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From the starting of our Vastu consultancy. Vastu shastra languages Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, English, Odissi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam, Nepali, Rajastani, Punjabi. D. N. Shukla, Vastu-Sastra: Hindu Science of Architecture, Munshiram Manoharial Publishers, 1993, ISBN 978-81-215-0611-3. B. B. Puri, Applied vastu shastra in modern architecture, Vastu Gyan Publication, 1997, ISBN 978-81-900614-1-4. Vibhuti Chakrabarti, Indian Architectural Theory: Contemporary Uses of Vastu. Eastern side sea provides philosophical mind to our Indians. A person's vaastu is interlinked with his birth star. According to his birth star his lucky vaastu can be decided. If a person follow's his lucky vaastu he will surely get victory in his life. Click Here to know your suitable vaastu facing... FEW TIPS FOR A GOOD VAASTU:. 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Bhartiya Vastu Shastra Pratima Vigyan, Dvijendranath Shukla, Hygenic Science.hindibookspdf.com. Jun 22, 2017 06/17. by SUVRATSUT. texts.. Gruhapravesham Samagri. Jan 30, 2018 01/18. by Appala shyam praneeth sharma. Shastra).pdf. Jan 19, 2012 01/12. by Hindi Book-Bhavan Bhaskar(Vastu Shastra).pdf. texts. Features. Title : Gruha Balam; Author : Dr Machiraju Venugopal; Publisher : Machiraju Venugopal; ISBN : VISHALA538; Binding : Paperback; Published Date : 2015; Number Of Pages : 235; Language : Telugu. MB Free Vastu Shastra is a remarkable and accurate program based on the ancient art and science of Indian architecture of house layout planning. Vastu has its roots in the ancient Vedas which are approximately four to five thousand years old. MB Free Vastu Shastra Software helps you to understand where you should be. decision is right in selling Vastu Shastra eBooks here. Thanks for their broad mind, many responsible visitors noticed that regular updated websites maintenance is costlier than the expectations. They are educated and understand well like you. Thanks to each and every visitor in supporting us. Gruha Vastu in Telugu PDF. Dikkulu - Disalu - Adipatulu (Directions - Corners - Rulers). If East, West, North, South are the 'dikkulu' (directions) then Esanyamu, Agnaeyam, Niruti, Vayuvyam are the 4 vidikkulu. Each vidikku is divided into two portions as shown in the figure below. If you stand facing the rising sun, the direction in which the sun rises is. The following pages will give you the authentic Vastu principles. Read them and you can understand Vastu. At least no one can take you for a ride. One final word. At the time of entering a new house if you get a vastu shanti pooja done, which is part of the Griha Pravesh pooja, it takes care of the Vastu doshas. Vastu cannot. 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