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24 Jul 2014 The instrument is a Leica TCS SP8 MP confocal microscope . microscope controller, or by the manual X-Y stage control on the . The manual. X-Y controls can still be used for specimen positioning. If tile scans are to be used, protect the large X-Y stage if necessary (raise the objectives, lower the.
SHORT INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATING Leica SP8 AT CIAN. Version 3.1, September 2015. 1 - Equipment Setup. Fig 1: Basic components of the Leica SP8 microscope. 1: Leica DMI 6000B inverted microscope. 2: Scan head. 3: Anti-vibration table. 4: EL6000 metal halide lamp for WFF. 5: CTR control box for microscope
Short Leica SP8 confocal manual. Make sure the objectives are at their highest position and moved out off the way, because the stage will be initialized again. TURN ON and Start the SP8. ? Start Fluorescence source #1 (Leica light source below the table, shutter button have to be pressed). ? PC Microscope Switch #2,.
27 Apr 2016 Hardware. Turn the green switches (PC Microscope – Scanner Power – Laser Power) on the right side of the desk from left to right on and turn the key in the on position to switch on the microscope. Make sure that the white light laser (WLL) key is in ON position (always leave on). To turn on the STED laser
Leica TCS SP8. Quick Start Guide the LAS AF (Leica Application Suite for Advanced Fluorescence). 11. A message will appear asking whether you want to initialize the stage. Initializing the stage is Option #1: Manual setting of the beam path configuration. 1. Click On to activate the lasers. 2. Adjust the laser intensity.
17 Aug 2017 On the touch screen pad select x,Z,y icon. 7. In the x,Z,y window make sure the red line in the Current Position window is all the way at the bottom. 8. If it is not at the bottom, select the Coarse button. 9. Use the coarse focus knob on the microscope to lower the red line to the bottom. 6. 7. 8
Leica DMI6000 Inverted Microscope – Instruction manual. Leica TCS SP8 X DLS Confocal/Lightsheet. Leica TCS SP8 X DLS Brochure. Leica TCS SP8 X SMD Confocal. Single Molecule Detection (SMD); Forster/Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer measured with Fluorescence Life-time Imaging Microscopy (FRET
Reproduction, adaptation or translation of these programs is prohibited without prior written permission from Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH. This User Manual specifies names of products or services that are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective trademark owners. Rather than including a trademark (TM or.
If you select “yes", make sure there is nothing the stage that will hit the condenser or objectives! Initialization is needed for Tiling and Mark & Find features. Sample eyepiece observation. Two objectives are available on the SP8: a 20X dry objective (NA 0,5) and a 63X immersion-oil lens (NA 1,4). Choose one of each via the
SP8 Sequential Imaging-AppLetter EN, PDF, 1.06 MB. Triggering with TCS-SP8 and DM6000 CFS EN, PDF, 682.05 K. Work More Efficiently In Developmental Biology with Stereo And Confocal Microscopy C.Elegans EN, PDF, 3.62 MB. Work More Efficiently In Developmental Biology with Stereo And Confocal Microscopy