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video youtube di ubuntu 10.04
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18 min - Uploaded by San HajiInstall dan Konfigurasi Samba di Ubuntu Server 10.04 By:Sonick182. San Haji. Para penggemar Youtube yang menggunakan sistem operasi Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, ada aplikasi yang bisa digunakan untuk mendownload video dari youtube. Jadi ga perlu buffering lagi. Dengan menggunakan youtube-dl kita bisa mengambil video di youtube dengan format .flv. Pada sistem operasi lain, banyak aplikasi tambahan yang memberi kemudahan untuk mendownload video dari youtube. Seperti Internet Download Manager, yang menginstall add on di mozilla sehingga video yang ditonton dari youtube dapat didownload secara otomatis. Akan tetapi Ubuntu pun tak mau. Sumber: Instalasi aplikasi # apt-get install youtube-dl. contoh penggunaan youtube-dl file akan di simpan di title-2xyg.flv aemXgP. agar di simpan dalam nama yang lebih. ane mw nanya dunk gimana ya caranya download video dari you tube lewat ubuntu 10.04,,,,klw di windows kan pke IDM truz lw udh tr instal IDM kan pas qta buka youtube lgsung da tulisan "download this video" udh deh lgsung terdownload video nya,,,,tapi klu di ubuntu 10.04 pakek apah ya????? Top. Berikut akan saya jelaskan berbagai cara untuk melakukan download video Youtube pada Linux Ubuntu. Di sini penulis menggunakan Sistem Operasi Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx untuk menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi yang ada di sini. Berikut cara-caranya: 1. Menggunakan aplikasi Minitube. Dengan. Download youtube video via ubuntu 10.04 (lucid lynx) is become easier, there is an application called youtube-dl which help us to download directly youtube video through a Ubuntu terminal. Youtube-dl is small command-line program to download videos from, youtube-dl is not defaulty in Ubuntu so it's. Berikut akan saya jelaskan berbagai cara untuk melakukan download video Youtube pada Linux Ubuntu. Di sini penulis menggunakan Sistem Operasi Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx untuk menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi yang ada di sini. Berikut cara-caranya: 1. Menggunakan aplikasi Minitube. Dengan. This post will explain about some simple methods to Download YouTube videos on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx.You can do it either from command line or Terminal or in graphical interface by using some plugins in Firefox.Two common methods are explained here,which surely works in Ubuntu 10.04. Berikut konfigurasi partisi harddisk di ubuntu server dengan ukuran HDD 80GB: 1.. /var -----> 5Gb ext4 5. swap -----> 2Gb (2 x RAM di PC) 6. /cache. (ico|video-stats) 10080 80% 10080 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-private ignore-auth override-lastmod negative-ttl=10080 Download youtube to mp3: Install Video Drivers -Ubuntu 10.04. Here is the link for Nvidia's Driver. Download youtube to mp3: Installing the Latest Stable Proprietary NVIDIA Drivers on Ubuntu 11.04. 7 years ago - By. Download youtube to mp3: 3. cara install driver vga nvidia di linux ubuntu 11.10. 6 years ago - By 79fzn. Be it Ubuntu or any other platform, one thing I learned over the years is the fact that people like to download their favorite YouTube videos and would want to keep a local copy of it no matter how hard it is. Luckily, there are plenty of tools to do this in Ubuntu without any hassles. Here, we'll explore 5 of the. Salve a tutti, premetto che con la versione precedente di ubuntu il pc funzionava perfettamente, ho aggiornato alla 10.04 e ho dei problemi quando vedo i video da youtube. Quando sto guardando i video e come se andassero a rallentatore, e una cosa insopportabile eppure funziona tutto bene solo i video. Download video selain menggunakan ekstensi browser seperti DownloadHelper di Firefox, di Ubuntu bisa juga dengan menggunakan terminal.. Ada beberapa tools untuk mendownload video di YouTube, Vimeo, Blip.. Ada 2 tools video downloader di Ubuntu yang mudah digunakan yaitu Movgrab dan YouTube-DL. Di lingkungan Windows, sudah banyak tersedia pilihan aplikasi pengunduh video YouTube. Lain halnya dengan di lingkungan Linux (Ubuntu), di mana jumlah aplikasi sejenis ini pilihannya sangat terbatas. Salah satunya adalah aplikasi "youtube-dl", sebuah aplikasi (atau lebih tepatnya semacam skrip). I recently refreshed my browser and I lost my previously installed Adblock Plus. It seems that the last updated version of Adblock plus present on the Ubuntu Apps Directory is compatible with Ubuntu 10.04. How to reinstall it? Is there any similar such app that can be used on 14.04? 14.04 firefox adblock. Supported non-free software includes device drivers that can be used to run Ubuntu on some current hardware, such as binary-only graphics card drivers. The level of support in the Restricted category is more limited than that of Main, because the developers may not have access to the source code. It is intended that Main. Youtubedl tutorial ubuntu 10.04 youtube. Install youtubedl a command line video download tool. youtube-dl lo si usa con la linea di comando in più non so te che versione di ubuntu usi, ma la versione di youtube-dl incluso nella ubuntu 10.04 è da un paio di mesi che non funziona più per via di alcuni cambiamenti fatto da. sudo apt-get install youtube-dl. Ora per scaricare un video da youtube, basta aprire il terminale e digitare youtube-dl http://www. etc etc etc. NB: Si tenga presente che nel suddetto repository sono presenti anche altri programmi più aggiornati rispetto a quelli presenti nei repository di Ubuntu Lucid; perciò. Cannot interact (play directly or open the related page on youtube and so) with embedded video on several pages, for example: and this is the code of the embedded element. Kadang saat kita memutar video di youtube di ubuntu 10.04 dan 10.10 kemudian melakukan fullscreen video, akan hang atau lebih tepatnya kita sebut freeze. untuk mengatasinya cukup mudah. yaitu sebagai berikut : Cara Pertama. buka browser, masuk ke , pilih salah satu videonya. Posts about Ubuntu written by Jawaad and Kincir.. OK, langsung saja kita mulai cara instalasi Samba di Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid (atau versi diatas nya).. linux ubuntu dah banya digemari orang-orang khususnya yang suka teknologi, nah mungkin sedikit tutor tenang bagaimana mendownload video youtube di linux ubuntu,. Assalammu'alaikum wr.wb… Pada artikel kali ini, w akan menjelaskan bagai mana cara mendownload video di youtube.,mungkin untuk pengguna windows ini suatu hal yg gampang x y? krna telah banyak aplikais/paket yg dapat digunakan untuk mengunduh video di youtube. lain dengan klo kita. Oh!buntu M: Bagaimana menonton video Youtube tanpa Flash - Firefox | Blog Ubuntu Linux Malaysia : English Bahasa Melayu - Panduan Mudah Desktop Ubuntu | Sulla mia Ubuntu 10.04 a 64bit ho installato il flashplugin presente nei repositories ufficiali (flashplugin-installer, flashplugin-nonfree). Purtroppo mi sono reso conto che non funziona sempre a dovere. Talvolta non è possibile fare partire un video YouTube, "embeddato" su un sito esterno, se non cliccando. {guess,sub} files; autotrace (0.31.1-15) [universe]: bitmap to vector graphics converter; autotrust (0.3.1~rc2-1build1) [universe]: a tool to automatically update your.... block-modules-2.6.32-21-generic-di (2.6.32-21.32): Block storage devices; block-modules-2.6.32-21-generic-pae-di (2.6.32-21.32): Block storage devices. While Firefox is currently the default web browser for Ubuntu 16.04, there are many alternative and special-purpose browsers available to install on Linux... The guys over at Ubuntu Made Simple have made a series of videos to show off each of these alternative browsers and posted them on youtube! This tutorial shows you how to install ClipGrab video downloader and converter on Ubuntu 13.04, 12.10, 12.04, 10.04 & Linux Mint via PPA. ClipGrab is a free downloader and converter for YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion and many other online video sites. It converts downloaded videos to MPEG4,. YouTube and Google) run some variant of a Unix system. e Linux kernel is.... Pitivi video editor. ‣ Rhythmbox music player. ‣ Sound Recorder. More information on all of these programs can be found in Chapter : Working with Ubuntu. Ubuntu So ware Center.... If “Auto eth0" appears di- rectly underneath, then your. Sudah lama saya gak download vidieo di youtube, biasanya sih saya menggunakan Free download manager untuk mengunduh video-video yang ada di youtube (bagi yang tidak punya akun disana), namun ternyata cara tersebut sudah tidak bisa lagi ketika saya coba download video sore ini irked. Uno dei problemi che gli utenti di Ubuntu 10.04-lts, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04-lts, che utilizzano Firefox14, sono i video in blu visualizzati su Youtube, questo inconveniente viene causato da questo bug 967091 che è stato risolto da Tikhonov il 08.05.2012, vediamo come risolvere sulle varie versioni di Ubuntu. I recently made the switch from Firefox to Chrome, and decided to install it on all my machines. I had some problems getting it installed for Ubuntu 10.04 at first, but then I found this post that spelled it all out. Here's the steps in simple, copy/paste format: wget -q -O. Minitube è un programma che consente lo streaming dei video da Youtube senza la necessità di aprire il browser e senza uso di plugin flash. Questo. Se non volete aspettare l'aggiornamento dei repository per Ubuntu 10.04 e volete installare da subito la nuova versione 1.0 potete farlo tramite i seguenti. This how-to explains how to install Firefox 58 on Linux, with or without replacing an existing Firefox installation. Firefox 58 was released. f : read from a file (rather than a tape device). Ubuntu automatically updates its repositories to the newest stable Firefox version a few days after the official release (as does Linux Mint). Guida alla distribuzione Ubuntu 10.04.. da tastiera; Scaricare video da YouTube dal terminale di Linux; Integrare Comandi e Scripts in Nautilus; Distro Ubuntu per vecchi PC; Browser Web alternativi per Ubuntu. ScreenGrab scatterà una screenshot di una intera pagina web, anche della parte che a video non si vede. 1022525, This article provides the steps to install VMware Tools in an Ubuntu virtual machine.Note: Whenever the Linux kernel (operating system) is updated, VMware Tools must be reinstalled.. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions. If we had to choose a media player to play any video, we would choose VLC.. It offers compatibility to next to all video formats and includes a good bunch.. for the player from VideoLan, such as the option to change the format of your videos, do live captures of what's happening on the screen, download YouTube videos,. Berikut ini langkah-langkah singkat menginstal dan menggunakan youtube-dl di Ubuntu 10.04: 1. Instal youtube-dl youtube-dl tersedia sebagai paket Ubuntu, sehingga kita cukup buka terminal dan menginstalnya: jafar@roemasa:~$ sudo aptitude install youtube-dl 2. Penggunaan youtube-dl Sejak si Lucid masuk ke dalam Dell 1464, ada satu hal yang aneh yang menurut saya pribadi sangat mengganggu, yakni bisa memutar file youtube, namun tidak bisa untuk mengontrolnya. Entah kosa kata itu benar atau tidak, yang jelas ketika misalnya browsing di forum lalu ada embedded video dari. SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux program that I've created to record programs and games.. Fully multithreaded: small delays in any of the components will never block the other components, resulting is smoother video and better performance on computers with multiple processors. Pause and resume. Milis, Error sesuai subject, saya tidak bisa menjalankan video youtube, beberapa hal sudah saya coba, seperti menghapus cookies, copy file ke .mozilla/plugins dan ke /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, coba jalan kan sudo apt-get remove swfdec-mozilla mozilla-plugin-gnash && sudo. P Sono molteplici le app per scaricare video o MP3 dai siti di condivisione video, come YouTube per intenderci, ma poche funzionano bene.... purge skype skype-bin sudo apt-get autoremove Per installare : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/chat sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install skype Per Ubuntu 10.04. Filter by genre: Choose one... Audio, Education, Graphics, Internet, Office, Programming, Science, Tools, Video Tools. No packages available for the selected criteria. © 2014 The GetDeb Team | Based on the design by Rafael Laguna | Powered by APT-Portal. Cancel. Version 0.4.1 is the sixth generally-available stable release of Neubot, distributed for Ubuntu >= 10.04, MacOSX >= 10.6 and Windows >= XP SP3. It is also available in. Thu, 07/14/2011 - 22:28. A Neubot contributor, Roberto D'Auria, shared this awesome video on YouTube that depicts the history of Neubot development:. Also applicable to Trusty Tahr, Precise Pangolin 12.04LTS, Lucid 10.04, Januty 9.04 and … Sebelumnya pada post saya sudah dibahas mengenai Download Video Youtube di Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx,. Langkah awal yaitu dengan menginstall ffmpeg sudo … 11-02-2014 · I downloaded the tar ball. The Lusca project aims to fix the shortcomings in the Squid-2. It also supports a variety of clustering protocols. By Using it, you can cache some dynamic contents that you previously can't do with the squid. For example [jz] # Video Cachingi.e Youtube / tube etc . . . # Windows / Linux Updates / Anti-virus. Si, l'installazione è uguale a quella di ubuntu. Per i video su youtube, intanto prova e vedi come vanno. Al termine dell'installazione del sistema devi installare dal gestore pacchetti il flash player perchè di default non è contenuto. Ti avviso che il browser di default di lubuntu non è firefox, ma google chrome. While trivial from a technical perspective, being able to watch YouTube channel in Minitube brings a whole new depth to the application. Discovering.. Sono venuto a conoscenza di questa splendida applicazione che purtroppo però, nel mio caso, non ne vuole sapere di caricare i video. Io ho Ubuntu. Secara default ubuntu sudah menyertakan aplikasi Rhytmbox untuk memutar musik dan Mplayer sebagai pemutar video. Akan tetapi untuk dapat memutar musik dan video masih membutuhkan plugin tambahan yaitu: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly downloadi386 gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse. CURRENT WORK ON LINUX CLIENT. Login bugs (Priority if you give a test login account); Crash bugs; Meeting bugs; ARM64 version; Sky grabs cursor focus; Jabra headset integration. youtube video demo. Leggendo l'ottima guida ( almeno a mio parere) su Ubuntu 10.04,, nella sezione Tips&Tricks, c'era l'indicazione di come scaricare i video di Youtube dal terminale di Linux. Ho installato subito youtube-dl e l'ho messo in funzione da. Architetture supportate: 32 bit – 64 bit (Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx). Versione supportata: Flash Player 10.0 r45 (changelog). Vediamo ora come installare l'ultima versione di Flash Player in Ubuntu Linux. (1) Installazione: chiudere eventuali browser aperti; aprire il Terminale dal menù Applicazioni. Usare CREATIVE WebCAM con SKYPE su UBUNTU 10.04. Installing Samsung CLP-315. Install Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T-Stick on UBUNTU How to convert files from .m2t to .mpeg. VIRTUALBOX on UBUNTU 10.04. Convert files from .pub to .pdf. Tutorials & Manuali; Installing Linux. GNU/Linux UBUNTU: l'alternativa a. Ciao, mi piacerebbe riuscire a capire per poter continuare ad usare Firefox. Ho un vecchio pc con Ubuntu 10.04 o Xubuntu 12.04 su cui ho problemi oserei dire quasi irrisolvibili con i video. Ho avuto problemi con i video che non vedevo, avendo però il plugin di flash correttamente installato. Ho scoperto. yoi flash download, jaman sekarang siapa yg gak kenal dengan youtube, youtube merupakan salah satu web yg menyediakan fasilitas video streaming, namun kita tidak ingin nonton lewat web yang kita inginkan adalah mendownload video ini namun bagai mana caranya. saya pikirkan dulu Image Hosted by ImageShack. Saya disini mencoba untuk share untuk temen-temen operator PLIK untuk wilayah Jabar & Banten, berbagi pengalaman saya tentang cara konfigurasi squid di Ubuntu 10.04 ( Server PLIK Jabar & Banten ), karna di server kita telah terinstall squid, maka kita hanya perlu melakukan konfigurasi di squid.conf. Anda pengguna linux ubuntu 10.04 LTS?? untuk menginstall program yang tercompress tar.gz atau tar.bz2 solusinya adalah: 1. Extact dulu file tar.gz tersbut dengan perintah pada terminal: $ tar zxf file.tar.gz $ tar zxf file.tgz $ tar jxf file.tar.bz2 $ tar jxf file.tbz2 2. Masuk pada directory file yang sudah di. Ricordate Minitube? Il comodissimo tool creato da Flavio Tordini in grado di cercare e riprodurre i video di Youtube senza utilizzare il browser! E' arrivato alla versione 1.1 e per installarlo su Ubuntu 10.04 ma anche 9.10 il nostro amico Roberto ha messo a disposizione i suoi PPA per una comoda e rapida. Ciao a tutti, dopo un aggiornamento del mio Ubuntu 10.04, mi sono accorto che i video su ubuntu hanno dei colori strani, ossia le tinte rosse e nere, hanno un colore blu/viola. Indagando un pò sembra che il problema sia diffuso e sia dovuto ad un problema di incompatiblità tra i video flash di youtube ed i. Lubuntu is a fast and lightweight operating system with a clean and easy-to-use user interface. It is a Linux system, that uses the minimal desktop LXDE, and a selection of light applications. Because of this, Lubuntu has very low hardware requirements. Lubuntu was founded by Mario Behling and has been grown for many.