August 2012
Som ni märkt så lyckades inte jag särskillt bra med 30 days drawing challenge Jag hade inte räknat med det faktum att det var Närcon den månaden så saker sket sig ganska rejält mot slutet. Ko
She could feel a sharp pain shoot through her arm. She was confused. She could not remeber ever getting hurt. As she opened her eyes she was filled with more confusion. This wasn't her room
The patient opened her eyes, looking straight up towards the ceiling. She waited for a while, breathing slowly, before she parted her lips to speak "Someone is here"
"There is someone else here" The patient turned to his side. "There's someone else here," he repeated louder as he started crawling towards the exit of his room. "There's someone else here!" The crawl
"How dare you violate our home?!" The patient was angry. Furious. "I...I don't...I never.." "This is our home! You have no right to be here!" The patient started at her. She was shivering and could no
She was starting to find it hard to breath, she couldn't run longer than this. She needed to stop and catch her breath again. She stopped and panicly looked around for a hiding spot. "Please open, ple
The patient stopped. She looked around with a faint smile. As she tugged her bandaids, covering her bleeding, ruined eyes, she whispered. "I can hear you"
She pressed her body harder against the wall. The patients footsteps seemed to almost echo as she walked around in the room. "Where did you go?" Please go away. Don't look under the bed. Go away. Go a
The patient stopped. She could see her feet standing right in front of the bed. No no no no no please don't. She closed her eyes tightly. This is just a dream, I will wake up in my own bed and everyth
The patient sat calmly at the edge of the window ,leaning her head against the bars that kept them unable to escape through the windows. "Humans really are.." She closed her eyes and listened to the s
She looked at the patient who stood at the other side of the room. She backed a few steps before noticing something in the patients hand. A key. "Looking for this?" " that?" The patient smailed
"What's wrong dear?" She panicly tried to fit the key to the keywhole. "The...the" The patient sat on a bench behind her. "They key doesn't fit?" She looked at the patient sitting behind her,
Pain shot through her body. She couldn't focus on anything anymore. All she could feel was the pain shooting through her vains as her world slowly turned red
Helt otroligt asså! Men igår uppdaterade jag faktiskt min webcomic Finns att läsa här:
Skaffade precis BCManga v 2.0 a.k.a Upptäckte att alla verkade flumma sönder i chatten och tänkte att jamen det här ska bli kul, massa flumm folk att ha roligt med. Plötsligt s
Imorgon drar jag till Bro och stannar där i en vecka, tjolahej! Kanske snor datorn och lägger upp någe lite då och då, vi får se.
Kom in på chatten till bcmanga v 2.0 igen och det första man får är världens ursäkt från admin som avstängde mig igår. En ursäkt är ju allt man kan begära i dessa situationer så det var
JAG ÄR HEMMA IGEN!! Efter 7 dagar och nÃ¥n enstaka timme pÃ¥ morgonen Ã¥kte man hem frÃ¥n bro's ställe för att Ã¥terförenas med ett tomt hus. Satt väl mest vid datan/olika datorer för att vi Ã
Imorgon börjar skolan igen Uhg, vill inteee Vad har man för mål med året dådå? -Ta mer plats- Jag har hittills inte tagit särskilt mycket plats i klassen/lektionerna utan undviki