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9-6 study guide and intervention analyzing functions with successive differences: >> << (Download)
9-6 study guide and intervention analyzing functions with successive differences: >> << (Read Online)
Lesson 9-6. Chapter 9. 35. Glencoe Algebra 1. Study Guide and Intervention. Analyzing Functions with Successive Differences. 9-6. Identify Functions Linear functions, quadratic functions, and exponential functions can all be used to model data. The general forms of the equations are listed at the right. You can also identify
PERIOD. Chapter 9. 36. Glencoe Algebra 1. Study Guide and Intervention. (continued). Analyzing F unctions with Successiv e. Diffe rences and R atios. 9-6. W Determine whether the data is modeled by a linear, quadratic. , or exponential function. F irst differences: 3. 6. 12. 24. 48. +3. +6. +12. +24. Second differences: 3.
Since the second differences are equal, the table of values represents a quadratic function. Determine which kind of model best describes the data. Then write an equation for the function that models the data. eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero. Page 3. 9-6 Analyzing Functions with Successive Differences
NAME DATE PERIOD 9-8 Geom NAME DATE PERIOD 9-9 Study Guide and.
9.6 Analyzing Functions with Successive Differences. Assignment 33: 9.6 WB Pg. 130 #1 – 9 all. Determining the model using Graphs & Equations. Determining the model using patterns: The differences of successive y-values are called first differences. The differences of successive first differences are called second
26 Mar 2014 96 Analyzing Functions with Successive. Differences. Goals: 1. Identify linear, quadratic, and exponential functions from the given data. 2. Write equations that model data. These are the equations and graphs of function which we have studied this school year.
Now. 1Identify linear, quadratic, and exponential functions from given data. 2Write equations that model data. Then. You graphed linear, quadratic, and exponential functions. (Lessons. 3-2, 9-1, 9-6) 586 | Lesson 9-9 | Analyzing Functions with Successive Differences. Example 3 Write an Equation. Determine which kind of
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