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success 1530s, "result, outcome," from L. successus "an advance, succession, happy outcome," from succedere "come after" (see succeed). Meaning "accomplishment of desired end" (good success) first recorded 1580s.
Share the best success quotes collection by famous authors and experts with motivational and inspirational quotations on success, goals, achievement.
Define success: outcome, result; degree or measure of succeeding — success in a sentence.
a performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors: The play was an instant success. 4. a person or thing that has had success, as measured by attainment of goals, wealth, etc.: She was a great success on the talk show.
The Road to Success. Your Guide to Navigating Life Nominate someone for the inaugural SUCCESS YouEconomy 30 Under 30 list. Deadline is Nov. 16.
Success can mean: feeling that tingle of excitement about what you do, sticking with what matters through hard times, living a life you can feel proud of in
22 Mar 2017 Some of the world's most powerful people explain what success means to them. Spoiler alert: No one said money, power, or fame.
4 days ago success meaning, definition, what is success: the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for: . Learn more.
Definition of success - the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, the good or bad outcome of an undertaking.
Success may refer to: Attainment of higher social status; Achievement of a goal, for example academic achievement; The opposite of failure