Tuesday 25 March 2014 photo 1/2
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Aiden was laying in his bed, he couldn't sleep.
"Why..?" he said out loud and sat up. It was 2 am and he was frustrated.
Aiden moved his blanket and lighted a candle. "I guess I can go for a walk since I can't sleep. I need to clear my head.."
After he had put his clothes on, he went out and went straight to the forest.
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Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:41
Theodor was in the forest training.

Tue 25 Mar 2014 22:42
Aiden saw someone training even if it was dark and he walked to him. "Hey.. What are you doing here now?"

Wed 26 Mar 2014 00:13
Theodor screamd, he got scared and took a sword agains his throwt. "W-who are you? Youy scared me.."

Wed 26 Mar 2014 17:10
Aiden swallowed hard and looked at him, he had his hads up in the air. "E-easy! I'm not going to hurt you.."

Wed 26 Mar 2014 17:17
Theodor takes down his sword making it dispear. "Sorry."

Wed 26 Mar 2014 17:18
"My name is Aiden.." he answered and took his hands down and looked calm.

Wed 26 Mar 2014 17:20
"My name is Theodor. I was just traning..want too get stronger."

Wed 26 Mar 2014 17:42
"Nice to meet you Theodor. Want to get stronger for what?" Aiden asked.

Wed 26 Mar 2014 19:54
"so i can be a good raven for the kingdom..of course." he looks at him.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 01:55
But i think its enagh..i will take a fast batch before going back too my room. How about you, why are you here outside this late?

Fri 28 Mar 2014 16:07
"I can't slepp.. SO I thought a walk might help.. But you are more interesting"

Fri 28 Mar 2014 16:42
Theodor blushes some. "m-maybe you want too take a bath with me? In the lake." he smiles shy.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 17:54
"sounds like plan than." Theodor walks down too the lake and starts too undress himself.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 17:58
Aiden follows theodor and look out over the water, he smiles and undress himself. When he's naked he jumps in the water

Fri 28 Mar 2014 18:16
Theodor gets all naked aswell and walks into the water slow. "brr cold."

Fri 28 Mar 2014 20:49
"still cold brr. My dick feels really small." he holds himself for the cold.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 23:46
W-Was that you tying too flirt?" Theodor cant help too luagh a bit.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 23:49
"hahaha! Not really.. I'm not a jerk.. to strangers," Aiden said and started to swim

Fri 28 Mar 2014 23:52
I dont mind you flirting with me, if you dont want me as a friend, and something more i dont mind trying that out." Theodor swims too him and looks up at him.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 00:52
Aiden caresses his chek ."Have you been with someone before Theodor?"

Sat 29 Mar 2014 01:06
"No..but i'v always wanted that. Beside, makes the day more worth if you could relise yourself..i guess." he blushes some and looks him in the eyes.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 01:10
Aiden places both his hands on Theodor's cheeks and he leans forward so their lips are just one cm from each other. Aiden places his lips together against Theodor's, and they are kissing

Sat 29 Mar 2014 01:18
Theodor gets red on his cheek, before answering the kiss taking his arms around Aidens neck. "mh.."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 01:30
Aiden places one arm around Theodor's back and the other one under his butt, so he can hold him up. Aiden kisses him again, deeper~

Sat 29 Mar 2014 01:32
Theodor opens his mouth a little and caress his tounge agains Aidens. "N-Nh.." Aiden could feel Theodor growing between his legs.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 11:38
Aiden smiles a little and and caress Theodors butt, he started to get hard himself. Aiden tongue kissing him deep and long.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:00
Theodor answering the tounge kiss. He takes down one if his hands too Aidens crotch and starts too tosch Aidens cock.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:40
A-ah..T-think we should get up from the water..?" Theodor starts too jerk Aiden.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:16
Aiden walks to their clothes and laid him down. Aiden caress his body and starts to kiss one of Theodor's nipples~

Sat 29 Mar 2014 19:36
Theodor moan some. "a-ah im sensetive there.." His nipple got hard.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 20:46
"Good.. That makes me want to play some more~" Aiden said and played with Theodor's nipple with his tongue and started to caress his crotch

Sat 29 Mar 2014 22:23
Aiden continues to play and caress. But then he starts to kiss Theodor's stomach, down his belly and then his dick~

Sat 29 Mar 2014 23:05
Aiden teases Theodor, he licks a little on his dick before he starts to suck~

Sun 30 Mar 2014 22:50
"Then cum in my mouth," Aiden says and sucks a bit harder and starts to play with his opening~

Sun 30 Mar 2014 23:10
a-ah!" Theodor cant hold it anymore and cums in Aidens mouth.

Mon 31 Mar 2014 21:02
Aiden smiled and swallows all of it. He licks Theodor's dick clean and wipe his own mouth with the back of hid hand. "Delicious~"

Tue 1 Apr 2014 06:31
Theodor blushes and takes his hands over his face. "thats emeressing.."

Tue 1 Apr 2014 13:47
first time you know.." Theodor tales away his hands. "c-can i give you a blowjob too?"

Tue 1 Apr 2014 16:45
Theodor nods and sits up. He gives Aiden a soft kiss and takes his arm around his neck.

Tue 1 Apr 2014 16:47
Aiden answers the kiss and caress Theodor's back. "Then you are welcome to do it"

Tue 1 Apr 2014 16:55
Theodor looks down on Aidens cock and blushes. "your so big.."

Tue 1 Apr 2014 17:20
Y-Yeah maybe.." Theodor starts too jerk him a little before licking the cock's head.

Tue 1 Apr 2014 18:01
Theodor licks down and slowly takes in Aidens cock in his mouth.

Tue 1 Apr 2014 19:53
T: Mhhh.." he sucks in the tip some vefore taking in more.

Wed 2 Apr 2014 13:03
Theodor sucks a bit harder and moves his tounge around the tip.

Wed 2 Apr 2014 22:08
Theodor stoped and looks up. "l-lets make all the wY.."

Thu 3 Apr 2014 21:55
"Age doesn't matter," Aiden said and smiled. "Okey then.. On all four~"

Thu 3 Apr 2014 22:33
Theodor blushed and got on his four. He had a lovly butt

Sat 5 Apr 2014 11:43
Aiden caressed his butt and put one finger in, he moves it to prepare Theodor for his dick~

Mon 7 Apr 2014 11:15
Aiden moves his finger and then adds a second, he moves them. After a while removes them and places his tip against his entrance. "Ready?"

Thu 10 Apr 2014 22:21
Aiden went his way in slowly, and when his whole dick was inside he stopped so Theodor could get used to it

Thu 10 Apr 2014 23:32
"y-yeah..ah.." he is still relaxed and he dident feel much pain now when he is used.

Fri 11 Apr 2014 15:42
"oh god...!" theodor cant keep the moans inside and moan high but soft. "a-ah!"

Fri 11 Apr 2014 19:17
Aiden smiles, he got even hornies when he heard Theodor's moan. "Ah, it feels so nice!"

Fri 11 Apr 2014 20:12
His opening is tight around Aidens cock. "f-feel..nh! good..for me a-ah too..nah!"

Fri 11 Apr 2014 20:56
Theodor drar lite i gräset. "A-Ah your so big i cant take it...nh!~" han biter sig på underläppen och saliv rinner ner från mungipan.

Sat 12 Apr 2014 02:16
"a-ah!~" Theodor moans higher. He stands with his legs more spread. "y-you can be rougher..ah.."

Mon 21 Apr 2014 22:14
Theodor pulls the grass. "nhg im cuming...!" he moans out load and cums alot.

Tue 22 Apr 2014 21:09
a-ah! u-use me as you want..~" he breathes have and his legs shivers.

Wed 23 Apr 2014 16:58
n-nh!" Theodor blushes more when he says that. "a-and your so big ngh!"

Wed 23 Apr 2014 19:37
Aiden moves deeper against his sweetspot.. " ah~ I'm gonna cum soon~"

Thu 24 Apr 2014 11:07
Aiden moves deeper and moans. "Ah!~" He cames hard inside him and a lot~

Thu 24 Apr 2014 16:16
Theodor feel him filling him inside. "AH!" he cums himself, second time. "Aaah i..i can feel...it..ahh!"

Thu 24 Apr 2014 17:48
Theodor falls on his stomack and breathes deep. "T-That was wonderful.."

Thu 24 Apr 2014 20:19
Theodor. "i need too was myself..i do it tomorrow, can we sleep, im tired.." he jawns.
キティD.ハッター .
Tue 25 Mar 2014 11:50
A white wolf was laying in the grass, it had red markings in the furr. it was completly still and was breathing slow. when it heard footsteps it moved its ears some.

Tue 25 Mar 2014 22:43
Aiden walked around in the dark, thinking.. Suddenly he saw the wolf and watched it from a distance.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 25 Mar 2014 23:04
The wolf seemed to be hurt, despite the red.markings in its furr it had a bleeding wound over its side.

Wed 26 Mar 2014 17:11
After Aiden had watched the wolf awhile he walked slowly towards it. "Hey...'"

Wed 26 Mar 2014 21:33
Aiden placed the wolfs head in his lap. "I really don't know what I should do.."

Wed 26 Mar 2014 21:45
"I don't know ehere to go.. Try to guide me.. Be strong.." Aiden said and lifted the wolf up

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 26 Mar 2014 22:01
"....L..luna..." the wolf said and then barked.
Minami walked out and saw KLuna "W...what happened..?" take her inside, please!" she said and looked at Aiden
Minami walked out and saw KLuna "W...what happened..?" take her inside, please!" she said and looked at Aiden

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 10:32
Minami walked to Luna and started to heal her.
Luna turned into a human but she was still unconsious.
"Thank you for bringing her here" Minami said softly "You saved her life"
Luna turned into a human but she was still unconsious.
"Thank you for bringing her here" Minami said softly "You saved her life"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 10:50
Minami smiled "Im Minami, the royal healer. And the one you helped is Luna, she is a member of the Wolf guild"

Thu 27 Mar 2014 11:19
"Ah.. I see... It's nice to meet you two, even if I'd rather meet you under better circumstances. My name is Aiden.."

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 16:22
(its aiden dear.. not Evander.. xD )
She smiled "Ive lived here since i was a small Child so i see new faces.." she said
She smiled "Ive lived here since i was a small Child so i see new faces.." she said

Thu 27 Mar 2014 19:03
(Haha omg.. Förvirrad!)
Aiden nodded. "I see. I hope I will be able to stay here."
Aiden nodded. "I see. I hope I will be able to stay here."

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 19:08
"Why wouldntyou be able to?" she asked and looked at him "There have been much that happened, they castle is destroyed ad so but its still a good city"

Thu 27 Mar 2014 19:19
"Well.. I don't want to to be alone.. So if I won't get any friends or so, I'll walk away," Aiden say softly

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 19:24
"Well, im here, Aiden. And luna too, she wil be really thakful for you helping her."

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 20:08
"She will" minami said nd smiled "o you want something by the wa? and do you have somewhere to sleep?"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 21:00
(omg what the fuck hppebned with thetexr xDD )
"Do you want something to drink or so? and do you have somewhere to slep and so?"
"Do you want something to drink or so? and do you have somewhere to slep and so?"

Thu 27 Mar 2014 21:23
"Water, please," Aiden said with a kind smile. "I live 6 km from here, so I guess"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 22:09
Minami took Aiden to the kitchen, she gave him a glass of vater. she smiled "Alright.. why not in the city?"

Thu 27 Mar 2014 22:22
Aiden took the glass. "Thank you," he said and drank everythig. "Well.. I huess I'm a maverick (? ensamvarg) and I don't have so mny frieds.." he shrugged

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 22:34
"My brother is a former Royal guard and he is alittle of a lone wolf to"

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 28 Mar 2014 17:14
She smiled " His name is Alynore~ He is together with a boy names Simon, from the bearclan"

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 28 Mar 2014 20:12
Minami smiled and checked on Luna.
Alynore walked into the house and saw Aiden, he raised his eyebrow
Alynore walked into the house and saw Aiden, he raised his eyebrow

Fri 28 Mar 2014 20:36
"H-hello.. My name is Aiden," he said and out his hand out so the other one could shake it

Fri 28 Mar 2014 23:35
"Uhm.. I found the wolf.. I mean Luna.. and she didn't feel too good.. She's lying here," Aiden said ans showed him

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 28 Mar 2014 23:41
Alynore looks at Luna "Oh..." henlooked at Aiden "well. thank you for the help."

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 28 Mar 2014 23:54
"Thats far.. especially at the night. You can stay here for the night if you want"

Sat 29 Mar 2014 00:51
"Really? That would be great. Thanks!" Aiden sad with a smile on his lips

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 29 Mar 2014 12:21
He nodded "No problem. Come here. "he said and walked to one of the guestrooms. "Its not so big or so but its still a place to sleep." he said

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 29 Mar 2014 22:33
Alynore Went to his room and sighd.
Minami was taking care of luna
Minami was taking care of luna

Thu 3 Apr 2014 19:20
"As far as I know I'm in my twenties," Aiden says and sigh. "How old are you?"

Sat 5 Apr 2014 11:45
Aiden nodded as a respond to his age. "No. I got a memory loss a few weeks ago. I don't even remember how it happened"

Mon 7 Apr 2014 11:14
Aiden nodded. "Yeah.. But I guess it gives me a chance to be a better person"

Thu 10 Apr 2014 22:22
"I guess.." Aiden looked at him. "So.. How long have you been here?"
Tue 25 Mar 2014 10:11
Something that looked like a white furr ball hopped around a medow in the forrest, chasing fire flies... It wasn't much bigger then that it would be able to fit in a grown mans hands.

Tue 25 Mar 2014 11:07
Aiden saw something white moving around and got curious so we walk towards it, and watched it play, or what the white little fella was doing.

Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:02
At a closer look it was a small kitzune that was running around it couldn't have been told at all.... And it didn't seem to have noticed him yet.

Tue 25 Mar 2014 22:44
Aiden smiled and enjoyed the white fella. So he decided to sit down in the grass and just watch it.

Wed 26 Mar 2014 13:03
The kizune didn't notice him untill it caught one of the flies but then it turned fast and looked at him, a blue shimmer showed around it and it seemed very much on it's guard.

Wed 26 Mar 2014 17:13
"Hello there," Aiden said with a soft calm voice. "You did pretty nice there."

Wed 26 Mar 2014 23:44
"W-who are you?" it said very suspiciously and the furr bristled and as it did the blue shimmer seemed to take form of flames.

Thu 27 Mar 2014 10:07
Aiden took distance from it, and held up his hands. "My name is Aiden. I'm not going to do anything to you."

Thu 27 Mar 2014 10:53
The flames lowerd to a shimmer once more and it tilted his head "That's just a name..."

Thu 27 Mar 2014 11:17
"I know.. But I don't really know what to tell you. I'm not good that this. Talk about myself I mean.." Aiden said and lowered his hands. He wanted to show that he wasn't going to hurt the little one so he sat down in the grass.

Thu 27 Mar 2014 11:57
"It's not hard, you know yourself ne?" he asked and tilted his head a bit, seeming less threathend now.

Thu 27 Mar 2014 16:13
"Actually.... I got a memory loss a few weeks ago. I don't even remember how it happened. I'm human and that's pretty much everything I know," Evander said and sighed.
(Förlåt om det är dåliga svar. Har inte kommit på allt om honom än ._.)
(Förlåt om det är dåliga svar. Har inte kommit på allt om honom än ._.)

Thu 27 Mar 2014 22:52
"O-oh... So you could acutally be evil?" he asked and stroked his ears back before turning into a small boy, looking to be around the ange of 10-11.
(heh it's okey ^^")
(heh it's okey ^^")

Fri 28 Mar 2014 16:12
"I guess.. But as far as I know I'm not evil at all," Aiden starts and he looks sad. He's looking pretty relaxed in a way but at the same time nervous. "Don't call for help.. Please.."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 01:31
"But you don't even know yourself you said..." he stated and watched him a bit insecure, he still had his furry ears and two tails left but the ears became close to invisible as he stroked them back even more "I won't prommise."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 11:36
"But I also said it was ha few weeks ago I lost my memory. And because of that I moved here. To start over," Aiden said and looked down on his hands he had in his lap. "I left everyone I might have had. I don't even know if I was a loner.."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 15:18
Runt tilted his head as he speaks "Why did you leave? And... Why did you loose your memory?" he seems more curious now.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 17:57
"I left just in case I've hurt someone or done someyhing. I hope I didn't do anything wrong so people started to hate me," Aiden says and sigh. "And.. I don't know why or how I lost my memory. I'm trying to focus on being a good person."

Sun 30 Mar 2014 00:45
The boy looked very suspicious for a while to then start smiling at him "Well if you do try it should go well with time, ne~?"

Mon 31 Mar 2014 21:08
Aiden nods and smiles carefully. "I hope so. I think everyone need at least one friend. So I hope I will make one," he said and chuckles.

Tue 1 Apr 2014 15:58
"Hai~ Friends are the best~ My fam..." he stopped himself and his ears dropped at once and he went from happy to looking like an abandoned puppy.

Tue 1 Apr 2014 16:42
"N-nothing..." he said quietly and his voice shiverd slight. The small boy looked away and seemed to instingtivly back off.

Tue 1 Apr 2014 16:54
"Hey.." Aiden reaches out his hand towards him. "Don't say nothing. Obviously there is something that is wrong," he said and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

Tue 1 Apr 2014 16:57
The boy flinched back and growled as blue fire started bursted out from him... But he was mearly freaked out.

Tue 1 Apr 2014 17:11
Aiden removed his hand quickly. "I'm sorry.. But you don't have to be so reserved."

Tue 1 Apr 2014 22:56
He whimperd low and backed off more "I.. I don't want to talk more with you...." he said and was obviously shook up, he didn't seem to notice turning back to the kizune form as he started to back away.

Wed 2 Apr 2014 22:00
Aiden looked sad but understood, he didn't want to be disrespectful. "I hope we can talk some other time."

Fri 4 Apr 2014 00:33
He strokes his ears back insecure "M-maybe.. I-if you keep being nice."

Sat 5 Apr 2014 11:46
"I don't want to hurt you at all.. I'll be nice, I promise," Aiden responded and looked at him.

Sat 5 Apr 2014 20:50
Runt keeps backing away "She said that too..." he said before dashing away.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 11:13
"Who said.. .that? And I'm not her.. I don't even know who it is.." Aiden said, hw looked worried.
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