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Specific instructional objectives: >> << (Download)
Specific instructional objectives: >> << (Read Online)
Thus, if the teacher states an objectives in terms of specific behaviors, the success or failure of a student can be easily observed. Any complete instructional objective has the following three parts: ° Type of behavior - the specific action or performance expected of the student. ° Condition - the circumstance(s) under which the
Oct 12, 2008 How to write specific instructional objectives for student-centred lessons.
Norman Gronlund proposed a plan for preparing clearly defined instructional objec- tives in 1970. The most recent edition of his book (Gronlund, 2004) continues to refine that plan, but the basic principle remains the same: State the objectives in general terms and identify specific learning outcomes to define the objectives
Instructional objectives (also known as behavioral objectives or learning objectives) are basically statements which clearly describe an anticipated learning outcome. When objectives were first coming into their own in education, they almost always began with the phrase: "Upon completion of this lesson, the student should
Instructional objectives expand upon performance outcomes by specifying the [classroom] conditions under which performances or behaviors will occur during practice and assessment, as well as any criteria learners must meet which indicate that specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes have been learned. Examples:.
Based on Preparing Instructional Objectives by Mager 1962 and Preparing Instructional Objectives: A critical tool in the development of effective instr An instructional objective describes an intended outcome. A usefully . If you must accept all kinds of test items as appropriate, the objective needs to be more specific.
Instructional objectives should be SMART: Specific - Use the ABCDs to create a clear and concise objective. Measurable - Write the objective so that anyone can observe the learner perform desired action and objectively assess the performance. Achievable - Make sure the learner can do what is required.
Sep 24, 2014 An instructional objective is a statement that will describe what the learner will be able to do after completing the instruction. Instructional objectives are specific, measurable, short-term, observable student behaviors. They indicate the desirable knowledge, skills, or attitudes to be gained.
Specific Instructional Objectives. Mager (1962): "You cannot concern yourself with the problem of selecting the most efficient route to your destination (of students exhibit knowledge or perform a skill) until you know what your destination is" (p.1). Describe what your learners to be doing. Describe how you will know they are