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All rights reserved. Name. Class. Date. Note Taking Study Guide. THE GREAT WAR BEGINS. CHAPTER. 26. SECTION 1. Focus Question: Why and how did World War I begin in 1914? As you read this section in your textbook, complete the following chart to summarize the events that led to the outbreak of World War I. Allia.
Chapter 1 Section 1. Checkpoint the Bering Strait. Vocabulary Builder They built temples for and made human sacrifices to their gods. Reading Strategy Students should underline the sentence: “After defeating half of Mexico during the. 1400s, the Aztecs made people pay high taxes." Students should circle the sentence:
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26 : Note Taking Study Guide. MASS iEULTUFlE AND FAMILY LlFE. Secnen 3. Focus Question: How did popular culture and fanrlili.»r life change during the 1950's? Identify postwar changes in daily life and popuiar culture. l. The Culture of Consumerism. EHQFPIHE- A5 1"". A. Americans spend more 9A5.“ Me i. 1.
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Chapter 26 Focus Question. As you read this chapter, keep this question in mind: How did the civil rights movement change the nation? Section 1. Beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement. Section 1 . Section 1 Notetaking Study Guide. Question Refer to this page to answer the Chapter 26 Focus Question on page 408.
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