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The Saints Row: The Third Hindi Dubbed Free Download
Two years after the Ultor Corporation's destruction, the 3rd Street Saints have turned their street gang into a media empire, becoming icons and household names across the world, with their own energy drink, Japanese commercials, toys, a large fanbase, and a movie deal in the works. However, when the Saints' leader (usually referred to simply as "the Boss") and two lieutenants, Shaundi and Johnny Gat, attempt to rob a bank as a publicity stunt, the bank tellers unexpectedly start shooting back. The police, who they had paid off beforehand subsequently intervene and arrest the Saints. The Saints' leaders are shortly released to the man who owned the targeted bank, Phillipe Loren, the leader of a criminal organization known as "the Syndicate;" on his private jet, Loren offers to let the Saints live if they turn over most of their earnings. The Saints' leaders refuse and break out, but Gat is seemingly killed as the Boss and Shaundi escape via parachute. Upon landing, the Boss and Shaundi find themselves in Steelport, the dystopian criminal city controlled by the Syndicate's three gangs: The Morning Star, a gang with advanced technology equipment, controlled by Loren himself, the Luchadores, a Mexican gang led by the killer wrestler Killbane, and the Deckers, a hacker-based gang led by Matt Miller. The Boss quickly calls in another lieutenant from the Saints' hometown of Stilwater, Pierce Washington, and begins attacking the Morning Star's businesses, culminating with an attack on Loren's headquarters. In this raid Loren is killed and the giant superhuman Oleg Kirlov, the basis of the cloned "brutes" the Syndicate uses, is rescued. The Boss briefly returns to Stilwater for Johnny Gat's funeral but while his hearse is held up at the reopening of the Hughes Memorial Bridge, overseen by Senator Monica Hughes, Killbane attacks the Saints and destroys the bridge. To retaliate, the Boss seeks out anti-Syndicate talent, recruiting Oleg as an enforcer, ex-FBI hacker Kinzie Kensington as an informant; Zimos, the oldest pimp in Steelport; and Angel de la Muerte, Killbane's vengeful former tag-team partner. They are later joined by Viola DeWynter, one of Loren's twin lieutenants, after Killbane kills her twin sister Kiki out of rage due to a failed assassination attempt on the Boss. Her defection, however, coincides with the arrival of the paramilitary S.T.A.G. (Special Tactical Anti-Gang) forces in Steelport, created by Senator Hughes to end gang violence once and for all. The Saints take on STAG regardless, resulting in Steelport going under martial law, whilst also dealing with the Syndicate. After providing Kinzie with the appropriate technology, the Boss enters the Deckers mainframe, defeating Deckers leader Matt Miller's avatar in a virtual reality fight and driving him and most of the Deckers out of town. At Angel's insistence, the Boss opts to take on Killbane by killing the other contestants in his Murderbrawl XXXI pay-per-view to gain entrance, and then, with Angel's help, defeating Killbane. Following his humiliating defeat, an enraged Killbane responds by instigating several attacks on the Saints and STAG throughout Steelport to cause chaos. Whilst quelling the fighting between the Luchadores and STAG, the Boss is simultaneously informed that Killbane is escaping the city while STAG second-in-command Kia is holding Shaundi, Viola, and Mayor Burt Reynolds hostage at a Steelport monument rigged to blow to frame the Saints. If the Boss saves Shaundi and kills Kia, the Saints are held as heroes; the ending of the game subsequently shows the boss tracking Killbane down to Mars and killing him in what is ultimately revealed to be a scene from the Saints sci-fi film Gangstas in Space, which the Boss and several members are acting in. Alternately, a non-canonical ending sees the Boss kill Killbane, letting Shaundi die, while the monument's destruction is used as a pretext by STAG to attack Steelport with the airborne aircraft carrier Daedalus. The Boss destroys the Daedalus, killing STAG leader Cyrus Temple in the process, and declares Steelport an independent city-state under the Saints' control.
After the Saints have transformed from a small town street gang to pop culture giants, they decide to take over another city called Steelport.
Saints Row the Third was a bizarre video gaming experience. From playing as a toilet to throwing a fart in a can, its a blast. I've never played a Saints Row game before and my only knowledge of this game that it was a GTA clone. This is a true statement, the game doesn't even attempt to do that much different from it. However, grabbing a giant D**do bat and just wailing people with was extremely fun for my inner child. And honestly thats why people play games in the first place, to have fun. The story was fun to follow and the story missions always came up with something fresh. I enjoyed playing in a computer simulation and mars. While the story was fun to play, it finished way too soon. Plus, once the game finishes there isn't much to do. All you can do is to play a limited selection of mini games or blow random sh*t up. These two things get very boring after a while. All in all, this was a very enjoyable game. The silliness and graphics were top notch while the story was entertaining. The game isn't for everyone, but if you want to play just purely for fun then I highly recommend this game.
First: I love this game. I understand the story in Saints Row 2 was a lot better and well written and that the story in this is "simplistic" (Does that sound right?) but is not garbage, it's still entertaining but it depends on what you enjoy. I am one of those people that try to find something to like in a game and story and I used to watch WWE & TNA so the Luchadores gang was a fun idea, mostly because of the wrestling matches in the end which were "awesome", had tons of fun.
And I apologize if I jump from topic to topic, I'm just trying to get all my opinions said before I forget some.
The amount of vehicles in this game is awesome: cars, motorcycles, tanks, helicopters, planes and aircrafts, I had many of the best moments in games with my cousin when we played this game through in co-op, and yes, Saints row series is one of the coolest co-op games I and my cousin know since there are so many cool things to do like the wide amount of side quests from insurance fraud to mayhem, etc.
Main missions, I have to say I don't remember everything since it has been over a years since I've played the third, I just finished the fourth. As I said, the story is not so great as in the second, where it felt like it was well thought of and well written but the story is still entertaining. All the gangs: Luchadores, Deckers, The Syndicate, etc. are different in style as were the Saints Row 2 gangs but I would have liked them to have been more "deep" (you know what I mean?) but I liked them all and I really enjoyed beating that "bitch with a keyboard" up in that simulation which in itself was fun to play. Saints Row 3 had variety, different styles and ideas which were very enjoyable.
I just can't understand why people hate this game so much, sorry but I just can't. But I've learned that people have their own opinions and they cannot be usually changed unless they try to change them by themselves. But if some of you don't have a game to play as co-op at the moment, I suggest you give this game another try 'cause I really loved the co-op when we took it all the way by using tanks and fighter jets to blow the enemies and buildings apart, etc. and just had a good time.
And yes, the game has the dildo as a weapon but no one forces to use it, just forget it exists and play the game with normal weapons, etc.
I must have forgotten many things that I was supposed to say but I hope I got to say at least most of what I wanted.
I feel that just because a game has some crazy stuff like the dildo weapon of other optional things, you shouldn't let them ruin the experience 'cause in this game you can still customize the character to the style you see fit and actually like. I noticed that when I tried to create a totally joke character in Saints Row 2 which didn't in any way feel like me, I almost felt like not playing but when I took the customizations in there both games more seriously, I enjoyed a lot more and was able to focus,
If someone was able to read this through completely and understood and didn't totally disagree, maybe even agreed, I will be pleased: thank you.
Additional note: I'm not accustomed to reviewing so many of the reasons I like a game might not have been included in the comments. I do feel this game deserves at least 7,5/10 if not even 8/10, I'd have to play again to be sure since it has been over a year. I might give Saints Row 2 a 9/10.
Yes: Saints Row 2 is 9/10 and Saints Row 3 is 7,5/10. If Saints Row the Third had had a better story it would have gotten 9/10.