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Death knight solo ulduar guide: >> << (Download)
Death knight solo ulduar guide: >> << (Read Online)
So, I was wondering, could a lvl 90 blood DK possibly solo ulduar, or at least enough bosses to get that lovely tier set? 10 or 25 man, either is
Gave some thought to Ulduar, but getting past the first boss would be horrible. Sunwell Plateau is doable as a DK, I know for a fact.
28 Jun 2012
I'm going to solo Ulduar on this alt however I'm not sure how to kill I run Ulduar every week on my frost dk, I just howling blast the heck out of
6 Jul 2012 Going it Alone - A DK Guide to Soloing Raids . XT-002 Deconstructor My current solo toon is Gormokk on Ravenholdt, a blood/frost DK.
12 Jan 2012 Flame Leviathan, the first boss in Ulduar, is a boss that can be soloed by anyone at max level, regardless of class or spec. This is because of
7 Sep 2013
3 Sep 2012
17 Apr 2012
Anything posted on this thread is in fact soloed by Death Knights. An encounter of this kind is for example in Ulduar Iron Council - we need a