (PDF)(28 pp, 431 K). WinHSPF. Evaluation of BASINS/WinHSPF applicability for pollutant loading estimation for a Korean watershed. J.H. Jeon, C.G. Yoon, J.H. Ham, K.W. Jung. Water Science and Technology Jan 2006, 53 (1) 25-32; DOI: 10.2166/wst.2006.004. Current Issue · Uncorrected Proofs · Browse Archive · Feedback · Online. Water Sci Technol. 2006;53(1):25-32. Evaluation of BASINS/WinHSPF applicability for pollutant loading estimation for a Korean watershed. Jeon JH(1), Yoon CG, Ham JH, Jung KW. Author information: (1)Korea Envorinment Institute, 613-2 Bulgwang-Dong, Eunpyeong-Gu, Seoul 122-706, Korea. 5.1. Create HSPF Project. 30. 5.2. Define Initial Met Segment. 31. 5.3. WinHSPF GUI. 32. 5.4. Set Model Simulation Time and Met Segments. 33. 5.5. Change Hydrological Parameters. 36. 5.5.1 HSPF Hydrological Parameters. 36. 5.5.2 Editing Parameters within WinHSPF. 36. 5.5.3 Editing Parameters Directly in the .uci File. See figure: 'The WinHSPF interface available through BASINS. ' from publication 'BASINS/HSPF: Model use, calibration, and validation' on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. BASINS source code development repository. For official releases see EPA: The BASINS geographic information system hydrologic toolkit was designed to compute total maximum daily loads, which are often derived by combining water quantity estimates with pollutant concentration estimates. In this paper the. BASINS toolkit PLOAD and WinHSPF sub-models are briefly described, and then a 0–45. The Windows interface to HSPF, known as WinHSPF (Duda et al., 2001), was created for BASINS (Fig. 18.5). BASINS contains an extension that allows the user to open WinHSPF directly from the BASINS user interface, extracting appropriate information for the preparation of HSPF input files. WinHSPF is designed to. Users can modify and enhance input files based on other locally derived data sources through WinHSPF. WinHSPF works with postprocessing tools to facilitate calibration as well as display and interpretation of output data. The HSPF User's Manual is available for reference as a Windows-compatible Help file. Figure 11.4. WinHSPF and WinHSPFLt can be used to run HSPF. These are both windows-based programs with a graphical user interface. WinHSPF has more tools for analyzing any errors from the HSPF run and for visualizing and editing the model, but it is also possible to run HSPF using the WinHSPFLt program. The creation of the initial HSPF models was done using the WinHSPF interface included in BASINS. The generated HSPF models (one for Jourdan River catchment and another for Wolf's, Figure 4) were calibrated for stream flow using the NED and NLCD datasets combination, and the USGS stream flow gauge stations at. The Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran (WinHSPF) was used to simulate the stream flow, ammonium, nitrate and pH for the No land Divide watershed from 1999 to mid-2006, to evaluate the model applicability to watersheds impacted by acidic deposition. Noland Divide watershed is located in the Great Smoky. sources, atmospheric, etc. • Flexibility and adaptability to a wide range of watershed conditions. • Well-designed code modularity and structure. • Companion database and support programs to assist model users (e.g., WDMUtil, WinHSPF, GenScn, HSPEXP). • Ongoing development and support by U.S. EPA and. U.S.G.S.. Title: Hydrograph sensitivity to estimates of map impervious cover: a WinHSPF BASINS case study. Authors: Endreny, Theodore A.; Somerlot, Christopher; Hassett, James M. Publication: Hydrological Processes, vol. 17, Issue 5, pp.1019-1034. Publication Date: 04/2003. Origin: WEB. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.1178. Bibliographic. En terme de TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads), le rôle du flux standard et des charges de pollution diffuse est très important. Dans cette étude, les BASINS 4.0 et WinHSPF ont été utilisés comme des travaux préparatoires afin d'estimer le flux standard et les charges de pollution diffuse de la rivière. Whangyong. You need to install WinHSPF. You can download it from the Aquaveo web site. Download it and go to the Edit | Preferences command in WMS and set the location of WinHSPFLt where you installed it. You might need to close WMS before running WinHSPF or WinHSPFLt because WMS might have the. Lecture08 from CE 7180 at LSU. Lecture 08: troduction to WinHSPF Objective: To gain a basic understanding of WinHSPF. Introduction to WinHSPF Outline SPF Background HSPF Background HSPF. EPA's Office of Science and Technology (OST) provides assistance and technical support to users of WinHSPF. Technical support can be obtained at OST's Internet Home Page. WinHSPF users are encouraged to access OST's home page for information on new updates, answers to the most frequently asked questions,. Is there a way to convert the UNIX wdm file for HSPF (Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran) into the windows HSPF so that it can run on a pc? 본 연구에서는 북한강 상류 지역인 소양강댐 유역에 BASINS/WinHSPF모델을 적용하였다. WinHSPF는 도시와 농촌지역 등이 혼재된 토지이용형태를 보이는 유역에 적용하기 적합한 모델로서, 산림이 대부분인 소양강댐 유역의 유출량 및 수질을 모의하고, 유역의 오염부하량을 분석하였다. 또한, 유역관리를 위해 인공습지와. 요 약 : 소양댐 유역의 유량 및 수질 모의를 위하여 BASINS/WinHSPF 모형을 구축하였으며, 2004년 8월부터. 2009년 7월 사이에 모니터링한 자료를 활용하여 모형의 보정하였다. 보정결과에 의하면 측정자료와 예측자료가. 유량, 용존산소량, BOD, 그리고 총인에서 합리적으로 일치하였으며, 약간의 차이가 나는 경우도 있었으나 유역. I. HSPE 모델의 식물성플랑크톤 모의 모듈개발. Code. Code. OS 이업. CD. 3으. 3. WinHSPF. 2.3 Code. O WinHSPF. 3. , ,. Chl-a. 2.4. 3. 3. CD. WinHSPF. I, 수리모의 정확도 향상을 위한 ETABLE자동생성 모듈개발. FTABLE. 3.1. O FTABLE. Manning. O BASINS. DEM. FTABLE. HSPF. Hydrological Simulation Program--Fortran. Information. Summary of HSPF · Version history · UNIX or DOS installation instructions (README file); How to order U.S. Geological Survey printed documentation. Software. Selection of the following options preceded by a binary icon retrieves a. WinHSPF 模型是使用FORTRAN 语言编译的一个Windows界面的水文模拟程序(HSPF)。这是集成于BASINS模型系统的一个组成部分,但可以独立地运行。WinHSPF可以从GIS数据中建立用户控制输入(UCL)文件,尤其是从环保局BASINS 系统中获得的数据。在用户控制输入数据文件建立后,WinHSPF可以用来查看和修改流域模型. Embora no Brasil já se reconheça a importância do aporte de cargas difusas como um dos principais responsáveis pela deterioração da qualidade das águas, faltam ferramentas, informações e maiores estudos... This study analyzed runoff characteristics of non-point sources pollutant and evaluated removal of pollution by BMP(Best Management Practice) using BASINS/WinHSPF model. Hourly meterological data including input data was provided from 2010 to 2011 year to run HSPF model in Miho stream watershed. As the results. 신유리, 건국대학교 대학원,[2011] [국내석사]. RANK : 6866666. 간략보기 원문보기. 2. BASINS/WinHSPF를 이용한 충주댐 유역의 댐 모의 및 비점오염 저감방안 연구 = (A)Study on BASINS/WinHSPF for Dam Simulation and Non-point Source Pollution Management in Chungju Dam Watershed. 신아현, 건국대학교 대학원,[2008]. to Restore and Protect Our Waters WATERSHEDSS: WATER, Soil, and Hydro- Environmental Decision Support System WBD: watershed boundary dataset WCS: Watershed Characterization System WEPP: Water Erosion Prediction Project WHP: wellhead protection WinHSPF: Interactive Windows Interface to HSPF WMS:. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the AQUATOX model and to sug- gest a methodology for its practical use as an ecological toxicity model in Korea. Paldang res- ervoir was selected as the study area, and the BASINS/WinHSPF watershed model was used in conjunction with AQUATOX model to. 49 min - Uploaded by mnagricultureDr. Charles Regan, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), discusses the role of the. Read the latest magazines about Winhspf and discover magazines on This study analyzed runoff characteristics of non-point sources pollutant and evaluated removal of pollution by BMP(Best Management Practice) using BASINS/WinHSPF model. Hourly meterological data including input data was provided from 2010 to 2011 year to run HSPF model in Miho stream watershed. As the results. Two of these versions include WinHSPF. (available with the EPA BASINS System – “BASINS"), and the Loading Simulation. Program in C++, or LSPC (available with the EPA TMDL Modeling Toolbox Suite –. “Toolbox"). LSPC, in particular, has been applied widely throughout California and in other states to support TMDL. Download Winhspf Download - best software for Windows. GenScn/WDMUtil/WinHSPF: . In order to perform non-point source modeling using WinHSPF model by BASINS, local meteorological data is required. The current version of BASINS contains an average of 10 meteorological stations per state. The data is stored in the Watershed Data Management (WDM) format, which is used by both BASINS and HSPF. How to uninstall GenScn/WDMUtil/WinHSPF 2.3 Version 2.3 by Aqua Terra Consultants? Learn how to remove GenScn/WDMUtil/WinHSPF 2.3 Version 2.3 from your computer. GenScn/WDMUtil/WinHSPF by Aqua Terra Consultants. Versions: 2.3 and 2.0. GenScn/WDMUtil/WinHSPF final, free download. GenScn/WDMUtil/WinHSPF final: US EPA and Aqua Terra Consultants. A Study on BASINS/WinHSPF for Evaluation of Non-point Source Reduction Efficiency in the Upstream of Nam-Han River Watershed - BASINS/WinHSPF;BMPRAC;Loading pollutant;Nam-Han river watershed;Non-point source reduction. The UCI file can be altered in a text editor, in WinHSPF or in WMS. However, if the later is chosen, the UCI file must be re-saved before changes take effect. A successful. HSPF run usually means an error/warning free echo file. Once a successful run is obtained, WDMUtil can be used to view the results. GenScn/WDMUtil/WinHSPF final, Free Download by Aqua Terra Consultants. No specific info about version 2.3. Please visit the main page of GenScn/WDMUtil/WinHSPF on Software Informer. Share your experience: Write a review about this program. Read more. 2.3. 2.3 · 2.0 · All versions · Aqua Terra Consultants · Info updated on: Oct 30, 2017. Abstract This research addressed the separate and com- bined impacts of climate and land use change on stream- flow, suspended sediment and water quality in the Kor. River Basin, Southwest of Iran, using (BASINS–. WinHSPF) model. The model was calibrated and validated for hydrology, sediment. 4.2.2 WinHSPF. ········································································58. 입력자료 구성방법. 4.2.3. ······················································································74. 유역모델 구축. 4.2.4. ······························································································74. 유역모델 보정. 4.2.5. ······························································································75. 유역모델을 이용한 유량 및 수질. Seven of the most promising models (WTM, BASINS-PLOAD, NSPECT, BASINS-WINHSPF, SWAT, AGNPS, and WARMF) were subsequently profiled in terms of data requirements, watershed application procedures, output reporting options, and overall ease of use. Based on these profiles, ENV selected three models for. (WinHSPF is the Windows interface to HSPF Version 12. GenScn is a model post processing and scenario analysis tool that is used to analyze output from HSPF and SWAT. WDMUtil is used to manage and create the watershed data management files (WDMs) that contain the meteorological data and other time series data. ... 工具的使用6.6 浏览ECHO文件第7章空间离散与空间异质性7.1 空间离散与空间异质性的含义7.2 以气象分布变异划分水文响应单元7.3 以物理特性变异划分水文响应单元7.4 流域分割与水文响应划分的关系7.5 增加气象分割单元7.6 浏览气象响应单元7.7 河段分割第8章HSPF模型水文率定原理与方法8.1 WinHSPF工具使用详解8.2. Many application support tools include an enhanced expert system for hydrologic and water quality calibration (HSPEXP+); a Windows-based interactive interface (WinHSPF); Scenario Analysis Manager (SAM); a Best Management Practices (BMP) Tool; and an interactive database of HSPF model. Similar to SWAT, HSPF requires land−use data, reach data, meteorological data, and informa- tion on the pollutants of concern in the watershed and its reaches. WinHSPF is designed to interact with the BASINS. 3.0 utilities and data sets to facilitate the extraction of appropriate information and the preparation of model input. 本书内容包括:HSPF模型系列软件安装过程、BASINS应用基础、 WDMUtil工具使用介绍、WinHSPF与GenScn使用介绍、HSPF模型水文率定原理与方法等. 각각. 로 적용하였다 오염원분포를 고려한 모의결과. BOD, TN, TP. 40%, 25%, 12% . 현재 인공습지 입지대상지역들 중 좀 더 효율적인 오염저감 효과를 보이는 지역이 분석되었다.................... 핵심용어 : Win-HSPF, Non-Point Source, Pollutant Distribution, BMPRAC. Win-HSPF, Non-Point Source, Pollutant Distribution, BMPRAC. Fortran) and GCMs(Global Climate models). 본 연구에서의 수문모형은 U.S EPA(Environmental. Protection Agency)가 개발한 HSPF의 Windows 버전인. WinHSPF 3.0을 이용하였다. WinHSPF는 Window 환경. 에서 쉽고 편리하게 작업할 수 있도록 사용자 인터페이스를. 제공하기 때문에 모형개발이 편리하다. HSPF는 도시, 농촌,. (WINHSPF) that interacts with BASINS 3.0 utilities and datasets to aid in the development of an. HSPF project. The BASINS program collates DEM, land-use, and stream network coverages to partition a large watershed and its reaches into smaller land segments and reaches, and helps to parameterize the HSPF input file. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. June 2009 – August 2009 (3 months). Conducted a study on changing land use and its effect on hydrology using BASINS (a GIS-based interface for hydrological and water-quality modeling) to delineate watersheds, and WinHSPF to simulate daily mean flows and. ... 使用 6.6 浏览ECHO文件第7章 空间离散与空间异质性 7.1 空间离散与空间异质性的含义 7.2 以气象分布变异划分水文响应单元 7.3 以物理特性变异划分水文响应单元 7.4 流域分割与水文响应划分的关系 7.5 增加气象分割单元 7.6 浏览气象响应单元 7.7 河段分割第8章 HSPF模型水文率定原理与方法 8.1 WinHSPF工具使用详解 8.2. resolution data (NLCD) or more up‐to‐date data (MODIS) would impact BASINS/WinHSPF's flow and sediment es‐ timations. METHODOLOGY. BASINS/WinHSPF was used to calculate rainfall‐runoff, flow, and sediments for the Luxapallila Creek watershed. The watershed was initially modeled with a standard set of proce‐. 潛勢溪流集水區土石流災害建立一套合理且完整. 之評估模式;集水區產砂分析技術則應用FLO-. 2D 及WINHSPF 程式,建立一套從降雨逕流、土. 砂生產及河道輸送等三種機制的土砂產量推估模. 式,模式同時考慮地表沖蝕與坡面崩塌兩種類型. 土砂生產來源,並提出未發生土石流及發生土石. 流之土砂產量推估方式。本研究除上述技術.