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Runescape f2p range 2h pk guide: >> << (Download)
Runescape f2p range 2h pk guide: >> << (Read Online)
5 Aug 2010 Hey dude, I'm an expert at range 2h'ing and I will tell you low, medium, high and maxed range/2h stats.I really hope this will help as I've always succeeded in PvP. For Low level range 2h pking, 10/20 att 51/40 str 40 ranged --------- 30 cb if 10 atk and 28 cb if 20 atk
12 Mar 2016
The Ultimate Ranged/2h Guide. By: Toyiano Special Thanks to: None What is a range/2h? A range/2h is a type of pure found in f2p pking. They are arg
26 Oct 2008 Hi, my name is Alec, Belgian hax / Not A Hax Lt on RuneScape. I wanted to write this guide because of all the questions I get from people willing to make one. Secondly it is one of the only ways I like to PK; It is profitable, enjoyable and fun. If you don't know what a Range/2h pure is, it basically comes down
Disclaimer: This guide assumes you have a main with a reasonable bank. Intro. Hi, and welcome to Wizzy Hat G's f2p Range/2h Pure guide. The goal of this guide is to help people make f2p low level pures for pking, a really fun aspect of the game I've been doing since 2006. This guide will focus on the 40s
31 Jul 2009 Page 1 of 4 - ~Range 2H F2P PKing Guide~ [Update(s): Feb. 21st, 2011] - posted in General Guides: Updates-Changed logo and title of guide-Added more sections, in particular the section on delaying-Fixed coding errors-Updated information to match that of the current wilderness-Made it look prettier (I
This is a f2p guide. Usually, you use a maple shortbow, adamant arrows and a rune two handed sword. Let me get this right off the bat, I am a no-honor PKer. I safe (although I do risk it and don't safe all the time, I think it's something we all do), I rarely (but I do) intentionally PJ, I trash talk and make fun of
11 Apr 2015
11 Apr 2015
Range/2h pures are an effective pking machine. Dishing out good damage with range and KOing them with a 2h. A Range/2h pure is strong in melee and range with low defense, it's a pure, giving you an upperhand to lower levels. The main trick to a good Range/2h Pure is using the Range/2h switch perfectly. It is advised