November 2008
and we were sixteen at the time nothing could ever change our minds we were one step below invincible there are things I should be doing, but I'm not.
I always thought (and still do) that the film was disappointing after this. He's just not the same when he's not the Beast. :/ (I'm listening to the soundtrack, which I've never heard in English
Ja, det är väl dags att börja skriva min Personal Statement nu. Det enda är att allt låter så väldigt cheesy, vilket iofs är meningen med övningen. Men &
WOHOO! I HAVE FOUND DISC SIX! It only took me over a year. But it was in the Crash (not the '96 version, the other one) box so how I was I supposed to find it? I don't like that film.
I posted this back in May, but damnit it will never not be funny! Jim Beaver <33 (& I wish there was more of Bobby in Supernatural. Stupid Harper's Island. D:) illustrates my thoughts on that part of 'Beauty and the Beast' to a T. <3
DIG: 1. Hur lång är du? 5'7" typ 2. Vad vill du bli när du blir stor? Smartare 3. Vad pluggar du? International Baccalaureate - låter häftigare än vad det är. 5. V
Actor who doesn't know what crazy ass shit fandom he's stepped into. Olol. <3 But he does seem ridiculously optimistic about the whole thing: "No, I've never been involved with a project that had *facepalm* Fandom is batshit crazy. Poor, poor Misha.
Jag är trött. Blah. Borde kanske börja på min WLit som jag har pratat om att göra i flera veckor nu?
Kane - Something's Gotta Give Busted hands and broken land And black gold turned to sand And the whiskey's the only well that's running deep Yeah the dust devils dancin' on the mesa again At the mercy