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Project Management: Project problems and how to solve every one (Project Manager Book 2)
by Projectily
Most project books are theory based and talk about methodologies, tools, setting up controls etc etc. THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF BOOK...this is the second volume of a very lighthearted, entertaining set of books that talks about the everyday, practical problems that we encounter during our projects and gives some great ideas that you, as the best project manager in the industry, can either prevent them happening in the first place or resolve whilst they are happening. The best way to describe this book is to give you a cheeky preview...
“The brown stuff’s hit the fan and they’re using me as a human umbrella"
Having to deal with errors is guaranteed in project management. And, with your name at the top of the accountability list, guess who’s most likely to cop for them? That’s right. But there are several ways stop and, more importantly, avoid looking down the blame barrel.
And it wouldn’t be right if we didn’t start with a glib, obvious point, so here it is – don’t make mistakes in the first place. Thought you’d enjoy that one. You’re welcome.
In all seriousness, while the odd faux pas can happen on any project, go in with the intention of doing flawless work. Get into the mind-set that you, < insert name here >, do not make mistakes and are in fact the greatest thing since sliced whatever. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Methods for success include paying extra attention to your team’s work, checking and double-checking everything you do and ensuring you’ve considered all options when making decisions.
Which brings us nicely onto how you should log all decisions made throughout the project – it’s almost like we plan these things, huh? (we don’t). Big ones, small ones, seemingly irrelevant ones – note down anything where a conclusion has been reached in a Decision Log for the duration, including the date, time, location (seriously) and, most importantly, who was involved. Got a paper trail of documents and emails? Great, chuck that in there, too.
As the project progresses, make sure you update it on a regular basis with new decisions and changes to existing ones. Even if something’s overturned or becomes irrelevant, update it – you want as much detail as possible so that, should the finger point at you, you’re covered. People fib, facts don’t.
rank: #8,159
price: $0.99
bound: 29 pages
publisher: Bruce Kamen; 2 edition (April 30, 2017)
lang: English
asin: B0716HH7BX
filesize: 2835 KB
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