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Yeah, so if you're a directioner or w/e you like to call it. Here's Zayns real middle name omg it's not jawaad and i'm tired of people not knowing that it's javadd like srsly, what more proof do you n
i'm in a glee mood and i've watched the whole glee series this week again pmsl My glee OTP's: Quick - Quinn Fabray/Noah Puckerman I mean, these two... they've been through so much together. Like te
My glee OTP's: St. Berry - Jesse St James/Rachel Berry Yes, Rachel is my least favourite character. I actually hate Rachel (no, not Lea, Rachel) But when she's with Jesse, I like her a lot moooore.
My glee OTP's: Klaine - Kurt Hummer/Blaine Anderson these two these two, guys jreklf how can you noooot ship klaine? i want them to get married and get kids (i'm aware that this is not possible) and
My glee OTP's: Brittana - Brittany Pierce/Santana Lopez my lovely girls these. two. need. to. happen. your argument is invalid. "I love you Brittany. I don't want Finn or Sam or any of the other gu
My glee OTP's: Sory Flanevans - Sam Evans/Rory Flanagan Yeah, ok.. this two might not happen. I'm fully aware that Sam is hetero sexual. But Rory might be bi, right? I just really wantthemtoha
i'm bored and reading mr styles but i need to do something else after some certain chapters.. 1. Ta närmaste bok och slå upp sidan 18, rad 4 - vad står där? "Nej, Katniss, det är..." börjar mor
jhschjk this this this this this
i ws just JEYDON WALE RETWEETED ME OK I'M CJDKSAJKAJKS pmsl i'm getting used to like.. ok jeydon is a little famous but like 1d's drummer, 1d's keyboard player, niall's cousin.. adn well NIALL HIMS
Favourite tv-show. What's it called? Glee Does it still run? aaaaaaaah, yuuuup When did you start watching it? uuh like, after half of season 1 Favourite episode, why? Furt, omg, it always
Happy Birthday Zayn the vain, We love you. ♥ beautiful masculine king what a perfect name.
-le harry potter mood- Student Name: Sofia .. smth english like, y'know something cool lmao Birthday: 9/9-1996 Year: 4th right noooow! House: Hufflepuff, and proud :) Wand: 22cm, stretchab
oops, jag känner för att skriva låååångt. för jag vill få det här ur mig. japp. -le no-one is going to read- men om ni läser så är ni bäst, aka, kmr lära känna mig mycket bättre, för
when i had nothing left; i found you.
@unitedofpotter omg here it is. lol 1dnovell jag skrev i skolan, mest liam, men mm, harry lite i slutet.. not slash tho omg hahah, fast när jag läser den nu ska kan jag inte fatta att j
(http://justinbieberliveradio.blogspot.com/2012/01/beliebers-and-directions-are-fighting.html) För ett tag sedan, så hade jag säkert tryckt på "Directioners" men, nej. Inte en chans. Om vi
when is this pic from....... i just found it on my computer HJKDSLhkdjhcdkla ok i'm bored and i came accross this again <strong style="color: rgb(34, 37, 39); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-h