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cracker irish slang
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In Elizabethan times this could refer to "entertaining conversation" (one may be said to "crack" a joke) and cracker could be used to describe loud braggarts; this term and the Gaelic spelling craic are still in use in Ireland, Scotland and Northern England. It is documented in Shakespeare's King John (1595): "What cracker is. Irish word, refers to good times, as well as scandal/gossip/goings on.. Irish word for banter, having a good time.. This sense of the word crack is found in Irish English, Scottish English, and Geordie as well as Mackem in North East England. Ever wondered just what the Irish are talking about?? Well wonder no more . . . Here is a guide to the most popular Irish Slang words used today in everyday speech. We are known for our gift of the gab and I have shown the words, their meanings and also given examples of this weird and wacky language. The person in question was having a good time., The person in question was having a good time. For Focal Sake - The All Ireland Slang Book. 5259 likes · 35 talking about this. For Focal Sake EXCLUSIVELY available at "It's a beautiful quote, but it was a character trait that was used to describe a group of Celtic immigrants — Scots-Irish people who came to the Americas who were running from political circumstances in the old world," Ste. Claire said. Those Scots-Irish folks started settling the Carolinas, and later moved. Cop on (to yourself) (v): get a life/don't be so stupid. Coppertop/ coppernob (n): Gingerhaired person. Cop shop (n): Garda station. Cooker (n): stove. Corner boy (n): somebody who hangs around aimlessly on the streets(gen a youth); used by older people. Covers (n): bedclothes. Cow Juice (n): milk. Cracker (a): wonderful Worst insults and racial slurs against the Irish. IrishCentral Staff. @IrishCentral. February 10. Coal-Cracker - Many Irish immigrants mined coal. Donkey - It was cheaper to hire an Irishman than. Also common slang term for a member of Canada's Conservative party. Turf-Cutter - Turf is peat moss, found in. I have been in Canada for over three years now, (longer now!), and I am aware that I am losing not only my accent (not many regrets there), but also all those little sayings and words that make Norn Iron what it is (lots of regrets for this one). So, in order to help me… The New Georgia Encyclopedia says that the derivation is more complicated. It says that linguists trace the word to the Gaelic word craic which is still used in Ireland to describe entertaining conversation. In Elizabethian English, the word cracker meant braggert. Shakespeare's King John (1595) includes. The latest irish and international entertainment news from The Daily Edge. Hide Comment. Report as Defamatory. Report this Comment. Apr 4th 2013, 6:30 PM. I found this one day whilst defending my point that irish english is constructed differently to bristish english : Tis a grand read if ya fancy it. If not then scarlet for me for posting it. English[edit]. Noun[edit]. coal cracker (plural coal crackers). (US, slang) A native or established resident of the traditional coal-mining area of northeastern Pennsylvania; a worker in the mines of this region. quotations ▽. 1998 October, "Top Ten Lists: Pizza Parlors," (retrieved 29 Oct 2016): Our first coal. 4. (initial capital letter) Slang: Sometimes Disparaging and Offensive. a native or inhabitant of Georgia or Florida (used as a nickname). 5. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a white person in the South, especially a poor white living in some rural parts of the southeastern U.S.. 6. Slang. The definition of CRACKER is Fantastic (Irish Slang). This page talks about CRACKER and its meaning on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Yubl as well as in SMS texts and chat forums. Long before the first cannon was fired on Fort Sumter, Cracker was slang for poor people; Corn Crackers so poor they only ate cheap corn instead of ground. mix of Scotch-Irish, Native Americans of all stripes, Spanish Conquistador, African slave, and even a pinch of the exotic— Moravian immigrant and Jewish trader. (Eimear – Belfast/Glasgow) Cracker: Good. “That restaurant was cracker" Craic: Fun, to have a good time. “The craic is mighty lads, get the beers in". Have to say I don''t agree with the slang meaning of a few of these - Others are near enough - but it also depends in what part of Northern Ireland you come. cozzpot crack cracked cracker cracker factory crap crazy like a fox very cunning or shrewd crapper crappy. (1992). [Prob. a blend of. crack noun 1 Anglo-Irish Enjoyment, fun; often in phr. for the crack for fun. a.1966–. SUNDAY TIMES They came to. [From obs. slang crack housebreaking þ man.] cradle-snatcher noun. From the Irish craic. E.g."Last night was a crack, especially with Mandy doing that drunken striptease." See 'good crack'. [Orig. Irish] 6. Women, viewed as sexual objects. Offens. cracker, Noun. 1. A thing that is excellent. E.g."That West End show was a cracker." {Informal} 2. An attractive person, particularly a woman. To start with, you might wonder, 'What does cracker mean'? 'Cracker' is an offensive term in the US, generally used to refer to a poor, white person. In the interview, Cassidy laughs smugly and says that he is certain that the word cracker is derived from Irish. In his insane rubbishy book, Cassidy says that it comes from similar Irish or Scottish Gaelic words meaning boaster or jester. Cassidy is right that there are terms for boaster or jester in both Irish and. Clown · Irish, Not used so much as a racial slur, however, the classic clown is based on a stereotyped image of Irish people: bushy red hair, a large red nose (from excessive drinking), and colorful clothes often with plaids, and often with a great many patches to represent that the Irish were poor and could not buy themselves. In the interview, Cassidy laughs smugly and says that he is certain that the word cracker is derived from Irish. In his insane rubbishy book, Cassidy says that it comes from similar Irish or Scottish Gaelic words meaning boaster or jester. Cassidy is right that there are terms for boaster or jester in both Irish and. Florida Crackers are descendants of the pre-Enlightenment, anti-intellectual, undesirable Scots-Irish Highlanders – the “Celtic fringe" who settled the frontier South.31 “Florida Cracker" refers to “Florida's white. 1594: “What Cracker is this provincialisms, local slang, and a variety of invented words, including 92 Tim Howard. crack | cracker jack 200 crack noun 1 crystalline lumps of concentrated cocaine US, 1985. 2 entertaining conversation in good company. Irish neologism craic (an informal entertainment) combines with earlier Eirrean use of “the crack" (brisk talk, news); ultimately from Old English cracian (crack, a loud noise). IRELAND. PEAT MAN (N) A safe cracker. PECK (N) A white person. PECKER (N) The male pudendum. (Irish slang.) PEEP (V) To talk. PEEPING TOM (N) A window peeper. PEET (N) Nitroglycerine; opiate; a safe. PEEWEE (N) A small child; a peddler with a good sales talk. PEG (N-V) One with a wooden leg; to recognize; to make. Matthew Mckeown / Via What it normally means: To have sex. What to means in Northern Ireland: To be completely exasperated, to the point of giving up. As in, "'Mon t'fuck". Brenda Fricker is a Dubliner and a movie actor. Cobbler's, Balls (rubbish, nonsense), From "cobbler's awls." Origin obscure. From Cockney. Normally used in the phrase "a load of cobblers." Cream-cracker, Knacker, "Knacker" is a racist term referring to an "Irish Traveller," although the use of the term "race" is controversial. 3 min - Uploaded by Facts.A quick guide to the accents used by different areas within Ireland. Subscribe to our channel. Norn Iron: Slang/dialect. Northern Ireland. “I hope Norn Iron win the World Cup" Nuck: Steal. “I didn't nuck your milk" O is for... Offie: Off Licence. “Let's go to the offie and buy some beer" Oul: Old. “This pub is really oul" Oul-Doll: Old Lady. “That oul-doll looks like your Ma" Oul-Lad: Old Man. “That oul-lad lives. Several convicted crackers now advise companies on computer security. Varios crackers convictos asesoran ahora a empresas sobre seguridad informática. cracker nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. US, slang, pejorative (poor white person) (potencialmente ofensivo), blanco pobre, blanca pobre loc nm, loc. Cracker: Beyond brilliant. Critter: Someone who evokes sympathy e.g. “You poor Critter". Dose: An unbearable human being. Dicko: A general insult. Eejit: Idiot. Hi: A sound placed at the end of almost any sentence for no particularly reason e.g. “No problem hi". Gone: Please. Head melter: Someone who causes you mental. Definition of cracker noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. The term cracker was in use during Elizabethan times to describe braggarts. The original root of this is the Middle English word crack1 meaning "entertaining conversation" (One may be said to "'crack' a joke"); this term and the alternate spelling "craic" are still in use in Ireland and Scotland. It is documented. a · b · c · d · e · f · g · h · i · j · k · l · m · n · o · p · q · r · s · t · u · v · w · y · z · Rhyming Slang · Top of Page. Ages (n): long time. Agro (n): fight. z · Rhyming Slang · Top of Page. Baby Power (n): miniature bottle of Powers Irish Whiskey (favoured size for ladies handbags).. Cracker (a): wonderful. Craic (n): (pronounced crack) fun. Pronunciation: mil-shohg. Word: dessert wine. Irish: fíon milis. Pronunciation: fee-un mil-ish. Word: digestive biscuit/graham cracker. Irish: briosca díleách...for all 'decent skins', 'crawthumpers', horse-protestants', 'hard chaws' and 'strong farmers'...a dictionary of Irish slang that's as amusing as it is informative. Click here. A mix of slang and regional Northern Irish phrases that could baffle some not-so-familiar with the Derry dialect. To help, here's a handy. 'crack' meaning a good time. The English word entered Irish English from Scots in the mid 20th century, and assumed an Irish Gaelic form. Cracker: Beyond brilliant. 17 questions and answers about 'Irish Slang and Dialect' in our 'Varieties of English' category. Did you know these fun facts and interesting bits of information? 70+ Irish Slang Words Phrases You Need to Know. Chancer slang definition of cracker. In mainstream press, the wordhacker" is often used to refer to a malicious security cracker. the f*cking chancer. cracker explanation free. Cracker definition: A racist insult utilized by blacks against white people that apparently actually. It was an extreme smelly and soggy job, but by the 1870s a place like Baltimore had many indigent blacks and immigrant Irish and Italians to work for the canners. Also, because of. The story is probably apocryphal as, at that time, the term “crackerjack" was a commonly used slang that meant first-rate or excellent. Cracker. Class, Cracker, Grand, Stickin' out, Magic, Smashing, Brilliant. Just a few more ways to say something's great. Ta, Ta-ta, Cheers, Thankin' you. And a few ways to say thanks. Are you gettin'? Have you been helped / served? He/she/that/this 'Does my head in.' Drives you up the wall. Mucker. Mate, friend. Steady/Steady on. Welcome to Irish Slang, . burpAh rifted a cracker an' woke up the dug: Ring: Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea , two. Pistols, esp. thus the termgrowler" was coined. Enter a wordor two) above , you'll get back a bunch of portmanteaux created by jamming. Top of the morning to ya. Nov 27. You can also find this list on my IRISH SLANG GLOSSARY page. ENVIRONMENT IRISH PHRASE = AMERICAN PHRASE. General Conversation Alright Bud? or Alright Brother? = Greeting among men. Ball hopping ya = messing with you. Brilliant = Rather good. Call = In-person visit. Craic = Good times. Pretty much just loads of swearing and flowery bollocks and stuff about gees. chancer. cheeky, hard necked, dodgy. you are some chancer. Someone else isn't "white", they're Irish. If you're black in this country... you don't get to do that, unless you're a relatively recent arrival. renegade7: Yes, "cracker" is a derogatory racial slur. It comes from "whip-cracker", ie, a slave driver (this was actually news to me, since I thought it referred to the pasty. The station will also be airing an alternative Christmas message on the big day. For example, from Shakespeare's "King John" in 1565: "What cracker is this. that deafes our ears / With this abundance of superfluous breath?" In other words, the great Bard is describing a blowhard. Starting about 1730 in the years before the Revolutionary War, there was a huge influx of Scots-Irish settlers from Northern. Slang Rhyming 'craic' Irish the From cracker English British modern of slang the to guide up-to-date an : slang British Contemporary hook, butcher's . clubs? Irish at women up pick I do How them neck does what but country this in slang the love I and numbers swap and sober up hook people irish of Plenty . slang English of. What are slang names around the world for very attractive women and men? Here the most popular would be: cracker, corker, stunner and babe for women; and for a man to be called a ride is the ultimate compliment. What's it where you are?... So who was this Irish girl you were talkng to . . . Big grin. Tossing salad slang definition of cracker. Welcome to Irish Slang, . Definition: For many of us, this announcement is a precursor to a delay. cracker 2. from DamoJust pulled a cracker lads, going back. Question Answer; Name something you would see inside a taxicab. Chilled Stacked Salad is a colorful , easy make-ahead. wig. Iron (iron hoof) - poof (homosexual). Jack Jones - alone, (on your own - 'On your Jack'). Jacob's (Crackers) - knackers (testicles). Jackanory - story (tall tale). Jam jar - car. Jimmy (Jimmy Riddle) - piddle (see more explanation at the cliches origins section). Jimmy Choos - shoes (very recent slang, probably. Ramsey claims that the word 'cracker' originated from the British slang for 'cracked head', as in 'that bloke is crackers' and was used to insult the poor and working class. And that this. Additionally "cracker" came to mean white in America by racist attitudes toward scots and Irish (non-whites at the time). Cracker- To break off a fish. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea , two. Coal-Cracker Many Irish immigrants mined coal. is harpy , in to a was not you i of it the be he his but for are this that by on at they with which she , from had we will have an what. The Belfast-born comedian was famous for his witty one-liners and his Irish jokes. Here is a collection of Frank's crackers. So just as going mudding in your jacked up 4x4 with a bunch of beer and girls in bikinis is embraced as “redneck" fun, so is “cracker" generally embraced as sort of a cultural heritage of rural, non-college educated.. So, most of the settlers of the south were of Scots-Irish descent so there could be some morphing over time. The most prevalent explanation of the word is that it is a shortened form of “corn cracker," which was a term for poor white folks, mostly Scotch-Irish, who subsisted on a corn based diet (and suffered from Pellegra as a result). I've seen this term used many times during the Civil War by Federal officers when. Sean MacMaghnuis's Avatar Sean MacMaghnuis , Feb 22nd 2013 2:37 pm. Re: Irish slang/sayings and their meanings. Quote: Originally Posted by sickntired. Cream Cracker. That's a good one. I never heard it used to describe a Knacker though. Only when people are exhausted they would say; I'm cream. The funniest Northern Ireland humour and phrases on super soft cotton t-shirts. Except for the few times that I've heard "fair dinkum" via the generation older than me, I also haven't heard much of the typical slang "g'day" or "sheila." I have to begin this blog with…. Cracker = Something that's great, like the best bargain for the day being the “cracker of the day." Crook = Ill or sick. Cubby house = Outdoor.