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25 Dec 2015
"The Present" in PDF form is now available for free download at Save it to your computer now, in case the forces of deception remove it from the internet. The PDF is ready to print as is into a perfect book, so feel free to print it out (front and back / double-sided), or help support our cause and have us
A man should look for what is and not for what he thinks should be. Albert Einstein Truth you can check: It is as matter of fact as the ground and as useful as food. It's the kind of truth that can make hate and war as unnecessary as ignorance. Charles Darwin revealed how evolution works, but not what it really means.
It is only a contest to convince a foolish one-sided webmaster who thinks he is the world center of the truth because he refuses to understand any other view. To be simply understandable and "rationally" verifiable so as to easily convince a large majority of the currently present human specimens on the Earth planet at this
The Truth Contest is seeking the answers to the big questions of life, where we come from, where we are going, why we are here, the truth about life and deat
16 May 2013 "The Present". (101 pages). Comments - Translations · Click Here to download the audio files. Download: PDF (Printable, see instructions) ~ Audio Book (Chapter 1 & 2) Mobile: .MOBI (Kindle) or .EPUB (iPhone/iPad). These sections must be read in order to make sense. The Ultimate Truth (1-12), Heaven
17 Apr 2016 The Present.pdf - PDF document download the-present.pdf (PDF 1.4, 702 KB, 5 pages) |
The Present - Universal Truth - The Ultimate Truth - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. The Present There are no exceptions to the laws of nature Newton 3/15 . etc. strongweak.truthcontest. and have more bad times than good times and vice versa.
Full text of "The Ultimate Truth [The Present].pdf (PDFy mirror)". See other formats. The Ultimate Truth in 4 pages. The Present by Michael Smith Last updated: July 16, 2014 First Edition el 08 Table of Contents Chapter 1 - The Ultimate Truth 1 Chapter 2 - Big Picture of Life - The Present 16 Chapter 3