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It is possible to upload files up to 4 GB with the jQuery File Upload plugin. By making use of Chunked file uploads (with chunks smaller than.. The only thing the plugin does regarding file names is remove path information from files reported by older browsers (old IE versions) that don't support the File API. Drag & Drop. The following browsers support drag & drop: Google Chrome; Apple Safari 5.0+; Mozilla Firefox 4.0+; Opera 12.0+ (broken, see Issue #2080); Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0+. It seems using the JQuery .val() function for FILE inputs doesn't work correctly in IE. That is, I can't change the value (file name). I'm trying to clear. You were using an old version of jquery, as you admitted. The browser detection in that version was broken and so didn't define the global '$' jquery object. So when you tried to use it, it was not defined. You could put the non minified version of the js (the file without the 'min' part) and see where the $ is getting defined (or. Hello,. I developed a lot mucow scripts, and always there was a problem with IE. So I found what the problem. If I use javascript library in my mucow file and in Internet Explorer it works perfectly. But if I use jquery plugin in my mucow file then it doesn't work in IE. But if I write the same code in clear html. Hello, I'm a little disappointed right now. Have a serious problem with the plugin in IE9 : files are uploading, but no progress bar. Seem's like I'm not alone :" class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false"> ·" class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false"> We're trying to track down what is described as a "security" issue with IE 10 after a jQuery HTML5 Upload. After you call the jQuery File Upload Plugin ( with Internet Explorer 10, you cannot subsequently submit the entire form by JavaScript with a single click. Forum thread about uploading file blocked on IE in Kendo UI for jQuery. Join the conversation now. This web tip shows a jQuery/javascript method to clear file input for all browsers including IE 8 to IE 10. I have a situation where jQuery and javascript files are loading just as they should in Firefox, but looking at the source code of IE and Chrome they are no where to be found. Does anyone know why this is happening? I need for all my javascript files to load on every single page as part of the template design. Net web application - windows authentication (disabled anonymous authentication) - Intranet web application - Form with jQuery file upload (Ajax Mini Upload using blueimp) - Able to select multiple files when click browse - adds and upload simultaneously using Generic handler (.ashx - C#) - uploads to a. Supporting Internet Explorer is always kind of a drag, but sometimes you just have to. Adding to the mixture file uploads via AJAX and CORS only make it that much more fun. When dealing with AJAX file uploads I always seem to keep going back to jQuery File Upload. Making these file uploads work on IE. hello friends,.. i am facing an issue with InternetExplorer... i am triggering the click event of fileupload from an external button and selecting a file.. but when i click the submit button .. the... The readAsDataURL method is used to read the contents of the specified Blob or File. When the read operation is finished, the readyState becomes DONE, and the loadend is triggered. At that time, the result attribute contains the data as a URL representing the file's data as a base64 encoded string. File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads and client-side image resizing. Works with any server-side platform (PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, Node.js, Go etc.) that supports standard. Now the function gets called in IE, but I get the error. Quote. Unable to get property '0' of undefined or null reference. In relation to form.submit. So my main question is not necessarily related to the above, just how I can get file uploads working in IE8 and 9. I need to keep the JQuery validate plugin because. WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// --> IE 9]> endif]--> Hello, world! jQuery (necessary for. The only downside to doing this that I can think of is if you are working offline (Obviously it won't load) or if Google goes down for whatever reason. Step 1, 2 and 3 can be applied to CSS files too. The Step 3 load order could refer to the IE specific stylesheets loading before the main one. jQuery not working? To build a fast and responsive web application we minified the JavaScript files. In other cases, such as JavaScript plugins, jQuery framework or even on demand code library are minified to be used directly. While this is good for performance, one of the challenges of working with the minified version of file is. The problem was diagnosed to be the result of jquery not getting the click event from the button.. JQuery. On one of our recent Drupal projects we came across an issue where the file browse button was not triggering the file selection dialog in IE10 in. The following snippet should do this for IE browsers. Element.closest(). - LS. DOM method that returns the current element if it matches the given selector, or else the closest ancestor element that matches the given selector, or else null. Usage % of. all users, all tracked, tracked desktop, tracked mobile. Once the code is installed (similar to Google Analytics), the necessary support files can be loaded and the data for the widget can be retrieved from our servers. Obviously, the domain. It turns out that this is very straight forward for every browser except Internet Explorer (shocker) if you're using jQuery. The basic code for. This problem arose for me when I was loading markers onto a Google map using their JavaScript API via an AJAX call and a returned XML string generated by PHP. The markers would show in all browsers except IE with no errors or warning messages at all. The script seemed to be failing when looping. Проблема в том, что Internet Explorer 8 не поддерживает закачку файлов на сервер с помощью XMLHttpRequest. Для того чтобы обойти эту проблему jQuery File Upload Plugin использует закачку файлов на основе iframe (был такой древний способ). Подобный способ закачивания файлов. ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch( e ) {} } // Create the request object // (This is still attached to ajaxSettings for backward compatibility) jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = window.ActiveXObject ? /* Microsoft failed to properly * implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files), * so we use the. For Zopfli, 15 iterations are performed (i.e. the default): zopfli --i15 file.js . Better compression could be achieved by increasing the number of iterations. Disclaimer: it's not the file size, it's how you use it. Sure, jQuery has gotten bigger over time, but every new release patches bugs and/or introduces new features. This page. The default build includes the following modules: Core, Ajax, Event, Form, IE. Zepto will only set the $ global to itself if it is not yet defined. There is no Zepto.noConflict method. Older versions of Internet Explorer often work differently from newer browsers and therefore require extra JavaScript programming to get new features to work. Supporting those browsers requires more code, expanding the size of the jQuery library file. In the hopes that IE 6, 7, and 8 will one day vanish from the world, the. With tears of joy running down my face, I opened up a document ready function and then just vomited up massive amounts of jQuery. Some of the worst.. The term is typically used for a Unix command line utility for searching files that contain text matching a given regular expression. In jQuery, grep is a. AJAX calls not returning current data in Internet Explorer can be a frustrating issue to debug. Fortunately, fixing the issue is. Finally, if you're using jQuery, you can specify that you don't want to cache the response from your AJAX requests either across the board using the $.ajaxSetup() method or on a per. This is essentially for IE 9-. We do not need to collect the dragged & dropped files because in this case ( isAdvancedUpload = false ), the browser does not support drag & drop file upload and the form relies only on the input[type="file"] . Strangely enough, targeting the form on a dynamically inserted iframe. Latest compiled and minified CSS --> ie/2.0/control/css/autoaddress.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> minified JavaScript --> ie/2.0/control/js/jquery.autoaddress.min.js">. Important : Don't forget to also have your jQuery file. Download the latest version as a zip file. If you are not currently using jQuery, I've created a packaged file that includes both Lightbox and jQuery.. Internet Explorer. The lightbox-plus-jquery.js file includes jQuery v2.x and supports IE 9+. If you want to support IE 6, 7, and 8, use your own copy of jQuery v1.x with lightbox.js. jquery, live, change, ie, internet explorer, javascript.. And found out that jquery does not bind live “change" events, I was told that it works in 1.4.2 but for some reason I still was not able to get it working.. That should do the trick, remember to add jquery.livequery.js if you are using livequery in your file. jquery.fileDownload.js Library jQuery File Download is a cross server platform compatible jQuery plugin that allows for an Ajax-like file download experience.. Internet Explorer 6 – 9; Firefox 11 – reasonably sure it will work on earlier versions; Chrome 17 – reasonably sure it will work on earlier versions. $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'sample.xml', // your xml file dataType: ($.browser.msie) ? 'text' : 'xml', // text for IE, xml for the rest success: function(xml) { var newXML = parseXml(xml); // and then process normally }, // end success error: function(a, b, c) { alert('error'); // this is where the errors happen, 'b' and 'c' are. More often than not, I find myself wanting to upload more than one file at a time. Having to use multiple "file" INPUT elements is annoying, slow, and inefficient. And if I hate them, I can't imagine how annoyed my users would be. Luckily Safari, Chrome, and Firefox have implemented a method by which users. Self-implemented download function. The following simple function allow you to generate a download of a file directly in the browser without contact any server... IE files in IE See ChenWenBrian and koffsyrup's saveTextAs() for more details. jQuery HTML5 Uploader is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you to quickly add an upload system a-la-Gmail into your web app. You only need to create a dropbox element (i.e. a div) and jQuery HTML5 Uploader will do the rest. Then you can drag & drop one or more files on the element and the files will be uploaded. 2. Identify the Error. The error console will open. If you don't see any errors try reloading the page. The error may be generated when the page loads. The console will provide you with the error type, the location of the error and the line number. ie console2.jpg. The image above shows the error to be in jquery.js on line 2. jQuery's ajax module is targeted at application/x-www-form-urlencoded requests. Any other encoding type will require you to do a bit more work. First we need to tell jQuery to leave the data alone (i.e. don't URL encode it). Then, we must turn the JavaScript object into JSON ourself. Why can't jQuery do this. The repository also includes the jQuery XDomainRequest Transport plugin, which enables limited cross-domain AJAX requests in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and 9 (IE 10 supports cross-domain XHR requests). The XDomainRequest object allows GET and POST requests only and doesn't support file uploads. It is used on. Unblock Unblock @phpstorm. Pending Pending follow request from @phpstorm. Cancel Cancel your follow request to @phpstorm. More. Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet. Very slow initial JS file (i.e. jquery.js) indexing is reported for EAP 98.91 Not critical but very irritating. We'll publish an update soon. var x = document.getElementById("myFile"); var txt = ""; if ('files' in x) { if (x.files.length == 0) { txt = "Select one or more files."; } else { for (var i = 0; i files.length; i++) { txt += "" + (i+1) + ". file"; var file = x.files[i]; if ('name' in file) { txt += "name: " + + ""; } if ('size' in file) { txt += "size: " +. How To Allow Blocked Content on Internet Explorer. Follow the steps below if you are tired of having to "Enable Blocked Content" in IE each time you want to view your genealogy report. This way, you won't get annoyed by the message: "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing. I recently implemented jQuery File Upload on a site as a replacement for an older, considerably more bloated file upload component they had been using.. The most important issue to be aware of with the iframe transport (used most notably for IE) is that the returned response is only available in callbacks. Internet Explorer 8 implements cross-origin resource sharing using the non-standard XDomainRequest. This function checks to see if XDomainRequest exists (if you are using IE >= 8), and if so registers a cross-domain request handler that uses it. (function( jQuery ) { if ( window.XDomainRequest ) { jQuery. Although the online demos for dialog samples work all all browsers, the standalone demo fails working on Internet explorer ( I used I.E. 10 on Windows 8). All sample html files under Webjquery-ui-1.10.1.customdevelopment-bundledemosdialog will not properly show UI effect. Cause: All demo html files for dialog has this. Download modules from the Cheeky Monkey Media Drupal Development team to help you render IE11 properly. Also how to check what engine IE is using. This ended up being a dead end too, with our main problem being setting the proper content headers across different file types and browser variations. As the title implies, our final solution leveraged jQuery and FineUploader. FineUploader is a 100% dependency free JavaScript library that also supports IE. The contents of this file was the perfectly fine JSON response, but this was not understood by Internet Explorer 8. In Internet Explorer 9 the warning was supressed and the response seemed to simply be ignored, leaving our jQuery component waiting for its JSON reply in vain. Chrome, Opera and Firefox. Stop IE From Displaying a File Download dialog when returning JSON. 05 SEPT ASP.NET MVC. The following jQuery code is used to collect, encode, send and process the AJAX request:. As I said above, this code worked fine in Firefox and Chrome, but IE would always display a File Download box. It turns out that you. By Louis Lazaris on July 3rd, 2012 | 8 Comments. Loading a Different jQuery Version for IE6-8 If you haven't heard yet, last week the jQuery team announced on their blog that jQuery 2.0, which is scheduled for an early 2013 release, “removes support for IE 6/7/8 oddities such as borked event model, IE7 'attroperties',. For the most basic implementation, you'll only need the files jquery.fileupload.js and jquery.iframe-transport.js from that zip. I based the following code on the “Basic Plugin" instructions. Here's the client code: Lines 9-12 are the basic scripts required. I noticed that without the iframe-transport js file, IE doen't. Still, there will be a jQuery Compat 3.0 version, the successor to jQuery 1.11.1, along with jQuery 3.0, the successor to jQuery 2.1.1. Compat will offer compatibility with more browsers, albeit at the expense of file size and possibly performance. "There is still quite a bit of Internet Explorer 8 out there in the. Different options in jQuery File Upload.. The plugin provide us another JS file jquery.fileupload-ui.js for user interface, which includes all the option from the basic and add some advance options. This plugin use. i.e we can choose to upload all the selected files in one call or different call for each file. Entrance consultants discovered a problem with using SharePoint 2010 in conjunction with VML, jQuery, and IE 8. We solved this. Special note about Page Viewer Web Part: I tried to save my chart in an HTML file, but SharePoint tries to force you to download HTML files with the Page Viewer Web Part. Anyway, I encountered some quite interesting behavior of IE with jQuery Ajax calls and cached responses.. Take the following ajax request to a static JSON file. HTML1300: Navigation occurred. File: applet_test.html. HTML1527: DOCTYPE expected. Consider adding a valid HTML5 doctype: "". File: applet_test.html, Line: 1, Column: 1. SCRIPT2343: Stack overflow at line: 3618. SCRIPT28: Out of stack space. File: jquery-1.11.1.js, Line: 3618,. Before HTML5 there were a bunch of techniques and plugins for jQuery to implement AJAX file uploads. HTML5 introduces FormData class that can simplify file uploads. $('#myform').on('sumbit', function(){ var form = $(this); var formdata = false; if (window.FormData){ formdata = new FormData(form[0]); }.