June 2006
After university examination and work, I am finally on my way home to visit Germany, my parents and my friends. Per follows me to the airport, he is coming after one week later.
Nach meinem test and
I slept over the night at Sybilles place, she picked me up in the middle of the night (airplane to late) and host me very nicely. She visited me some days before and we met on hospitalityclub.org
The trainstation in Hannover from where I continiued my journey.
Der Hauptbahnhof in Hannover, von wo aus die Fahrt weiter ging.
At this very boring trainstation (Kassel Wilhelmshöhe) i had to wait 2 hours, because me train there was to late and i missed the fast train to Erfurt.
Auf diesem langweiligen bahnhof (Kassel Wilhel
Erfurt main trainstation. I extra chosed the way over Erfurt because I planed to meet my friend Sascha, who could be free after lunch for me. When I finally arrived in Erfurt, was he already on his wa
So i contiuned again and finally arrived in the evening in the middle of nowhere of Thueringen at my friend's (Nadine) place. She had a prewedding party and halv the village was there, because I didn'
I hurted my fot so it was a very turbulent way home, my mother brought me to th emergency doctor and i had to cool my foot, i practically could walk for some days.But at home waited for example my bro
Cindy - I / Ich
My fot feld finally better and I met my friends, we went to drink something together to Zwickau and looked even at the match Germany - Poland.
Meinem Fuss gings dann endlich wieder b
Not the best picture ever.. but whatch the girls. Katrja, Cindy, Conny
Nicht das beste Bild, aber schau dir die Mädels an!
Katja is the crazy fotball fan and happy that we arrived at the place in time.
Katja is der grosse Fussball Fan und froh, dass wir rechtzeitig ankamen.
In a nice and new mexican restaurant in Zwickau, of course with Tv to whatch the second half time.
In nem neuen chicen mexikanischen restaurant in Zwickau. Na klar mit fernsehen fuer die zweite Halbz
I went all the way to Berlin by train to pick up my happy boyfriend (Per), who managed to fly alone there. He looks proud and happy ;O)
Ich bin den ganzen Weg nach Berlin mit dem Zug um meinen Freund
At the airport Per had to try Currywurst, typically Berlin before we went to Dresden.
Am Flughafen musste per erstmal Currywurst probieren bevor es auf nach Dresden ging.
Per succeeded to take the picture of the incoming train (it was really fast).
Per hat ein Bild vom einfahrenen Zug gemacht. Glueck gehabt.
I love this house (it's a whole complex which looks so creative, very close where i lived before)
Ich lieb dieses Haus, der Kunsthof ist ein ganzer Komplex und ist um die Ecke von wo ich gewohnt hatt
It was Per's first time in Germay, so he was impressed/ wondering about many things. This is one laundrette, who collects the lost socks.
Da es Per's erstes Mal in dtl. war, haben ihn viele Dinge bee