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epson 3490 photo ubuntu
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Epson 3490 PHOTO Scanner install guide. I can confirm iv'e got it work with the latest version of Ubuntu LTS from all the forum threads i have gathered the solution together. first get the driver bin file from the cd or other means. File name: esfw52.bin. Here's how I did it...... Install xsane from synaptic package. A friend has given me his old scanner, an Epson 3490 Photo. I'm trying to get it to work. There is one link: but this says I need to be registered with this forum before I can download anything, assuming the file is even there. "lsusb" returns "Bus 001. Distribution, Architecture. [ deb ]. Ubuntu; Linux Mint; Debian GNU/Linux. etc... 32bit (i386). 64bit(amd64). [ rpm ]. Mandriva Linux; Fedora; openSUSE; Red Hat Enterprise Linux. etc... 32bit (i386). 64bit(x86_64). Difficulty: Moderate [Generally straightforward, but getting hold of the firmware requires a bit of digging, and troubleshooting can be tricky.] The trick is getting the firmware sorted and out of the way, before setting up everything else. If you are using the 2480: You can pick this up in a few places. I got mine… ... Logistics · Manufacturing · Retail · PARTNERS. Back. PARTNERS · Epson Partner Program · Manchester United · MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS. SEARCH; Epson Worldwide · Facebook · Twitter · LinkedIn · YouTube · Google+ · Instagram · Home Support Scanners Perfection Series Epson Perfection 3490 Photo. Epson. Perfection 3170 Photo ? ? ? 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope. Reported to work on 32 bit with drivers from Epson web site in Japan; fails on 64 bit. 16/4/09. Epson. Perfection 3490 Photo ? Yes. Yes. 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. You need to add the product ID and device ID to /etc/sane.d/epson.conf, ie set the usb line. Re: Installing Epson 3490 photo scanner - usb. Post by bonifazius » Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:46 pm. hej, got the same prob for some weeks, using ubuntu 8.04, gnome desktop. seems a hard bug, solved it by entering xsane by ROOT. ( sudo xsane doesn't work alltime so actually it should be named insane :lol: ). I can confirm iv'e got it work with the latest version of Ubuntu LTS from all the forum threads i have.. Set up an Epson Perfection Scanner (2480 or 3490) on Ubuntu. If you are using the 3490:. Have fun scanning pictures of your arse. A friend has given me his old scanner, an Epson 3490 Photo.. There is. Нужно было мне настроить сканер (epson perfection 3490 PHOTO) в моей кубунту. Ставим sane и xsane sudo apt-get install sane xsane. Затем запускаем в консоли xsane и выбирам нужный нам сканер. У меня ругнулся и сказал, что невозможно найти устройство. Качаем дрова с оф сайта и. Bonjour à tous,. Voila 2 heures que j"essaie d'installer ce scanner, je ne comprend pas ce que je fais. Quelqu'1 peut il me guider? D'avance merci. Hors ligne. #2 Le 16/01/2010, à 17:14. lsam. Re : Installation d'1 scanner Epson perfection 3490 Photo. Salut,. Tu as regardé là ? Hi folks,. Finally I got my Epson Perfection 3490 Photo scanner working on Ubuntu 9.04 (64bit). It was much easier than most forums wanted to make me believe and it did not require hazzling with "*.rpm to *.deb conversion" or installing non-free software (except the Epson firmware file for the scanner). Einige Scanner der Serie "Epson Perfection" lassen sich mit dem Backend Snapscan {en} auch unter Ubuntu benutzen. Dieser Artikel beschreibt, wie man Snapscan konfiguriert, um den Scanner in Betrieb zu nehmen. Alle unterstützten Modelle und die benötigten Firmware-Dateien sind am Ende des Artikels gelistet. На практике проверена технология установки сканера EPSON PERFECTION 3490 PHOTO в Linux Fedora 16 и в Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Скорее всего, так же можно установить другую модель USB сканера в другой версии Linux. Подключите сканер к компьютеру. Запустите терминал и выполните команду. Εγκατάσταση scanner EPSON Perfection 3490 Photo στο Ubuntu 11.04 και 11.10 1. Σαν root ανοίγουμε το αρχείο snapscan.conf, που βρίσκεται στον κατάλογο /etc/sane.d/ Στην 5η γραμμή, αφαιρούμε το σύμβολο “#" και αντικαθιστούμε στο τέλος της γραμμής το “your-firmwarefile.bin" με το esfw52.bin. Scanner EPSON 3490 PHOTO (RISOLTO). 29/04/2007, 22:54. Ho seguito alla lettera il wiki a questo indirizzo " dopo aver scaricato i driver necessari per il mio scanner ma, al termine della procedura se lancio xsane ho in risposta la schermata che allego. Consigli? Grazie. Epson GT-2500; Epson Perfection V10; Epson Perfection V30; Epson Perfection V100 Photo; Epson Perfection V200 Photo; Epson Perfection V300 Photo. Qualora il proprio scanner non fosse compreso nell'elenco precedente, sono disponibili le guide specifiche per i seguenti modelli: Modelli 2480/2580, Modello 3490. Epson provides a wide range of Linux-compatible printing and scanning solutions. Linux drivers are available to download from the Epson Website for the following types of products: Inkjet; Inkjet All-In-One; Large Format Printer; Laser; Laser Multifunction Printer; Scanner. Epson do not provide Linux drivers for product. Bonjour à toutes et à tous, petit problème d'installation de mon scanner EPSON, pourtant j'ai "presque" tout essayé; modif des fichiers /dev/sane.d/epson.conf, epkowa.conf, et même snapscan.conf car une fois j'ai réussi …. Install Scanner Epson 3490 Photo. Salut, Tu as essayé au cas où la méthode Ubuntu ? 3.1 Network Scanning; 3.2 Invalid argument; 3.3 Scan-key-tool; 3.4 xsane crashes. 4 Canon. 4.1 Scanning over the network with Canon Pixma all-in-one printer/scanners. 5 Epson. 5.1 Image Scan v3; 5.2 Epson Perfection V550 Photo; 5.3 Epson Perfection 1270; 5.4 Epson Perfection 1670/2480/2580/3490/. У меня проблема со сканером: Настроил первый раз, все работает отлично, сканирует, тут неделю гдето я его не юзал(не нужен был), а сейчас очень понадобился, запускаю Xsane а он мне говорит: "невозможно открыть устройство `snapscan:libusb:001:006': неверный аргумент." и все. Ciao a Tutti! Sono nuovo del forum e anche di Ubuntu... Ho installato la 13.10 Plus 12 64 bit e non riesco a far funzionare lo scanner, un Epson Perfection 3490 PHOTO. Quando avvio XSane mi dà il mess. Заходим на сайт [], в поле поиска вводим модель сканера. Надо иметь ввиду, что Epson плохо обновляет тэги поиска, но драйверы обновляет. Поэтому иногда модели. Если у вас Ubuntu версии ниже 8.10, то пакет iscan_2.26.X.X нужно скачивать. Esta mañana me ha surgido la necesidad de escanear unos documentos, pero como nunca utilizo el escaner no lo tenía instalado, así que me enfrenté a este nuevo reto. Sin embargo, y pese a mis mas infundados temores, no necesité de magía para conseguir la instalación, sino que fué realmente. epson perfection 3490 photo. « kdy: 25 Červenec 2010, 21:08:59 ». Dobrý den! Dnes jsem, jakožto úplný nováček (zvyklý na prostředí Windows), zinstaloval na svém PC Ubuntu a pokusil se zajistit základní fce počítače, mezi něž řadím Internet, tisk a skenování. Zatímco v prvních dvou případech jsem byl úspěšný, program. Hello all, This is my first post to LXF forums! I have been trying for too many nights now to get Epson Perfection 3490 Photo scanner working with Ubuntu Hardy (8.04.1). I have made gradual progress and the scanner is now recognised by XSANE. I get the following message when I try to scan though. I went to the Ubuntu Software Center and typed Epson, but that didn't seem to come up with anything useful. Apparently, the Ubuntu Software Center isn't necessarily the place to shop for device drivers. I turned to Google and did a search for 'installing Epson Perfection 3490 Photo on Ubuntu 11.04'. I got a. Please help. I'm a dummy. With Suse 11.0, I had no problems with this Epson 3490 scanner. At Ubuntu 9.4 this scanner will not mount at the USB. I tried :--> Scanning for devices-->Failed to open device snapscan: libusb:001:002 I am not accustomed working with the terminial. Al 2013 ja vaig fer una actualització del primer apunt sobre aquest escàner i l'Ubuntu, però resulta que l'altre dia vaig connectar-lo a una màquina amb l'última versió d'Ubuntu (la 15.04 hores d'ara) i em vaig trobar que l'actualització que vaig fer llavors ara no funciona :( Ja no em sorprèn que no aparega. This was a hardware problem. I had the scanner attached via a USB switch to easily share it between different computers. It did not work with a USB3 port (limited cable length as per the USB spec), but as soon as I moved it to the USB2 port, everything worked. Best instructions I have found are in an official PDF from Epson. These are for Redhat so all references to "rpm" need to be translated to the equivalent "apt-get" method though you can expect sane to already be installed. Regarding installation of software refer to the "install by source" method in the PDF. Hi all, O.S. Ubuntu 12.04 desktop I'm now running Simple-scan and Epson Perfection 3490 photo scanner scanning photos for posting on website. But I fo. ... original Epson Scanner Software CD-Rom (delivered with the scanner). In order to retrieve the *.bin from the *.cab file, emerge the package "cabextract" and then run in a terminal cabextract cf. 15 janv. 2018. Profitez de son scanner EPSON Perfection 3490 sous Ubuntu.. Scanner Epson 3490. Pour bénéficier au mieux d'un scanner sous Ubuntu, installer Xsane.. Cliquez sur "Visionneuse" et optez pour "Enregistrer"; Modifiez le chemin ou enregistrer l'image (icône en forme de disquette), par exemple. 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status. Already installed. "Simple scan" can't find it – Unable to connect to scanner. I Found following link; Ubuntu Scanner Epson Perfection 3490 Photo /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf. Epson Perfection 3490 He reinstalado kubuntu 7.10 desde 0 intentanco solucionar entre otros el problema de no reconocer mi escaner por mas que he bajado desde epson los paquetes iscan e iscan-plugin pasados de rpm a deb reconfigurando manualmente snapscan y dll.conf como se aconseja en los foros no me reconoce. Results 1 - 10 of 93. Hi all, AMD 8-core cpu 32G RAM 1024M VRAM Epson Perfection 3490 photo scanner xsane Host Ubuntu 12.04 desktop 64bit Virtualizer. Want to know how to repair. 4.1 Epson Perfection V550 Photo; 4.2 Epson Perfection 1270; 4.3 Epson Perfection 1670/2480/2580/3490/3590. 5 Fujitsu. 5.1 S300M. 10.4.2006. Ir Linux - Kubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) un skaneris - Epson Perfection 3490 Photo (slēdzams caur USB). Ar šo skaneri no Linux paredzēts skanēt attēlus, dokumentus utt. Kādam ir izdevies šos abus sadraudzēt? Paša mēģinājumi pievienot skaneri pēc RTFM līdz šim beidzās neveiksmīgi :( [b]Kas tika darīts[/b]. Hi folks, Fedora7 Epson Perfection 3490 Photo Xsane fails to start. Driver can be found. On console; Configura, tanto en Debian Lenny como en la nueva versión que se está cociendo, Squeeze, el excelente escaner Epson Perfectiion 3490 Photo, siguiendo, paso a paso, este sencillo PutoTuto 0. Instalar las sane-utils (apt-get install sane-utils desde Terminal de root) y descargar el firmware de aquí. 28. Febr. 2014. Wo wir schon beim Scannen sind: Geht das auch unter Linux? – Ja klar, zumindest mit dem Epson Perfection 3490 Photo. Der hier beschriebene Weg hat schon unter Ubuntu funktioniert, gerade habe ich es nochmal mit Fedora 20 ausprobiert: klappt auch. Erstmal müssen sane und xsane installiert. I'm trying to get an Epson Perfection V300 Photo scanner going. The Epson Linux driver website. My previous scanner was an Epson 3490,.Scanner Epson Perfection 1270 does not work in Ubuntu. diapositive sullo scanner, Epson Perfection 3490 Photo. twain epson scanner driver | scanner+epson. How To Install Epson perfection 3490 Photo scanner on Ubuntu 7.10. 1. Install sane-utils from synaptics package manager 2. Install the driver under Windows and find esfw52.bin from the installation directory or extract it from a cab in Epson drivers CD. 3. Place it in /usr/share/sane/snapscan. 4. Després d'estar fent servir aquest escàner amb versions anteriors de l'Ubuntu, i havent-lo fet anar durant un temps també amb l'Oneiric. He hagut de refer el sistema i m'he trobat que tornava a estar un altre cop sense l'escàner. Les altres vegades havia fet servir diferents manuals que havia trobat per la. 3 - Caldrà cercar a Google l'arxiu amb el Firmware 'esfw52.bin donwload', es proposa alguna pàgina on es troba aquest arxiu amb el firmware, en el cas del Epson Perfection 3490 Photo, es troba a la pàgina: Per a l'escànner Epson Perfection 2480 Photo l'arxiu de firmware és. Ubuntu 10.10 vs Epson 3490 Photo. Od kilku dni walczę żeby zmusić oba do współpracy. Wczoraj udało się. Zeskanowałem jedną odbitkę i zabawa się skończyła. Teraz Xsane albo się zawiesza albo skanuje pasex 2048x75 pix. Nie mam już pomysłów gdzie szukać. Jest ktoś biegły w linuxie i udało mu. Solution pour l'installation d'un scanner Epson.. J'ai enfin résolu le problème de mon scanner Epson perfection 3490 Photo.. Alors j'ai cherché, le wiki de fedora est un peu court dans ce domaine (qui est complexe), je suis donc allé traîner du côté de ubuntu (distro que j'aime beaucoup), et là j'ai trouvé. VueScan is an application that supports 741 Epson scanners, and 4600+ others.. Scan with Flatbed and Automatic Document Feeders (ADF); Scan to JPEG or TIFF; Preset photo sizes; Scan multiple photos on the flatbed; Automatic file naming; Learn more. Epson scanner drivers - Film Scanning Software Screenshot. Re: Ubuntu et les scanners de négatifs... Message par daouar » Jeudi 31 Mars 2011 14:54. Je marche avec un vieux Epson Perfection 3200 Photo qui tourne comme un charme avec Xsane sur Ubutnu, tous les scans que je propose sur le forum viennent de cet engin avec cet OS. Au pire tu peux investir. Сканер не запустился. У него после подключения к usb порту гаснет светодиод питани. Дрова с сайта Epson датированы 2011 годом: этот пакет RPM ставил, но ничем не помогло. Как быть? P/S/ Одной из причин выбора Росы вместо заводской Ubuntu как раз работа сканера "из коробки".[. Per poder fer anar un escàner Epson Perfection 3490 PHOTO amb Linux cal seguir aquestes instruccions: Instal.lar els paquets xsane, sane, libsane, sane-utils, snapscan; Des de la consola executar sudo sane-find-scanner. A continuació respon amb el tipus d'escàner instal·lat i al bus usb on és, en el. 他在Ubuntu Software Center 裡面試著搜尋Epson ,沒找到什麼有用的,上網搜尋"installing Epson Perfection 3490 Photo on Ubuntu 11.04",跳出來的一堆文章都不太管用。 他爬了一堆網路文章之後,終於發現Ubuntu 預設就裝了Simple Scan 這個掃描軟體,把它叫出來,放一本雜誌到掃描機,然後按下scan ,影像. Epson 3490 photo driver ubuntu. Claudius has already been crowned; Queen Gertrude is their; Hamlet is present in the black clothes of mourning. When Laertes approaches. Claudius to give his mind or his farewell before returning to school, the king asks Polonius Have thou your father's leave. What says Polonius. And. RPM files are available (even when I click -OS Ubuntu!). I have found that Kubuntu (Ubuntu) 12.04 locates the Iscan drivers in a different file location to PCLinux and openSuSe, and, although the Epkowa and Epson sane files. I have not used our Epson 3490 Photo scanner for a long time and can not Вот это заведется под онтопиком: EPSON Perfection V370 Photo? У меня 3490 - ВР. Вот насчёт плёнки не знаю, не пробовал даже на оффтопике. Вот только был с ним один прикол - после Ubuntu 12.04 (или даже 11.10) он никакими пинками не заводился из коробки, приходилось городить. Epson perfection 1670. À ne pas confondre avec le expression 1670. c'est pas la même catégorie de scanner ! L'epson perfection 1670 existe en deux modèles : le photo et le "pas photo" :) la seule différence : le modèle photo permet de scanner des diapos et des négatifs.