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Visas marr romance guide: >> << (Download)
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15 Dec 2016 In KotOR II: TSL, certain party members can develop romantic feelings for the Exile, even though none of the romances in TSL were given much development, especially if compared to the first KotOR game. Among the possible romance options, only male Exiles can romance Visas Marr, with her romance
[–]Gothic90Visas Marr 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (2 children). Obsidian is known for its lack of interest in romance. Also, being a romancible NPC is dangerous business in Obsidian games considering their high casualty rate (for example, the only way to keep a certain romancible NPC living in a
24 Jan 2018 kotor 2 visas fight kotor 2 visas influence kotor 2 romance guide kotor 2 romance mira kotor 2 romance handmaiden kotor 2 how to get visas kotor 2 visas build visas marr influence [–]Gothic90Visas Marr 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (2 children). Obsidian is known for its lack of interest in romance.
11 Mar 2005 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Influence Guide (XBox). March 11, 2005 Version 2.3 Written by: Dan Simpson Email: If emailing me, use this subject: KotOR 2, Influence v 2.3 (Emails that don't use this subject will be deleted, avoid using all CAPS) Email
17 Aug 2005 Romances - posted in KotOR Series: Who are your romance options in KOTOR2? For male characters, I know that you spar with her to develope the romance. Visas just involves some talking, however you have to decide between Visas and Handmaiden, the point where you choose is fairly plain to see.
30 Mar 2015
8 Jan 2015 The feelings that developed in the time before the master/apprentice relationship begins still persist, this is why you end up with this pseudo romance. Now you may be saying to yourself "but LemonLime, Visas already had control over the force" which she did but she was also a Sith. If you take the light side
Visas Marr was a Miraluka female from the Mid Rim world of Katarr who lived during the time of She refused to guide Surik to him untested and without her potential realized, as Marr felt the Jedi was not yet ready to face such a threat. She foresaw that Surik and Nihilus would meet in the near future, however.
3 Jan 2005 I played through as a LS female and had Visas in my pocket. As a female I didn't really get any romance options per se, but she was a flaming light sider alongside me near the end of my first planet after Telos. You just need to be nice to her. Ask if she's okay, say that you never meant to hurt her, ask about
In Knights of the Old Republic, the character Visas Marr is only "unlocked" when the main character, the Jedi Exile, reaches a certain amount of either light or dark side points. Since almost every decision yields points, Visas Marr can be unlocked as early as Telos or as late as the final planet (depending on