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The Spectacular Spider-Man Full Movie Hd 1080p Download Kickass Movie
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0kdn
Orphaned schoolboy Peter Parker lost even his uncle, leaving him with old, semi-helpless aunt May. Trough a messed-up experiment with spider DNA, he acquires super-powers. But he only uses them when masked in a flashy costume as Spider-man, a mysterious dashing hero who defeats all crooks. As Peter, his life is far humbler, moonlighting as photographer for the Bugle.
An animated television show that focuses on a sixteen-year-old Peter Parker, and the origins of Spider-Man.
I just watched most of season 2 and I have to say I'm very impressed. I've been a Spidey fan since the 60's and I'm glad the producers and writer took Spidey back to his roots. Peter Parker is 16 and in high school. They even brought in ALL of the high school friends from the 60's. (with a few extra's, but that's OK). Classic villains, classic plot lines, this has all the nostalgic feel of the Lee/Ditko days. And the animation is also top-notch. Spidey still moves fluidly and attention to detail is used. Simple background articles are used in fight scenes. Trash cans, loose bricks, cars on the street, they aren't just simple backdrops.
Pros: They actually used story lines from the 60's. The Peter Parker/Liz Allen romance happens just like the comics. First she hated him, then she ends up liking him and they start dating. Peter also dates Betty Bryant. We get to see the Sinister Six. We get the Enforcers! Norman Osborne isn't shown as a evil jerk straight off the bat. Flash Thompson meets Sha Shan (Whom he marries in the comics. )
Spidey also uses his brain to win most of his battles. Case in point: the season 2 battle scene with Venon. One part was the fighting in the hallway. When Spidey took the bat off the kid, I thought it was going to be used as a weapon, but instead, he bang the metal wall lockers using the sound against Venon.
Cons: Not any real legitimate gripes. Just that since I am such a fan, mystery plots are just like in the comics. I knew who the Master Planner was. I knew who Tombstone was. I think Peter has way too many love interest so early in the show. Liz Allen is on track, and so was Betty, but he didn't meet Gwen until he was in college. And MaryJane didn't happen until after Gwen. But, like I said, small personal gripes.
Seems like the Venon origin was from Ulitmate Spiderman, but it works better here. This show is a winner. Hope they continue to make many more.
I am an old Spider-Man fan, who has fond memories of watching the very first cartoon series in the late 1960's. In my opinion, "The Spectacular Spider-Man" blows away that version, and every other Spidey cartoon since. I just discovered "The Spectacular Spider-Man" online (I do not own a television), and I have been watching the episodes in order for the past few days. It took me a bit to get past the animation style at first, but now I love it. Spidey's movements are very fluid, and all the characters are distinctive from one another (I assume Liz Allen is no longer a blonde to avoid confusion with Gwen).
The series takes a few liberties with the original stories, but it is done with the intent of creating the best possible show. For instance, Harry and Gwen did not meet Peter until he attended ESU. And Gwen was never mousy as she is shown in SSM, although she was always brainy. The origins of some of the villains have been changed somewhat. But none of this really matters, because the characters are consistent in the SSM universe, and the creators keep the stories moving briskly. In one episode alone (S1E10, "Persona"), we meet Alien Symbiote (Black Suit Spidey), Black Cat, The Chameleon, Quentin Beck (Mysterio), and Phineas Mason (Terrible Tinkerer)! All the elements are there from the comics: the incredible array of villains, a deep supporting cast, Spidey's trademark quips, and Peter Parker's money troubles. The show even works in scenes from the Raimi Spider-Man movies.
What really makes me love "Spectacular Spider-Man" are subtle little touches that hearken back to the earliest days of the comics. Spidey's mask will briefly appear on half of Peter's face, or his eyepieces and red webbing will become the backdrop for a conclusion to a scene. These are bits taken directly from the very early days of the Lee/Ditko comics and really make SSM special. Heck, S2E4 "Shear Strength" recreates what is probably the most iconic moment from the Ditko run, where Spidey lifts the machinery off himself in the Master Planner's lab. All the stories reveal a sincere respect and affection for these characters, even as they are updated for a 21st century audience.
It is a real pity that real-world corporate politics brought the series to a premature end. But I will always treasure these 26 episodes. I doubt they will ever be surpassed. This is not only the finest Spider-Man cartoon series ever, but the finest superhero cartoon series ever, IMO.
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In episode 13, Final Curtain, it is revealed that Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin. Although Spider-Man suspected him at first, he cleverly escaped this suspicion by staging his son Harry as the Green Goblin. The times that Norman and the Green Goblin were seen together, one of them was the Chameleon in disguise. a5c7b9f00b
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