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Nex duo range guide: >> << (Download)
Nex duo range guide: >> << (Read Online)
Ranged and Mage should use Death's Swiftness or Sunshine at Umbra, close to where the tank lures Nex. In a trio, use it immediately. In a duo or solo, use it when Umbra is at around 5-6k HP. Use your Ranged bleed(s) immediately and finish off Umbra using basic abilities. BLOOD PHASE PRAY MAGE OR SOUL SPLIT*
22 Jun 2014 Duo Nex! - posted in Help and Advice: Im wondering what gear and strategy my friend and I should use for duoing Nex. Were both maxed in all combat This also leads to the Zaros phase, where you have to stand in melee range or she's going to tear you a new one with magic, so someone's going to take
4 Feb 2015
Nex resides in the Ancient Prison. To enter this prison, one must assemble the Frozen key. The four pieces of the key are obtained by defeating followers in each stronghold of the dungeon from the original four factions - Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin and Zamorak. Level 70 in Ranged, Strength, Agility and Constitution are
preferably what to do, orr just gear/inv/familiar maxed not got sup void ~500m cash stack to spend.
Range only Nex solo guide by Rushi. Posted 2/7/15. Rushi / Will. posts. Hello, I'm Rushi and this is my comprehensive range-only solo guide for Nex. I hope to cover everything you will need to know involving the boss so that you can begin to solo yourself. What is Nex? Nex is a level 1001 Zarosian General located in the
Since most of the people reading this guide won't be very experienced with Nex I'd recommend against melee. Ranged and magic are a Ranged generally has better dps, a magic setup with blood barrage has better healing and is thus safer. vs vs .. Jp: For the initial test duo where we failed and died.
11 Jan 2016
6 Sep 2015