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Star augur tank guide: >> << (Download)
Star augur tank guide: >> << (Read Online)
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[deleted]. [–]Mackrage 4 points5 points6 points 11 months ago (1 child). It should never have come to a point where certain fights could be solo tanked. Mythic Guarm was hotfixed in a week specifically because he could be solo tanked. Right now there are solo Mythic Auger and Gul'dan tanking strategies,
25 Feb 2017 This guide contains everything you need to know to beat the Star Augur Etraeus encounter in The Nighthold. 4.1. Tanks. Stack with clumps of players to remove Absolute Zero Icon Absolute Zero. Clear the pools of Felflame Icon Felflame with the Fel Impact Icon Fel Impact cast. Perform a taunt swap at 4+
2 Mar 2017
Background and Initial Positioning. This Nightborne Astromancer has been using the power of the Nightwell to scout the worlds outside our sight. He's not happy you plan to disrupt that power. This fight has a lot of tank mechanics, but it has limited adds until the final phase. It consists of 4 phases that are triggered by
19 Jan 2017 Etraeus will target the tanks with other "burst" mechanics through the rest of the fight, each one slightly different based on the phase of the fight.When Star Augur Etraeus reaches 90% health, he will begin to cast Nether Traversal. At the end of this cast, the Observatory walls will fall away and the fight will
22 Jan 2017
30 Jan 2017 Raid boss Guide: Star Augur Etraeus (Nighthold). Due to less time Phase 3: The tank must run out before getting hit by a Fel Orb and make sure it lands of fire pools to remove them. Phase 4: The tank must run out before getting hit by a Void Orb and tank a big add that spawns from the orb. In each phase
A Star Augur Etraeus boss guide for DPS, covering Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. Features general This page covers a DPS-focused strategy for Star Augur Etraeus in The Nighthold. While it's tailored Tanks affected by Gravitational Pull will be hit by Comet Impact and deal high splash damage to players within 5 yards.
When they reach Augur Mythic they already got better gear to compensate. permalink Was planning to solo tank when I get to star augur. . It is far harder to change and reroll classes because of that AP grind, not just the gear grind, in addition to hoping to get some legendaries that you can use in a raid
Void: Tank Swap Swap around 6 stacks of Voidburst. The goal is to keep stacks as low as possible because the stacks spread to the raid when it expires. Tank Swap Splash Damage Gravitational Pull: Run a little ways away, then: Ice: Stack on Three Friends Stack with 3 people at a time