7 March 2011
Still going strong och min mozzarella smakar gudomligt ^^
Blog post from SoclogMitt i natten
Jag bara älskar hur Joxer från Xena the warrior princess dyker upp i sjukt många B-filmer.. Jag nynnar alltid på hans lilla sång när jag får syn på honom ^^
Joxer the Mighty
Roams through the countryside
He never needs a place to hide
With Gabby as his sidekick
Fighting with her little stick
Righting wrongs and singing songs
Being mighty all day long
He's Joxer, he's Joxer the Mighty!
He's Joxer the Mighty
He's really tidy
Everybody likes him
'Cause he has a funny grin
Joxer the Mighty!
Jepp, klockan är halv tre på morgonen, so what?
~Burgers in my mouth - Zerawords in yours~
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