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Lagged values stata manual: >> << (Download)
Lagged values stata manual: >> << (Read Online)
what is a lag variable
generate lead variable stata
stata egen lagged variable
stata lag operator panel data
generate lagged variable stata panel data
l. stata
lead variable stata
stata lagged variable regression
6 Mar 2013
Stata can be used interactively – just type in a command at the command line, and Stata executes that command. Nonetheless You can also work through Stata tutorials – just start the first one up by typing: tutorial intro. . Lagged variables are also easy to create, as long as you know the data are in the correct order. Stata.
of a license granted to you by StataCorp LP to use the software and documentation. improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and the program(s) described in this manual at any time and without notice. models are whether one variable Granger-causes another and whether a set of lags can be excluded.
use the time series operators. In Stata type: tsset datevar. Setting as time series: tsset delta: 1 quarter time variable: datevar, 1957q1 to 2005q1 . tsset datevar. 6. If you have gaps in your time series, for example there may not be data available for weekends. This complicates the analysis using lags for those missing dates.
Lags and forward values. ?. Countdown and specific values. ?. Sorting (ascending and descending order). ?. Deleting variables (drop). ?. Dropping cases (drop if). ?. Extracting characters from regular expressions. ?. Merge. ?. Append. ?. Merging fuzzy text (reclink). ?. Frequently used Stata commands. ?. Exploring data
29 Mar 2003 to create lags with a panel dataset, do the following: if "id" is your cross-section identifier & "year" is your time variable, sort id year tsset id year * now you can create lags using the lag operator lN. for the Nth lag. * to create the 5th lag of the variable x, then we do: gen l5x = l5.x * (that's the letter l and then the
As for your substantive question, and as Clyde suggested, see help xtset, and also look at manual [XT] -- this has lots in it about panel data organisation .. It is as I said originally: with -xtset qnno year-, Stata will interpret the lagged value to mean the value from the year before, and there is never any such
11 Feb 2004 c) Entering data manually. 3) Getting help. 4) Log Files. 5) Syntax and commands a) Basic Commands b) Working with data c) Describing Data: 6) Graphing. 7) Do files. 8) Advanced functions in stata (Time Permitting) a) Time setting your data: b) Generating lagged variables and numeric id #s c) Making
When your data is in long form (one observation per time point per subject), this can easily be handled in Stata with standard variable creation steps because of the way in which Stata processes datasets: it stores the entire dataset and can easily refer to any point in the dataset when generating variables. SAS works
Create lag (or lead) variables using subscripts. . gen lag1 = x[_n-1] . gen lag2 = x[_n-2] . gen lead1 = x[_n+1]. You can create lag (or lead) variables for different subgroups using the by prefix. For example, . sort state year . by state: gen lag1 = x[_n-1]. If there are gaps in your records and you only want to lag successive years