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Neither the information nor any opinion expressed in this presentation constitutes an offer, or invitation to make an offer, or to buy any security issued by the company. This presentation contains predictions, estimates or other information regarding the Company's operations which are forward looking in nature. While these
On Aug 1, 2010, Mohammad S. Sharawi published the chapter: RF Planning and Optimization for LTE Networks in the book: RF Planning and Optimization of LTE Networks.
From the different phases of network deployment, Radio (RF) network planning and RF optimization are seen as critical as having long term impacts on both performance and capacity [6]. Proper RF configuration is so important that it even impact the coverage continuity (i.e., inter-system change to GSM [7]) and network
RF Planning & Optimisation. © BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED. RF Design Requirements. The RF design inputs can be divided into. Capacity requirements:– Erlang per subscriber during the busy hour–Quality of service for the air interface, in terms GoS –Network capacity Coverage requirements:– Target coverage
At Redline we have the tools and in-house expertise to analyze, design and ensure the performance of your planned wireless network. Our RF analysis provides the essential details that are a prerequisite to developing a comprehensive project design. These details include coverage predictions for potential base station
Training Success Story. 2G/3G Drivetest Engineer – Training for 5 lecturer at Akademi Telkom. Jakarta, 3 – 5 July 2013 at Akatel Jakarta. 4G RF Planning & Optimization – Training for 15 engineer from PT Axis. Telekom Indonesia, 8 – 10 November 2013 at Midtown Hotel Surabaya
Basics, Practical Examples & Demonstration on NGN Network Planning - Part I Spectrum Management. Systems. Lines of Business. Consulting Services. & Training. Engineering Services. (Radio Network Planning). Lines of Business. RF Engineering. Software Tools
planning is normally guided by various industries and vendors at their own discretion. They aren?t likely to disclose their advancements and findings. That makes the job even more challenging. Whenever new cellular technology is considered for mass deployment hundreds of its RF parameters go through tuning process
Optimisation. Antenna Reorientation. Antenna Down tilt. Antenna Relocation. Antenna Height adjustment. Masthead Amplifiers. Cell parameter optimisation. Handover parameters. Power planning. Neighbour list reconfiguration. Frequency planning. Performance Monitoring. Pre Launch. Optimisation. Swap. Management.
the basics of how RF communication works, including the issues involved in the planning, deployment and maintenance of communication networks. Let's start by taking a look at the storied history behind the technologies that have shaped our on-the-go, wireless world. Introduction: Welcome to RF communications.