Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
Sorry, men Dis/Connected > Skins. (Mest för att Ben >>>>> Tony i skitstövel kategorin.)
TOK CAN GO DIAF. :( "The knowledge that we value themost is the knowledge for which we can provide the strongest justifications." To what extend would you agree with this claim?
Tokuppsatsen är klar! 1594 ord. Though, really, I don't think it was such a horrible experience.
"Kim All the quotes and facts and ideas about Rosa are fine. I'm just not entirely sure where your going in terms of the question to be answered." World Lit in my heart. <3 (Oh, and I loved the "
Seeeeeeeriously? What the fuck, 26%? WHAT THE FUCK?
A very merry Un-Birthday to you!
I'm listening to Ben Folds' version of Such Great Heights and am totally typing away at my whatamidoingdraft.docx (aka. World Lit 2 - 2nd draft) and not joining anti-Twilight groups on Facebook and de
Jag kan knappast säga att jag har gjort väldigt mycket den här helgen. Förutom att ha sett det senaste Merlin avsnittet och hela säsong två av Skins. Men vafan, j
Yay. (So what if I get ridiculously excited when I've reserved a book and I finally get to pick it up?)
Lite så. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKlxjbhB9HE
Tobias gjorde den, så varför inte? 1. Sätt iTunes på att slumpa låt. 2. Skriv första raden på dom 10 första låtarna som kommer upp. 3. Se vem som f&o
Kan vi inte bara vrida tillbaka till februari?
Merlin gets a second season! :D (I'm far more excited about this than I was about my English IOP going well.)
re: New Moon. I loled. Poor Taylor, but this is what I was saying from the start. Tiny!Taylor could never be New Moon!Jacob.
That's not really what I want to watch. I mean Elly's great, but eh... :/ Needs more Sid & Cassie. http://www.skinsnation.co.uk/
Okay, okay. This: http://www.shocktillyoudrop.com/news/topnews.php?id=8835? Is completely nuts. Out of this world nuts. It's not Freddy cracking jokes. We want to make a horrifying movie. Uhm, WHAT?
Because it's at least six hours until I can get my hands on the last episode of Merlin, I've been rewatching Black Books. Fran: Come on, Bernard, you'd be crazy to let him go. You could use somebody
Show is over for this season. :( Still, five+ hours of epic babbling with other fans = awesome.
(Random bild, men whatevs.) GOD YOU PEOPLE SUCK. Answers to Tueday's meme: 1. Company - always on the run Bad Company - Bad Company(No, really.) 2. If I could stick my pen in my heart It's Only Ro
(I believe this is one of their wedding photos? IDK, it looks gorgeous though.) Marilyn Manson - (s)Aint I don't care if your world is ending today Because I wasn't invited to it anyway You said I ta
I'm bored and tired and not feeling very happy after today being rather eventful and very stressful. Should be studying for my Math test tomorrow. Which I will be, as soon as I move to the kitchen ta
I want this show back already! :(
Also: Kim says: Only gay for Leo then?Tommy says: im straight (excluding leo, gackt, and some others)Kim says: So mostly straight?Tommy says: 100% Kind of almost less than three. (Edit: First few com
Jaja, man får väl hoppas på att alla har haft en trevlig jul. Men nu gäller det väl att se fram emot nyår?