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Oracle discoverer administrator tutorial: >> << (Download)
Oracle discoverer administrator tutorial: >> << (Read Online)
16 Jun 2013
10 Mar 2018 discoverer administrator tutorial. Oracle discoverer administrator tutorial pdf pdf Oracle. Discoverer. Installation and. System Sat, 10 Mar 2018. 18:17:00 GMT Oracle discoverer administrator tutorial pdf -. - Installing. Oracle. Discoverer. Administrator/Desktop 10g on. Vista (updated June 1
1 Introducing Oracle Discoverer Administrator · Introducing Oracle Discoverer Administrator · What is is involved in maintaining a Discoverer system? What are the new features in Discoverer Administrator Version 9.0.4? .. Install/Uninstall Tutorial Wizard: Step 2 dialog · Install Tutorial Wizard Step 2 · Uninstall Tutorial
the only tables that can be modified through Discoverer Administrator. Business areas are defined in Discoverer Administrator using the EUL database tables. Discoverer provides read-only access to the application database. The End User Layer (EUL) is the metadata (i.e. data about the actual data in a database) that is
17 Apr 2011 Oracle Discoverer is a business intelligence tool to support organizational decisions and data will show in the form of excel format. Here are the screen shots for creating the workbooks in the Discoverer Desktop:- Logon to the Discoverer Desktop Select System Administrator Responsibility and Click Ok.
If you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT, choose Oracle Discoverer 3.1 | Discoverer Administration Edition from the Start menu. If you are using .. and the business area design. As the Discoverer administrator you have the option to create joins that provide the information that the end-user needs for business analysis.
the Discoverer Administration privilege on the EUL. the Allow Administration privilege on business areas you want to modify. the SELECT database privilege on any tables you want to add to a business area. to install the tutorial, see the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Tutorial. to take advantage of the following
1. Introducing the Discoverer Administrator tutorial. Introducing the Discoverer Administrator tutorial. This tutorial uses a hypothetical chain of video rental stores as a business example, to show how to develop a business area using sales and inventory data. Your Discoverer Administrator software includes the video store
The figure below shows the Discoverer Plus main screen, with a table worksheet displayed in the work area that analyzes video store profit figures across geographical regions. For more . Discoverer is also supplied with a sample workbook called Video Tutorial Workbook that you can use to analyze the example data.