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gentoo package
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Portage is the official package manager and distribution system for Gentoo. It functions as the heart of Gentoo-based operating systems. Portage includes many commands for repository and package management, the primary of which is the emerge command. Globally disable the unwanted USE flags which were enabled by the profile */* -bluetooth -consolekit -dbus -ldap -libnotify -nls -qt3support -udisks # enable the offensive USE flag for app-admin/sudo app-admin/sudo offensive # disable mysql support for dev-lang/php dev-lang/php -mysql # enable java and. belongs can search for files matching a regular expression with the -f option. The -e option stops searching after it finds a match. Since no file on your system should be owned by two packages, this is a safe optimization. A short version of belongs ( b ). All three methods will create a binary package in the directory pointed to by the PKGDIR variable (which defaults to /usr/portage/packages). Using quickpkg. Using --buildpkg as an emerge option. Implementing buildpkg as a Portage feature. Excluding creation of some packages. Web based binary package host. Gentoo does have a binary packaging format, which is a .tbz2 file (tar with bzip2 compression) with additional metadata. This feature enables the building of binary packages on one system (using Portage's buildpkg or quickpkg) followed by quick installation on other, identical systems (with. A list of all packages emerged on a Gentoo Linux system can be found in the files: execute... Introduction. We use Gentoo's portage (aka emerge) as the package manager in Chromium OS. This page is more geared towards developers of the portage tool itself rather than developers just using it (i.e. for ebuilds, or configuration, etc...). You can find Chromium OS's mini-fork here: gentoo - The official mirror of the Gentoo ebuild repository. gentoo package in Ubuntu. gentoo: fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager gentoo-dbgsym: No summary available for gentoo-dbgsym in ubuntu yakkety. This package has 0 new bugs and 0 open questions. You can use pfl ( emerge -av app-portage/pfl ) or a online database to search by package contents,. e-file YOURFILE. And for the qcad package, you probably need the Qt4 package. IIRC, use emerge -av x11-libs/qt-gui (Try search the package with emerge -s qt if that doesn't work out). Purpose. This page documents the process of upgrading a Portage package in our source to the latest upstream version, or for pulling in a new package that doesn't yet exist (since that's the same thing as upgrading from version ). These instructions are intended for Chromium OS developers. The upgrade process. Gentoo Linux development support in Atom. The “Gentoo Linux development package". ebuild and eclass syntax; Gentoo package atom syntax for use and keywords file; Basic support of packages mask; auto-completion for base functions and some popular eclasses : autotools; eutils; flag-o-matic. Gentoo is a system built to make it easy to compile every little piece of software in the system with the biggest and baddest gcc flags imaginable for your particular hardware. In theory this should lead to a faster system. The experience has been a bit of a mixed bag. There are things I really like about Gentoo: the package. name of the official Gentoo package of this application. Make sure package foo is installed - portage: package: foo state: present # Make sure package foo is not installed - portage: package: foo state: absent # Update package foo to the "latest" version ( os specific alternative to latest ) - portage: package: foo update: yes # Install package foo using PORTAGE_BINHOST setup. How to downgrade a gentoo package | is the personal site of Stephan Dale and serves mainly as a repository of his notes. Using this option by itself is equivalent to passing changes a ranged package atom, e.g., '>=foo/bar-1.5'. It can be used in conjunction with --to to request a more complex range of entries. --to=VER. Set which VER to display to. (See --from). R EXAMPLES : equery changes portage. Display the Gentoo ChangeLog entry for. On of the fundamental concepts of Gentoo is that the packages are not directly installed into the system. They are first installed in a temporary location and then copied (merged) file by file to the real system. This way Gentoo remembers all the files installed (merged, copied) and knows what to remove when the package gets. The core packages of Tcl and Tk are located in dev-lang/tcl and dev-lang/tk. The rest is located in dev-tcltk/* in standard Portage. (Portage is the name of the package repository system used in Gentoo). It is important that the overlay directory structure follow the structure in Portage. Portage is normally. Before Gentoo Linux emerged (pun intended) as a powerful force on the Linux distribution scene, software installation on most distributions was a subject of much controversy and frequent criticism. The RPM package manager was often at the receiving end of the blame due to its complex dependency. Only daily necessary skills with Portage will be discussed, the See Also section has links to more information. The reader is expected to know GNU/Linux at an administrative level. The emerge utility of portage provides the methods to install, upgrade and remove packages. Other utilities such as eclean and equery are use. Portage. Portage is Gentoo's package management system.565 It is similar in idea to the BSD ports collections: the original design was based on FreeBSD ports. In contrast, the Portage tree does not contain directories of. Earlier this year the Gentoo Linux developers responsible for maintaining the package app-emulation/wine decided to split it and slot it so that different versions of WINE can be installed and co-exist simultaneously: clevow230ss fitzcarraldo # eselect news read 34 2017-04-10-split-and-slotted-wine Title. Some news - 03/10/2016 20:00 GMT. No news since a long time... Now the site use Lets encrypt for TLS, backend was updated to support latest portage version, some bugs are fixed,... Posted By: Ycarus. Open source distributions such as Gentoo need to accurately track dependency relations between software packages in order to install working systems. To do this, Gentoo has a carefully authored database containing those relations. In this paper, we extract the Gentoo package dependency graph and its. Gentoo is a distribution of GNU/Linux. Gentoo includes packages for GNU Emacs, BZR GNU Emacs and XEmacs. Gentoo Emacs/Elisp project. List of GNU Emacs packages. List of XEmacs packages. Other Emacs Lisp files are available. Occasionally (more frequently on haskel packages) portage starts taking long time to only tell you it was not able to figure out the upgrade path. Some people suggest "wipe-blockers-and-reinstall" solution. This post will try to explain how to actually upgrade (or find out why it's not possible) without actually. #1289 Link to the gentoo package. Milestone: None. Status: closed. Owner: nobody. Labels: None. Priority: 1. Updated: 2017-08-22. Created: 2017-07-25. Creator: Anonymous. Private: No. Hi, we provide always the latest texstudio on Gentoo Linux. Usually it is one of the first distributions, where TeXStudio is available in. Gentoo's package management solution, known as portage, is one of the features that sets it apart from other distributions. Like Ubuntu's apt-get, it automatically handles package dependencies, which makes it very easy to install practically any program with a single command. Unlike Ubuntu, Gentoo does not install. Open source distributions such as Gentoo need to accurately track dependency relations between software packages in order to install working systems. To do this, Gentoo has a carefully authored database containing those relations. In this paper, we extract the Gentoo package dependency graph and its changes over. This is what you need to read, an intro to portage, the package manager in Gentoo. To update everything (including dependencies and changes to use flags), then emerge -avDuN world. To update a single package (again paying attention to dependencies etc): emerge -avDuN package-name>. A basic. If you spot that the commands for the package manager of your favourite distribution are incorrect, feel free to add them or fix them in this page. Package managers are used by some operating systems, namely the BSDs and also GNU/Linux to rationalise installation of programs in the operating system,. So I went ahead and created an ebuild package file for Gentoo. This is a live ebuild. It installs a desktop file and icon along with the executable. Note that this is terribly written, but it works. Usage instructions are standard, just plop it into your custom portage tree, in my case. 219 days ago | link | parent. To be clear, the Gentoo package is only in unstable. It hasn't reached stable yet. ( Guidelines | FAQ | Support | Lists | Bookmarklet | DMCA | Y Combinator | Apply | Contact. Search: The biggest difference between Emerge and other package systems is that almost all packages contain source code, which is compiled when the package is installed. All Gentoo package installation and management is done using the emerge command. Even though these package systems are internally different and use. Like Gentoo on which it is based, Sabayon uses rolling releases. What this means is that systems based on Sabayon can be kept up-to-date without having to wait for the next release to become available. Unlike Gentoo, Sabayon provides system snapshots that can be used to install a large set of packages without having. Gentoo Package Management Discussion Brainlets need not Apply - "/g/ - Technology" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing computer hardware and software, programming, and general technology. The configuration file /etc/portage/package.use allows you to set pr. package USE flags. You must create this folder yourself as it is not done for you. The file should contain category/package thisflag -thatflag . Example: x11-base/xfree -ipv6. Never the less, Gentoo supplies some binary packages to software which it's upstream vendors supply those packages pre-built. A few examples are: Oracle's Java, node.js, Firefox, and Chromium Browser. At the time of writing this post, searching for 'bin' packages yields in in the gentoo package archive. i'm using ubuntu now because i'm used to it and it's simple to install. i've tried installing gentoo several times on different computers, but in the. Install VLC through emerge. VLC is included in the Portage package system of the Gentoo Linux distribution. So you can simple type emerge vlc and you will have VLC installed. However, we advise to always use the latest (and 'unstable') version of VLC. For this you will first need to add the following line "media-video/vlc. Any time you receive an error in Portage concerning package "atoms" one of three possibilities may exist: You typed the package atom incorrectly. Check your typing and re-emerge. The atom only exists in the Sabayon overlay. Open source distributions such as Gentoo need to accurately track dependency relations between software packages in order to install working systems. To do this, Gentoo has a carefully authored database containing those relations. In this paper, we extract the Gentoo package dependency graph and its. A Funtoo Linux ebuild for sys-apps/portage: This is the official package manager/ports system for Funtoo Linux. A significant difference between Gentoo and Debian is the availability of binary packages from Debian. Gentoo's packages are almost always built on the local machine. This is acceptable to some people, on some machines, but not everyone will have the combination of patience and CPU power to compile. The performance difference will be in almost all cases minimal and not worthwhile. Good reasons to use source distributions (while rolling your own binary packages, as gentoo's bindist system allows) include: Deploying your own custom patches; Customizing your kernel easily; Packaging your own. ROS is in the process of converting to a new build system, catkin, but not all of the packages have been converted and the two build systems cannot be used simultaneously. Therefore it is necessary to build the core ROS packages first (catkin packages) and then the rest. PearlyDewdropsDrops: “I ran gentoo for a couple years and toward the end I got scared to emerge because I knew the system would break. I can't tell you how many hours I wasted because of some 40kb script-package failed because it wanted python– and I had already “upgraded" to. Use the portage_package resource to manage packages for the Gentoo platform. Note. In many cases, it is better to use the package resource instead of this one. This is because when the package resource is used in a recipe, the chef-client will use details that are collected by Ohai at the start of the chef-client run to. Ok, last attempt to revive this blog ;-) Well, there's a little trick that I'd like to share with you guys that use Gentoo. Some time ago, I had to modify the value of the $CFLAGS environment variable for 2 packages in the Portage because they had some problems when the debugging option was enabled… Permalink. I removed a package recently and portage keeps wanting to put it back into the system. How can I find out why portage wants to reinstall it? Here is a cleaned up example: emerge --ask --verbose --deep --update world. Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild N ] media-video/vcdimager-0.7.23. We have made a substantial set of neuroimaging and data analysis packages - including their entire dependency stacks - available for any system using Gentoo's Package Management Standard. Neuroscientific software now usable under Gentoo includes but is not limited to: Dipy (Garyfallidis et al. Unmask the required packages: echo "x11-misc/cairo-dock **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords echo "x11-misc/cairo-dock-plugins **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords. To be confirmed: It seems you now need to launch these commands: Unmask: echo "x11-misc/cairo-dock. For example, Gentoo linux > has /etc/portage/profile/package.provided file for such a situation. Is > there some equivalent? The request is a bit vague: Do you need a specific version which were in the ports in the past? Than you can use a svn/git portstree version, check out the old version and install it from. If you are running Gentoo for a few months/years, your /etc/portage/package.keywords will get quite messy -- whenever you've needed a package that was at the time not keyworded stable, you have added it to that file. Now each emerge -Davut world becomes a PITA because of dependencies for all those. Gentoo's official package and system management tools tend to be rather more complex and "powerful" than those provided by Arch, and certain features which are at the very heart of Gentoo (USE flags, SLOTs, etc.) do not have any direct Arch Linux equivalent. Some of that is due to the fact that Arch is. Nikita Melnichenko: Script that lists all installed Gentoo packages with USE flags. It saves state of Portage by looking at its database /var/db/pkg/. Alternative to equery list. There are also general notes about my backup system that saves configs and reports within version control system (VSC). -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 On 10/07/11 23:49, Ben McGinnes wrote: > On 8/10/11 2:25 PM, mori rámar wrote: >> if I remember correctly, Enigmail has been merged into >> mail-client/thunderbird package. Enable "crypt" USE flag for >> thunderbird and portage will install. For some reasons, the name tinderbox has been used by most of the continuous integration or automated testing tentatives in the Gentoo Linux project, by a wide range of developers. In this case, I'm referring to my personal tentative to improve Gentoo Linux's quality by building and running the tests of all the packages in. A simple to use but capable CMS for the command line.