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Ati ruby dangerous curves
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59 sec - Uploaded by dwarf365Dangerous Curves with Ruby Radeon X850. 49 sec - Uploaded by yukima00chATI Radeon X850 Legacy Demo. Created artwork within the budgets and requirements of real-time. > Provided full pre-rendered cinematic. > ATI. > Achieve the high visual quality of Ruby: Dangerous Curves in real-time. > Developed custom Maya exporters and pre-processing tools. > Custom shader development. > Targeted demo to run on desktop and. Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (" class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false">, VERY cool. Runs silky smooth with my X... 10 Oct 2014The ATI Tech Demo for the X850 running under Vista & a 8800 GTX. Previously, in The Doublecross, our special agent hero Ruby engaged in a thrilling battle with the villainous gangster kingpin known as Optico. She narrowly escaped and destroyed Optico's head quarters in the process while stealing back the precious diamond which she had deceived Optico into trading. PC Games Hardware gathered those of the AMD/Ati cards from the first Radeons until the current HD 4800 series and offers them for download.. [42,1 MB]. Ati Radeon HD 2000 Techdemo Ruby Whiteout v1.1 (DirectX 10) [270,4 MB]. Ati Radeon X850 Techdemo Ruby Dangerous Curves v1.3 [179,0 MB]. Neben der neuen Hardware hat [url=]ATI[/url] auch gleich die passende Real-Time Demo zur ATI Radeon X850 Serie veröffentlicht. In dieser 45 Sekunden Demo spielt Ruby, das Gegenstück zu NVIDIAs Dusk & Dawn, die Hauptrolle. "Dangerous Curves" continues the adventures of ATI's. VERY, VERY cool. Runs silky smooth with my X800 PRO. Pluvious. Will an old ATI Radeon HD3470 256mb DP drive a 4K @ 60Hz? Video Cards and Graphics, Nov 27, 2015. How much die space and power budget does double precision take on ATI hardware, Video Cards and Graphics, May 25, 2010. HELP ME RUN ATI RUBY: Double cross on my X800 PRO, Video. Ruby: Dangerous Curves “Dangerous Curves" continues the adventures of ATI's heroine, Ruby. During this 45 second sequence, Ruby has to avoid Optico's automated drones intent on her demise. A high speed motorcycle chase ensues through a gritty tunnel, punctuated by yet another explosive conclusion.Dangerous. 11 септ. 2007. Гледай Ati Ruby: Dangerous Curves, видео качено от gastly88. Vbox7 – твоето любимо място за видео забавление! By Jeff Tom ATI have released a new demo of their Ruby character, entitled "Dangerous Curves" showing off new technology on the Radeon X800 and X850 graphics cards. Here's some info straight from them: "Dangerous Curves" continues the adventures of ATI's heroine, Ruby. During this 45 second. "Dangerous Curves" continues the adventures of ATI's heroine, Ruby. During this 45 second sequence, Ruby has to avoid Optico's automated drones intent on her demise. A high speed motorcycle chase ensues through a gritty tunnel, punctuated by yet another explosive conclusion. Dangerous Curves. ... Mark DeLoura, ed., Game Programming Gems 2, Charles River Media, pp. 452–462, 2001. Cited on p. 187, 222 [402] Ginsburg, Dan, “Ruby: Dangerous Curves," Game Developers Conference, March 2005 Cited on p. 495 [403] Girshick, Ahna, Victoria Interrante, Steve Haker,. SushiDX 2005-04-09 02-26-47-06.jpg 86 Kb, SushiDX 2005-04-09 02-27-13-71.jpg 67 Kb, SushiDX 2005-04-09 02-27-14-40.jpg 68 Kb, SushiDX 2005-04-09 02-27-17-71.jpg 104 Kb, SushiDX 2005-04-09 02-27-51-07.jpg 95 Kb, SushiDX 2005-04-09 02-28-06-43.jpg 128 Kb, SushiDX 2005-04-09 02-28-39-32.jpg 119 Kb For the launch of the ATI Radeon X850 the 3D Application Research group created a demo called Ruby: Dangerous Curves. This demo was a sequel to the first Ruby demo that was created for the launch of the Radeon X800. Dan worked on creating many shaders and effects for the demo including shaders for Ruby's. The Radeon X850 XT and the Radeon XT Platinum Edition replace the Radeon X800 XT and X800 PE cards as ATI's two fastest video cards. ATI also introduced two technology demos at its Radeon X850 series launch event held last night in San Francisco. The Ruby "Dangerous Curves" demo places the. How do i play Ruby "2" on my Geforce 6? Is this possible? P.S.: sorry for my BAD English :behead: Ruby maceralarına hız kesmeden devam ediyor. Bu macerasının adı ise "Dangerous Curves". Bu demo ise Radoen X850 için geliştirilmiş ve bir motosiklet üzerinde maceradan maceraya koşuyor. - Kadın kahraman dendiğinde aklınıza sadece Lara Croft geliyorsa; galerimizden çok şey öğreneceksiniz. (5) Na stronie firmy ATI pojawiło się nowe demo, które ma promować najnowszego Radeona X850. Nazywa się ono Dangerous Curves, bohaterką jest znana już wszystkim Ruby. Wśród technik użytych w demie znajdziemy między innymi real-time motion-blur czy precomputed radiance transfer (PRT). Plik ma. Ruby stars in another ATI's demo. Graphic Cards | Reads from WWW Thu 02 Dec 2004. Following the announcement of ATI Radeon X850, RhinoFX who was the creator of the first Ruby demo "Double Cross", created another video clip called "Dangerous Curves" that maybe included as a demo when the product reach. Es stimmt schon, dass Ruby "gefährliche Kurven" besitzt. Trotzdem geht es in der Techdemo zur Radeon X850 eher um rasanten Spaß. Ruby nimmt Platz auf einem flotten Motorrad und fetzt durch die Landschaft. Link zum Download: ATI Ruby Dangerous Curves Demo. Hig-end replacement of Radeon X800 XT using new core. Zaatharen's card: Sapphire Radeon X850 XTSapphire Radeon X850 XT Sapphire Radeon X850 XTS... Irradiance Volumes for Games. Chris Oat. ATI Research. GDC 2005: Irradiance Volumes for Games. Used in Ruby: Dangerous Curves. > These techniques were used as a drop in replacement for diffuse lighting in the Ruby: Dangerous Curves demo. > At the very least, these techniques could serve as an ambient lighting. 16. Jan. 2005. hallo folgene frage:die ati ruby demo konnte man mit einem patch auch auf 9800 pro karten lauffähig machen(sehr schöne demo und auch ziemlich flüssig) jetzt ist jha der teil 2 der demo serie rausgekommen und ich wollte fragen ob die demo auch auf 9800 pro karten läuft oder ob es noch nicht möglich. She mesmerized so much that most people forgot about Ruby and bought Geforce 6800s. ATI- Ruby: The Doublecross, Dangerous Curves Compared to Nalu, Doublecross tries to do so many things at once that it ends up looking rather silly and lacking. Ruby didn't seem to have a personality back then, the. Digital imagery floods the modern world we live in, and animation, visual effects, and design have made their mark on artists everywhere. At Rhino, we are all about… ATi今天在发布Radeon X850系列、X800XL、X800图形芯片同时,也推出专门为Radeon X850系列打造的实时技术demo,其中1个是Ruby: Dangerous Curves,在这个demo当中,Ruby驾驶摩托在隧道当中逃脱怪物的追杀。Ruby: Dangerous Curves demo使用到实时动态模糊、Glow、预计算辐射转换(PRT)等效果. Det andra demot heter Dangerous Curves (med flera meningar) och är en fortsättning på art_040508_ati_ruby.p...">Ruby-demot och visar bland annat fördelen med Motion Blur. Det är kortare än det tidigare Ruby-demot men grafiken är.
下载: 大小:EXE格式,155MB. X850系列Ruby再现——Dangerous Curves:. X850与X800其实并没有实质性的差别,不过ATI还是为其准备了一个全新的Demo来展示性能上的提高,这个Demo中人气正旺的Ruby再次登场! Dangerous Curves继续展示. Lead Programmer (previously SW Engineer and Senior SW Engineer), ATI/AMD, 3D Application Research Group. (April 2003 – August 2007). • Lead development of new. Radeon X850 demo: “Ruby: Dangerous Curves" – Implemented dynamic cubemap reflections, optimized motion blur, shader programming, engine. interesting comparison between the pre-rendered CG Raven-Robot demo that was used to hype the Xbox (March 2000) and the new realtime ATI X800 Ruby demo. As well as the pre-renderd Ruby CG and the realtime. Nvidia GeForce 2 version of. ATi今天在发布Radeon X850系列、X800XL、X800图形芯片同时,也推出专门为Radeon X850系列打造的实时技术demo,其中1个是Ruby: Dangerous Curves,在这个demo当中,Ruby驾驶摩托在隧道当中逃脱怪物的追杀。Ruby: Dangerous Curves demo使用到实时动态模糊、Glow、预计算辐射转换(PRT)等效果. ATI今天正式发布了最新RADEON X850系列、X800XL和X800显卡,随之而来的是最新的演示DEMO,其中X800系列的美女代言Ruby再次登场,来显示X850最新显卡的强大实力。 美女Ruby骑摩托ATIX850演示DEMO下载. Dangerous Curves这个DEMO中,Ruby骑上摩托车在隧道中飞驰,其中运用了如HDR、PRT. Inoltre ATi ha pubblicato un nuovo demo tecnologico di 45 secondi con la famosa eroina Ruby chiamato "Ruby: Dangerous Curves", il demo funziona anche con le schede grafiche Radeon X800 e potete scaricarlo dalla pagina dedicata ai demo tecnologici del Radeon X850 di ATi a questo indirizzo. Fonte: ATI vient de rendre disponible sur son site web deux nouvelles démonstrations technologiques pour les cartes graphiques équipées de VPU Radeon X800. Cliquer ici pour vous rendre sur la page de « Ruby: Dangerous Curves » et là pour la seconde démonstration technologique réalisée avec l'aide de. Ruby: Dangerous Curves - Effects Breakdown: How'd they do that? Dan Ginsburg (ATI Research) ATI Technology Papers & Presentations (GDC 2005). Deferred Lighting on PS 3.0 with High Dynamic Range. Dean Calver ShaderX3 · 13% off discount. "Latest from a must have series" Game Programming Gems 7 【ati demos】ruby:dangerous curves. 优酷2012-08-12. 【ati demos】ruby:the assassin. 1:43. 【ati demos】ruby:the assassin. 搜狐2012-08-18. amd让游戏画面如电影般真实. 00:23 · amd让游戏画面如电影般真实. 搜狐2013-02-25. ruby 2.0:new radeon tech demo_在线视频观看_土豆网视频ruby. ruby 2.0:new radeon tech demo_. 27. březen 2013. AMD prý opět opráší svou zneuznanou hvězdu Ruby. Schválně, pamatujete na dema Double Cross, Dangerous Curves, Assassin a Whiteout? Ruby v nich dávala atraktivní tvář Radeonům za časů samostatné ATi (mezi Radeonem X800 a HD 2900XT), nicméně i v současnosti ji ještě můžete občas. X850与X800其实并没有实质性的差别,不过ATI还是为其准备了一个全新的Demo来展示性能上的提高,这个Demo中人气正旺的Ruby再次登场! Dangerous Curves继续展示了Ruby的冒险经历,此次的Demo总共只有45秒,Ruby在逃亡过程中遭到了Optico的追杀。高机动性的摩托车在狭窄的隧道内高速疾驶,无数机器人炸弹正在. 48 secATI's Dangerous Curves: ATI has kicked out another demo featuring the lovely ( well, for a. ATI Radeon X850 Demo. Mega CD - Japan. Mega CD 2 - Japan. Sega CD - US. Platform: PC. Platform: Sega CD. Platform: Sega CD. Platform: Sega CD. Video Contained: Ruby - Dangerous Curves. Video Contained: Bios. Video Contained: Bios. Video Contained: Bios. Quick Description: Ruby just barely outruns some. Connecting an Apple 30 inch dual link display device to an ATI Radeon® X1800 series using the interlink dongle, no longer results in only two display mode being available in the Catalyst® Control Center Running either the Ruby Demo Dangerous Curves or Double Cross under Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, with. 2007年8月6日. The ATI Tech Demo for the X850 running under Vista & a 8800 GTX; ▽ 查看更多. 類別: 其他. MetalDestroyer. 發表影片 118; 粉絲 0. 用Veoh查看詳細內容 · 關注. FC2 Live 推薦人氣節目. まちゃん. 新しい春ワンピ♡修学旅行行きたいのでがんばっています. 13 (415)付費. FC2USER247668SLS. 1 (1)付費. 鈴音♪♪. NVIDIAのGDCのセッションのページはこちらです。内容は去年と一昨年の内容に似ています…気のせいでしょうか。ATIのセッションのページはこちらにあります。「Ruby Dangerous Curves」というデモについてのセッションが多かったみたいですね。このデモの実行ファイルビデオがここに置いてあります。 なんとなく興味をもったスライドはこの四つ. ATI graphics demos (ParaKnowYa) Wednesday 01st of December 2004 11:20:39 PM ATI have released two new demos to show off the power of the RX850 chip. Here's the link. Ruby: Dangerous Curves "Dangerous Curves" continues the adventures of ATI's heroine, Ruby. During this 45 second sequence. 3.Radeon® X850 Real-Time Demos. Ruby: Dangerous Curves "Dangerous Curves" continues the adventures of ATI's heroine, Ruby. During this 45 second sequence, Ruby has to avoid Optico's automated drones intent on her. 2007. máj. 14.. Az AMD bábáskodásával sem sikerült tökéletesre az új ATI GPU szülése, de végre itt a Radeon HD 2000 sorozat nyitánya. -- videokártya, nvidia. Ruby a Radeon X800-as szériával debütált, megálmodója és elkészítője a RhinoFX volt. Három évvel. 2004 december – Radeon X850 – Dangerous Curves. ati-radeon-x850-dangerouscurves-demo-v1.0.exe. ATI-X800-DoubleCross-Demo-v1.2.exe. Идут по иерархии возможности запуска. На NV4x запустится все, на NV3x только 2 нижних блока (нижний не проверял, но в интернете говорят, что точно можно). Для того, чтобы счастливые обладатели.
Ruby 2001 - 2013 или эволюция компьютерной графики на примере техно-демки ATI - AMD. Блоги | 123wq | 2 октября 2013 в 00:53 285. В данной заметке я хотел бы проанализировать эволюцию компьютерной графики на примере довольно известной техно-демки от ATI "Ruby". Update: I've just discovered over at Warp2Search that there's a couple of fresh ATI X850 tech demos already out which show off some amazing attention to detail and graphical power. The first is the continuing adventures to Ruby's debut with the X800 line a while back, this one dubbed "Dangerous Curves". New RUBY demo from ATI - Dangerous Curves · ATI Attitude · If you buy Ati - forget the Home Theatre. Monitor or video card problem? X800 Pro VS 6800 GT AA and AF winner is ?? Which card · Vertical yellow bands · Windows & ATI DVD Problem · SCART adaptor 6140002200 · Unable to change Overlay anymore · 9800. ... half ago, ATI and Rhinofx produced “Doublecross," a technical demonstration that was soon followed by “Dangerous Curves," used to illustrate the power of ATI's X800 and X850 cards, respectively. All three episodes feature ATI's Ruby character, a lean, mean, alluring secret agent who doubles as a global-branding icon. Ruby Revue Burlesque and Dangerous Curves Ahead combined forces last night in The Foundation Room at The House of Blues for Burlesque on the Go-Go and... Ati tech demo ruby dangerous curves pc hd. Radeon techdemo ruby dangerous curves 1920x1080. For the launch of the ati radeon x850 the 3d application research group created a demo called ruby dangerous curves. this demo was a sequel to the first. And then, another very high resolution image, available as wallpaper. Dangerous Curves: A Reexamination of Verneuil Synthetic Corundum. By Richard W. Hughes & John I. Koivula. While virtually all gemologists are aware of the curved growth lines and gas bubbles in Verneuil (flame-fusion) synthetic corundum, few are aware of exactly why they occur and how they are. 2 minAMD's beloved icon Ruby returns! Find out more about AMD's Quake Champions bundle. New RUBY demo from ATI - Dangerous Curves forgotten kingdoms: ring ipad, iphone, android. Jules Jordans Dangerous Curves XXX DVDRiP XviD-DivXfacTory. Download from Adult · Stream torrent. Starting‥ You need BitLord! Get it from 6 years, 2.191 GB, 0, 5. ATI Ruby - Double Cross, Dangerous Curves, The Assassin (640x352).avi. Download from Movies · Stream torrent. Starting‥ You need.