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Jun 5, 2012 Data, broadly defined. You can't have data-driven instruction without data from multiple sources. And you can't have data from multiple sources if you're myopically obsessed with test scores. Schools should be defining “data" to include such things as test scores, interim and formative assessments, student
Action. Collecting and analyzing student learning data from assessments is important but only becomes meaningful when combined with effective action. Starting small is often the best way to create real change in instructional practice, particularly for new teachers or those new to data-driven instruction.
Jul 6, 2014 By: Jason Lange. When you think about it, education is really all about data. Think about what makes a great teacher. Fundamentally, it's the ability to quickly analyze available knowledge — a student's blank stare, for example — to decide if a student is “getting it" and respond accordingly. When educators
Data Driven Instruction and Inquiry (DDI) is a precise and systematic approach to improving student learning throughout the year. The inquiry cycle of data-driven instruction includes assessment, analysis, and action and is a key framework for school-wide support of all student success.
Data-driven instruction is an educational approach that relies on information to inform teaching and learning. The idea refers to a method teachers use to improve instruction by looking at the information they have about their students. It takes place within the classroom, compared to data-driven decision making.
Session Goals. • Define data-driven instruction. • Provide reasons why data-driven instruction is important. • Explore ways to get started with data-driven instruction. of relevant information. • Data-driven instruction and inquiry is a precise and systematic The inquiry cycle of data-driven instruction includes assessment
May 13, 2011 In short, the assumption that data-driven instructional decisions improve student test scores is, well, still an assumption not a fact. Numbers may be facts. Numbers may be objective. Numbers may smell scientific But we give meaning to these numbers. Data-driven instruction may be a worthwhile reform but
Principles of Data-Driven Instruction 57. Education in our times must try to find whatever there is in students that might yearn for completion, and to reconstruct the learning that would enable them autonomously to seek that completion. —Allan Bloom. Linda Thompson. The term data-driven instruction refers to a teacher's
data and set learning goals;. • Establish a clear vision for schoolwide data use;. • Provide supports that foster a data- driven culture within the school;. • Develop and maintain a districtwide data system. Summaries of these practices follow. Make data part of an ongoing cycle of instructional improvement. To help all students